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Everything posted by camelNS

  1. I used to shoot the XX78s,awesome arrows.I switched to Easton Axis Full Metal Jackets.Carbon wrapped in aluminum.Awesome arrow,flies very well,fast and great penetration.I highly recommend them.
  2. Re: BUCK OF A LIFETIME!!! 2006 Thats awesome SaskMan!!!I was only two inches off on my guess.What did he weigh in at??Congrats again!!!!
  3. Re: Nova Scotia Black Bear Hunt! Congrats on your NS Blackie!!!!Lots of them up here.Nice bear for sure.
  4. Re: Nova Scotia Anterless Deer Draw No problem.
  5. Re: My Monster part 2 (pics) AWESOME PICS!!!What a buck!!!
  6. Re: \"My MONSTER\" WOW!!!That thing sure reaches for the sky.Awsome mulie!!!Congrats.
  7. Re: BUCK OF A LIFETIME!!! 2006 OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is one big **** deer. What did that fella weigh in at?Big Congrats SaskMan!!!!I hope to be able to travel to the land of giants in my lifetime.I'll be looking you up when the time comes,LOL.You are truly blessed my friend to live where giants roam.I'm gonna guess that he'll score around 232 gross.MONSTER!!!!!!Your name says it all da MAN!!!!Congrats again!!
  8. camelNS

    2006 PA buck

    Re: 2006 PA buck Nice one!!!!Congrats!!
  9. camelNS


    Re: OHIO MONSTER!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What a MONSTER BUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. camelNS

    MN Sept Bruiser

    Re: MN Sept Bruiser Congrats on a real BRUTE!!!!!What a buck!!!
  11. Re: What do you do with your camo after a days hunt? I usually have them in a bag with spruce branches about a couple weeks to a month before the season.My clothes go back into a plastic bag filled with spruce branches.I also spray them with scent away and then earth cover scent before and after a hunt.Its not to hot here so no need to worry about the sweat factor as much.Its not totally scent free but i believe it helps.They also get washed in baking soda a couple times a season.
  12. Re: First Bow Kill!!!! Congrats on your first bow kill!!!!
  13. Re: Shot a doe opening morning(pics) Way to go!!Hope you arrow the big fella.
  14. Re: How long, how many, and the biggest... Started hunting when i was 16 and have shot probably 12 deer.Biggest being 230.lbs dressed 10 pt and scored 142.
  15. Re: 195# 9 point..... Congrats to your bud!!!great looking buck!!
  16. Re: What broadhead do you shoot? [ QUOTE ] 100 gr NAP Spitfires. I have no reason to use anything else. [/ QUOTE ] Same here koot!!!!love'em
  17. Re: Nova Scotia Anterless Deer Draw I didn't apply again this year.i'm up in zone 4 and could probably show you where there might be a doe or two hiding.
  18. Re: Count Down Has Begun! Sept.11 here for bear and then the 29th,I believe,for deer.Coming fast!!!!
  19. Re: Winter stress on whitetail This winter has been great here this year.First one since 1999.The last five winters have been DEADLY here.Hopfully our herd will start to rebound a bit.I think the only winter feeding should be natural browse.If anything else is used it has to be started in hunting season and continued till well into spring.It takes alot of time money and dedication to do it right.Then when you attract a whole wintering herd to your feed you have to worry about the spread of desease.(not just CWD)Infections,sickness can be spread at feeding stations.Any sickness is a bad sickness to spread around in the winter,even if its minor.Natural browse is best and its what the are living off of during the winter.Cut some trees and leave the tops.When it snows go cut some more.
  20. Re: Fall 2003 Rifle Deer Pic Nice Buck!!!!Congrats!!!
  21. Re: Who still drags their own deer Its the only way to get them out of the areas I hunt.I've been hunting for 15 years now and only brought two deer out on a 4 wheeler.I still drug them about 40 yards before I could get the bike to them.All others were drug out to the road and loaded on my vehicle.Longest drag was a 120.lbs 6pt that was a last day deer.There was over a foot of snow and I drug him about 800 yards or so.No better way to finish off a hunt,except when the backstraps go on the grill and I open a POP!!
  22. Re: If you could pick only one.. Man just one!!!LOL.I could think of a nice sized list of bows that I would take for free.LOL.Here's a couple I could get used to I think.I am totally satisfied with my PSE Firestorm.Its a sweet little bow!!!! PSE-Scorpion,Primos and Shark(in target color) Bowtech-Allegience,Tomkat Mathews-Switchback XT Black Widow for a recurve
  23. Re: Happy Birthday NS Whitetail Happy B-Day buddy!!!!!Hope your having a GREAT day.From Abby,Claire,Angela and I. Hope to see you when the salmon are still in the river.I smell a tonne o fun!!!!!!!You come up and I hook you up with a late great B-Day gift on the end of you line!!!!!
  24. Re: New Bowtech SWEET!!!!!!Congrats on the new bow.Man I love the looks of the Bowtechs.Let us know how that bad boy shoots.I would like to buy either a Bowtech or Matthews if I ever buy another one.