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Shotgun Season in Iowa this weekend.
IowaDeerHunter replied to Rick Smith's topic in The Realtree Pro Staff Room
Good Luck to everyone! -
Ya that is the hard part about trying to find what they are worth...
PM sent hunterbobb
We have a nice gun we are looking to sell since we just dont use it....it has never killed anything. It is a Remington Model 7400 semi-auto .243 rifle. Anybody know what it is worth? It is in great condition....I have found only a couple that sold on the internet. Anybody want to buy it?
I have heard everyone saying that the deer numbers are way down. Then again I think that the deer harvest itself is down this year (I think). Tim where you are hunting is just east of me....I think most of the corn is out, there are a few big fields in yet, but not much (around us anyway). Last year most of the movement or gun 1 seemed to be at 8 and 9 in the morning. The young people would be cold so we would go back to the cabin early and around 9 here would come the big boy out with his does just walking around.....hopefully they do the same thing this year.
Tim, thinks were hot during the normal Rut part of November....then slowed up until Thanksgiving day. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday the bucks were really starting to move again. Last year they were still seeking out the does a little during opening day of gun season.
Brand new Cuddeback Capture, unopened package....regular flash model. $175TYD
I got one....thanks to wtnhunt! Much appreciated!
Anyone out there have one they don't plan on using? I am wanting to get a .204 encore barrel and usually we get a coupon this time of year but haven't lately. Send me a PM....I would appreciate it! Thanks!
I am looking for a TC encore or prohunter barrel in the .204 or .223 caliber. Blued or SS, obviously something in good condition....PM me with a price.
Ah Dakota I gotta get this baby tanned. I wanted a full body mount but I don't have that much money. lol. I am sending it to a place in Duluth, MN that tans furs for garments, so it will be nice and soft.
This bobcat was shot off our farm last weekend....19.5 pound female. It was roughly #60 out of the 200 limit allowed in special area of Iowa.
We have seen him again twice....I cant wait till deer season is over...I am getting revenge.
Team #21-We Don't Need No Stinkin' Name
IowaDeerHunter replied to texastrophies's topic in Announcements & Online Contests
Way to go man! I will be getting my buck entered soon guys.....just so busy here between hunting and college. -
This is going to get long and sorry to those that have seen the pics before but this is his grand finale! FALL 2006 This buck popped up as a 2.5 yr old and we snapped a handful of trail camera pictures of him. In Dec. of 2005 we had an encounter with him during Late Muzzleloader season and the name of "Wacky Rack" came about due to the way this brow tines and G2s sat...something just wasn't typical about the bucks rack. SPRING 2007 While shed hunting over spring break, we stumbled on his right side shed. We were pretty excited to see the real size of this young buck! FALL 2007 Again he didn't show up until late summer in velvet. He had really grown up and we got numerous velvet but only one hardhorn picture of him all season. Again I had a distant encounter with him during the Late Muzzy season. FALL 2008 We weren't sure if the buck had made it through last season but he magically reappeared on a scrape in September. This year he was 4.5 yrs old and was looking very very nice! We had no encounters, pictures, or sign of him during the entire hunting season until December. This is the buck I missed opening morning of Iowa 1st Shotgun season at 150yds. A bittersweet moment but exciting to see a buck of this size. The day after I missed "Wacky" our neighbor also missed him 3 times at 50yds with his shotgun. The buck showed up A LOT during the Late Muzzleloader season on our land but never offered another shot. SUMMER 2009 Going into the fall "Wacky" was THE deer we wanted a chance at. We noticed a bean field on the neighbors land and put a trail cam on a trail leading to it...apparently "Wacky" liked to eat his soybeans all summer. The night we checked this trail camera was very exciting, I remember not going to sleep until 3am thinking about this deer! FALL 2009 After a few years of learning the habits of "Ole Wacky" we had a good idea where to expect to find him this fall. We did not plan on having a chance at him during the rut and bow season. So in prep. for the Late Muzzleloader season we built what we now call the "Bunker Blind" right in "Wacky's" home core area...the exact same setup Russ missed him the season before. We hung a trail cam on a cattle trail 20yds infront of "Bunker Blind" to see what deer were crossing here during the rut. To our suprise on Oct. 30th "Wacky" was out and about right at last shooting light! The following 15days of the rut you would never have guessed "Wacky" was a 5.5 yr old animal...he showed himself in daylight and walked around like he was a young buck again! On the morning of November 6th I was hunting and my brother was filming in an area we really didn't expect to see Wacky. With the winds switching we decided to move stands (around 9:00am) to a set that was 70yds away on the other side of the timbered funnel. Just as my brother put the camera in the case, strapped it around his waist, I tied up my bow, and handed it to my brother...we catch movement. It is "Wacky" and he's coming on a trail to us FAST. In world record time we got the camera out, setup, bow untied, and arrow knocked. Wacky walked on a trail 45yds away and I stopped him 3 times but no clear shot was offered so I had to let the bow down and watch as "Wacky" raked a tree 50yds away. We thought this was our one lucky day and we'd never lay eyes on him again...we were way off! ...stopped the first time... ...stopped the second time... On Wednesday November 11th my brother was now hunting and I was filming, we were hunting the same funnel that we had the previous encounter with Wacky but this time in the other stand he walked by the time before. When we can we like to setup hunters in both stands so we have both sides of this funnel covered. On this morning dad decided to sleep in, harvest was wearing down on him and getting up at 4:15 am and sitting in a treestand just didn't sound appealing. Wouldn't you know it, 8:30am "Wacky" walks 70yds away from us and right under the stand dad was supposed to be sitting in! While harvesting and hauling grain on Saturday November 14th dad and the other famers seen "Wacky" cross the road at 3:00pm from our farm to the neighbors land. We knew that he had just left his home area and once harvest stopped at dusk he would be returning at night. The game plan was to hunt the morning and setup in the two locations he's been seen in daylight the most. We would go to the funnel we've had the previous too encounters on film with him and dad would go to the "Bunker Blind". A little side note on the season up to now. Dad hadn't had much time to hunt due to harvest running late. He had a close encounter on film with a decent 8pt but we elected to pass thinking we could find something a bit better. This brings us to the morning of November 15th...dad is sitting on the ground NEXT to the "Bunker Blind" because it isn't possible to shoot a bow out of the blind. He had 2 does at 10yds early in the morning but nothing else. A bit before 9:00am he decided to do an aggresive rattling sequence as a last ditch effort before getting out to continue harvesting. He said about 15 minutes later he notices a big buck very close to his left. He lets the deer get past him a bit, draws, bleats/stops the buck broadside at 20yds, and shoots. He knew the hit was way back and glassed the deer as it ran off to a hill top in the pasture. Blood was coming out both sides and the deer appeared to stagger a bit. He let us know he shot a big buck, he wasn't sure exactly what deer but knew when he saw it walking in it was big and wouldn't have any ground shrinkage when recovered! We met him at the cabin and to no surpise there was guts on the arrow but also very decent blood...which seems odd for a pure gut shot animal...maybe he hit an artery we were thinking? Another thought of ours was he is shooting 60lbs and Rage broadheads. He got a full pass through so our initial thoughts were he hit back far enough that he didn't touch a single rib. We decided to go check out the blood spot in an area dad marked that the buck had stoof for a while. Upon looking at the small puddle of blood we were left with mixed feelings. We thought if he'd hit an artery there'd be more blood at the spot? We had let the buck sit 5 hours and decided to work slowly through the timber glassing to see if we could spot him bedded. Either he was dead, or we'd have to put another shot into him..unfortunately we didn't have much time today or tomorrow to let the buck sit...our options were limited. Dad sat on a hill top watching for any deer exciting the patch of timber he ran into as we slowly did a grid search. Nearly 3/4 the way though I gave a very exicted shout! Both of us sprinted through the timber like deer being chased...I even hurdle jumped a barb wire fence to get to the buck! Turned out the buck hadn't gone another 100yds from where we stopped and examined the blood puddle from before. Dad had hit an artery in the buck apparently and now the celebration, picture taking, phone calling, etc. began!
Team #21-We Don't Need No Stinkin' Name
IowaDeerHunter replied to texastrophies's topic in Announcements & Online Contests
......Nice work Chris! -
Not sure, we never weighed him.
We got up Friday morning and hit a stand in hopes of shooting a deer we call T-rex. It was 9:30AM and the wind was switching so we decided to get down and move to the stand at the bottom of the timber, only 70 yards away. My brother had just put the camera away and was holding my bow to lower it to me, when he looks up and says 'big buck coming'. I look up and 60 yards away is a HUGE rack coming right for us. I instantly knew it was the 5.5 year old giant we had been after....we did not expect this to happen. He is walking 40-45 yards away. I stopped him 3 times but each time he stopped behind some brush, so I never got a shot. He started to trash a tree a 55 yards and eventually made his way away from us. This takes us into Sunday morning....Well this morning we decided to sit in the spot where Jordan and I had the encounter Friday night with Wacky Rack. This time dad would be cover the top side, and we would be only 70 yards right below him covering the bottom. If anything wanted to walk through the timber it was going to have to go by one of us, presenting at the furthest a 20 or 30 yard shot. The sun was rising and we seen some bucks chasing does way off in the pasture. One was a GREAT 2.5 year 10 point that is going to be the future 'Wacky' of the farm. Little later a buck came out close by us, headed down to the creek and eventually came back up to us and walked through the timber 60 yards away. At 8:30 I spotted what looked like a nice deer on the hillside coming to us, just liked we had planned when we hung these stands. I quickly binoed him and before I could even focus in on him, I knew it was T-rex....the brows were a dead give away! I wasn't sure if he would come right to us, or go up the hill like the other little buck, so I grunted a couple times. At the same time I seen dad was on his phone, so I got his attention, signaling a nice buck was coming. I grabbed my bow as he was making his way down the fenceline....right for us. He got to about 40 yards and started to angle in the timber. I wasn't sure if he was going to just continue up the hill or cross our path at 25 yards. I could feel the wind on the back of my neck as it swirled and was blowing right in his direction. I decided that I should take him at my first possible opportunity. He was thirty yards, broadside, so I bleated but he did not stop. I waited till he got to my next lane and bleated, he didn't stop, so right away I pretty much yelled at him and he whipped his head up....that got his attention. He was thirty yards, slightly, slightly, quartering away. This was perfect. I let the arrow fly and was severely disappointed when I seen it hit back in the liver. I knew it would eventually be a lethal shot, but still after all the practice and knowing I can nail that shot anyday, I was disappointed to not nail this buck. So he ran up the hill and happened to run and stop 20 yards from dad. Dad seen that my shot was a little back so instead of risking things he made the choice to put another arrow in him just for assurance. I would have done the same thing if I was in his place as you just as well instead of taking the chance of possibly not finding the buck. So dad got a second arrow in him. This time the buck ran thirty yards....stopped and stood for about 5 minutes....and then laid down and died. After getting down and checking things out, my arrow exited a little ahead of the entrance and was covered in blood as it went through the liver....a rage through the liver and the deer wouldn't have lasted long. He was bleeding really good after that shot and then had no chance after dad's shot. After checking him out we are sure he is at least 4.5 years old and definetly needed taken out as he did not grow from last year to this year. He had broken off his right main beam within the past couple days, and has a scar on top of his head, neck, and in his tear duct.....he was a tough deer and tough fighter that's for sure. With a neck like that I am sure he was pushing many deer around and out of the area. We also have many trail cam pics of him, and have had a couple distant encounters this year and last year. T-rex was high up on the hit list, and this was the first buck taken with a bow off the new land! Great team effort by all three of us! (just wanted to add to the the entrance is not as far back as it looks in the pictures. ) Last year....
Team #21-We Don't Need No Stinkin' Name
IowaDeerHunter replied to texastrophies's topic in Announcements & Online Contests
Got a buck down this morning. This is an old mature deer. Hit him back a little but put the rage right through the liver and got an exit hole. He ran 40 yards to our dad and he put a shot in him to just because he seen mine was a little back. He went another 30 yards and bedded and died for good. had ten points, only 9 or 8 might score now since he broke some. -
Team #21-We Don't Need No Stinkin' Name
IowaDeerHunter replied to texastrophies's topic in Announcements & Online Contests
Little background: This buck is 5.5 years old and we have known him for four years, he is the giant I posted in velvet in August. I missed him last year with a muzzleloader. He is biiiiiig! Wow, what a day today. Jordan and I hunted a spot this morning in hopes of seeing the deer we call T-rex. This is kinda his home area and where we see him the most and just got a daylight video of him on October 31. The morning started off good as we had some does around us....but no bucks. We were sitting in a piece of timber that is 70 yards wide and maybe 150 yards long or so. The wind was blowing out of the south, and we were on the topside of the timber in our top stand, so the wind was blowing our scent right along the top edge, we were expecting the deer to come in front of us, so it was pretty good. 9:30AM came around and the wind had become stronger and switched to the SW, so it was blowing our scent right in and down the timber....not what we really wanted. We decided to switch to the bottom stand, which was only 70 yards away, that way our wind would be blowing out in the field and not in the timber. Jordan had just put the camera away and I tied my bow up and handed it to him to rope down to me. All of a sudden Jordan says "BIG BUCK COMING!!!!" I grab my bow and he whips the camera back out and gets it back on the treearm, in the meantime I get an arrow nocked and hold the quiver between my legs. At the same time, I heard Jordan say "wacky", but I do not think he knew it was him.........I sure did when i seen him coming! So here he comes, wacky rack, looks like he is going to pass by at 20 yards. wacky ends up taking the bottom trail which provides me with a 40-45 yard shot (30 yards shot from the other stand ) I draw back, he hits the opening, I bleat but he doesn't stop, I bleat again, as does Jordan and he stops....but he is behind some brush. We tried to stop him again a couple more times but to no avail. He went over and rubbed a tree for a couple minutes, before keeping on his way. we tried grunting, bleating, snort wheezing and he didn't care about anything. Either way it was an AWESOME encounter, on video, and we got an idea at just how big he really is....which is BIIIIIIIIGGGGG! -
It was getting good last week, and over the weekend I know of 6 nice bucks that went down....things are heating up and we are heading home for the weekend tomorrow night! Get after em' guys!
Wow, I missed at a once in a lifetime animal. We got our first trail cams pics of this beautiful coyote last year. Ever since then I had dreamed of seeing or getting a shot at him.....but realized it would be a one in a million chance because it is even rare to see a coyote while hunting (we see more bobcats....coyotes are around though). Anyway, a little buck walked right under us and went up the fenceline. He stopped, stared for a minute, and then spooked back to us. Coming down the trail was this guy, he came into a small window at 30 yards, so I stopped him, and he turned and faced us, but I wasn't not going to take a shot. I could see my pins, but everything else through my peep was just dark. I thought I was on him, but ended up missing.
Team #21-We Don't Need No Stinkin' Name
IowaDeerHunter replied to texastrophies's topic in Announcements & Online Contests
Well, made good of my first hunt of the year tonight! Sure felt good to have the bow in hand! The bucks were sure moving, chasing the does. This doe came is at 5PM, at first I was hesitant to shoot, but as she wandered around there were no bucks close by. She came to 23 yards broadside and I smoked her with a rage! I will post more of a story in the journal tomorrow.... Looking down the valley where we were hunting.... -
Team #21-We Don't Need No Stinkin' Name
IowaDeerHunter replied to texastrophies's topic in Announcements & Online Contests
We had a good weekend back home. I filmed my brother in the early muzzleloader season here. It rained and even poured every day.....yet we managed to knock down three does in the first two days. We passed some does the next couple days, seen a nice 150" chasing does in daylight. We actually just got some pics of this buck in our foodplot and hopefully can connect at a later date. On Saturday night we seen a nice 130" nine point across the field (250 yards) checking some does. He didn't come any closer....so we decided to setup closer to him the next night. Just like the night before the does came out and here he comes right behind them just like we wanted him to. My brother stopped him at 150 yards and shot. From behind the camera it looked great, we rewatched it and it looked even better. So after a half hour we went up to where he ran thinking he was double lunged and dead. No blood, no nothing. So we went to the cabin and watched the footage on the tv. It still looked like a double lung hit. So we went back and looked for a few hours.....nothing. So we decided to come back in the morning and look in the light....after another 6 hours....nothing, and we had to get back to college. After watching the footage in slow motion back home it looks like the hit might have been higher and only got the top of one lung. We searched hard and gave it our best efforts, but we are thinking that he made it to a big 150+acre corn field.... Anyway, things were definetely starting to heat up and I will be in the stand this weekend, bow in hand, hoping to get it done. -
Ya they are absolutely crazy!!! I like how they start by flying under the bridge and then end the same way. What if they hit a pylon (I think thats what they called them today)?