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Everything posted by IowaDeerHunter

  1. Last year I shot a buck and hit him in the neck just in front of he shoulder. Complete pass thru with a little blood on the arrow. He ran for about 50 yards, then stopped and walk away...never seen him bed down. Blood was pretty good and just eventually dried up. It ended up just hitting above the spine, center of the neck. Buck was eventually killed in shotgun season. Not sure if you hit it here but just another possibility.
  2. I can see to where they would put certain regulations and restrictions making it harder and more expensive to own a gun. But what if they did ban certain guns....are they going to go door to door and collect them? How do they even know that I own a certain gun, maybe I sold it to somebody? (I am not familiar on what guns are supposed to be registered or anything).
  3. THose are cool! What college do you go to?
  4. I think three or four. Not sure how many I am keeping yet. But at least three left.
  5. If anyone would like to see pics. let me know I will post them.
  6. I heard they were sharper and have a little bit more of a "hum" when they fly, but the people that I talked to said it is not much worse than the 1 1/8" and should not be a big deal. So far I have heard they fly well out to 40 yards. And I bet they do some damage on a deer.
  7. Why is gas falling with the bail out? Because of the stock market drop which the oil companies are in the stock market?
  8. Oh, it is well more than a fair price. I picked up a pack for $20TYD and they are on there way......just want to shoot them before I buy more,so hopefully these are here yet.
  9. I am sure you could use some of our footage. Have high hopes for this year.
  10. No have not dropped the price. Still $180 and it will stay at $180. Can't drop it anymore else I lose money. I figure instead of losing money I just as well use them. Wish I could work something out for you but not sure. Any ideas?
  11. That is cool. So are they letting you trade in that old one?
  12. Sounds cool. Since this will be on TV will a professional camera be required? (3CCD) Or will any video do? Also will this show have one hunt per episode or multiple hunts? For example some shows show just the kill shots with very little leading up to it and not much after it. And then you have others like Freaks that show year round work that went into harvesting a buck.
  13. 10-4 just shoot me a PM if you decide to take one.
  14. They will probably shoot different than your maxima arrows though won't they? Can't beat free though.
  15. Just curious if anyone has TreeWalker AKA Clay around. Usually he is posting photos of nice bucks by now and always has a nice one on his it list. Hasn't posted for over two months though.
  16. These are going good. Still have three left, get them before they are gone.