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Everything posted by IowaDeerHunter

  1. I was kinda surprised people actually thought it was real.......then thought to myself, nothing like this would surprise me anymore with Obama.
  2. Ruth I would honestly go with a Cuddeback Capture. I know that you hear a lot of complaints about the older cuddes, especially the NO FLASH, but these are different and I have never heard nothing but good things.......I have purchased over 20 of these for me and friends and will be getting more. Never have any problems or complaints.
  3. Hey guys, I am looking for a place to hog hunt. Anybody been anywhere good that they would recomend? We are looking for a decent price, somewhere we can slaughter is not a issue, although the opportunity at a decent one would be cool.
  4. Straight country boy here.
  5. I shot the Monster yesterday and will say it had ZERO (ok barely anything) for hand shock and the draw was definetly harder than than the switchback but it was nothing to complain about and (for me) can be easily drawn back at 70 pounds and get used to it. (Of course this is me and my experience and anyone elses may differ).
  6. I shot the Monster yesterday and will say it had ZERO (ok barely anything) for hand shock and the draw was definetly harder than than the switchback but it was nothing to complain about and (for me) can be easily drawn back at 70 pounds and get used to it. (Of course this is me and my experience and anyone elses may differ).
  7. Well I got a 100 rounds of 55grain Vmax. Gonna give that a shot, but I will place a order when the gun comes in for some bulk .223 ammo to go "play" with at the range. Only about 23 weeks to go......
  8. So if the gun ban ever were to go through, would they take your guns, or would it just be no further sales of the banned weapons?
  9. Awesome gun. I just got the exact same thing except in a .357.
  10. Guy around here does the best ones I have seen, it is like a few pictured here. He does it for $150. If it were me, $350 would be WAY to much. I have a hard time paying $150 for something like that but I am tight. lol
  11. I would do something about it ASAP. IMO if in August he said it would be a few weeks and you let it pass until Decemeber when again he said it would be a few weeks and you let it pass all the way to March now, he is probably just going to let it keep going and going until you actually do something. I would go pay him a visit and not leave until you have your money and squirrel.
  12. Just put my order in for a Rock River Arms Predator Pursuit Rifle. Be here (hopefully) in a bout 24 weeks! Can not wait. Now where is a good place to stock up on .223 ammo. Or at least get an order in?
  13. Kyle if you need HD, I would go with the Canon XH-A1. You can get them "used" (in studio use only) for $2500. One thing you will want though is a treearm (something like a muddy), tripod, and a bogen fluid head. Otherwise I would recomend something like a Canon XL1S, something you do not neccessarily need a treearm for.
  14. How long does it take for these guys to ship? I placed an order March 5th, and the next day it was processed and ready for shipping....but I just emailed them and they said it would not ship until mid April!
  15. I think most people on taxinet use the Baquicil stuff.
  16. Holy Crap, you use a 375grain bullet on deer? lol. Bet that rips um up.
  17. Ya they do look cool. I am not a gun collector and will probably only own four guns, handgun, shotgun, muzzy, and a rifle. Since the rifle will never be used for big game hunting I want a yote AR-15. Figured I should probably get it now before they POSSIBLY get banned.
  18. Ok I am getting an AR. Going to be Rock River Arms Predator Pursuit rifle topped with a 6-18x50 scope! Sound sweet? Just need to make sure I have a job this summer before I put the order in.
  19. Well I went to scheels today and checked out some guns. Looks like I would have to spend about $650 to get one I I might as well spend the extra $300 now and get the AR. Thanks for the input guys.
  20. I have had my eye on the Tikka, seems like a great gun. Thanks for the thought hammer!
  21. What would you guys recomend for a .223 rifle for coyote hunting? Something around $500. Still debating on what kind of gun I want to get and whether or not to spend the money on a AR. So just throwing around some ideas.
  22. kat Vandykes is a taxidermy supply company. I have had nothing but good luck with them, sorry to hear about that.
  23. It was defintely a great show. I think they announced it was record attendance this year. Either way, lot of fun to meet a lot of new and great people.
  24. I will have to stop by if I have time.
  25. Just wanted to put a post out there to come and view our trailer to our first DVD from Outreach Outdoors. It is called "Hunting with a Purpose." We have done everything "in house" as the original 3 guys have done the finances/website/editing/music/ has been a LONG process, but one we hope to continue every year now that we have new teams on board and the ball rolling - God willing of course. This is as real as it gets from a bunch of down-home boys who love God and love to hunt...we hope you enjoy it. We will be selling these at the Iowa Deer Classic for $10, or you can buy them off the website. Check out the trailer for the DVD: Thanks, and if you get it, hope you enjoy it!