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Everything posted by muggs

  1. Re: It\'s definately the seeking phase I found scrapes not rubs. Sorry I get confused easily
  2. I went out yesterday morning, on my way into my stand, there were two doe out in the field. At first light a buck came out about 80 yards from me, as soon as he saw the does, he ran right at them. When I got out of my stand I walked further down the ravine ridge where the buck came from and found two huge rubs. They were torn up, and the licking branch was chewed to shreads. I dumped a little Tinks 69 in it, I repostioned my stand about 30 from it, on the ridge of the ravine, in a few days bucks should be cruising it. Start making those mock sprapes now!! Should be a great weekend.
  3. Re: PETA and fishing!!! WHAT A JOKE!!! I was fishing in a small farm pond using minnows. I caught a small bass, threw it back and caught again, and again and again. I think that goes to show you how "smart they are", I'm sure they have complex emotions just like you and me.
  4. Re: Week 7 Matchups Here's my pics: KC DET MIN NE GB NO DEN
  5. Could you tell where the arrow hit the deer. If you hit him a little forward (into the shoulder) the blood could stay inside the body. That could be a good thing, he should have expired pretty quick. Try to focus on kicked up leaves and prints, you don't always need blood to track down a deer. But don't stop looking for it (blood) and find that deer!!
  6. Re: Ohio Bowhunters check in here I missed a nice 8 pointer opening day , but that's all part of it. i just got some doe tags, I need to get some meat in the fridge
  7. Re: Telemarketers starting again! Here's what I always do: When I know it's a telemarketer I have me girlfriend answer the phone. As soon as he gets into his sales pitch, I pick up another phone and say, "oh sorry, didn't know you were talking, let me know when your off I have to call my brother" Then my girl starts asking questions to get him talking again, a few seconds later I pick up and say "oh sorry, let me know when your off" Then I let him start talking again, and I keep picking up every five seconds and say the same thing. I've actually interupted the same guy like 20 times and they still keep talking. They're persistant, I'll give them that, it's hillarious to do, try it
  8. Re: First Deer EVER... The first one is the hardest, nice job being patient. I know alot of guys that would have botched that one up! More will come quickly. Congrats!
  9. Re: Rock and Heavy Metal Fans Only!!! TOOL!!!!
  10. Re: estrous scent seems awfully early I posted a week ago that I was thinking of trying it early, kind of like an experiment. I tried it three times and didn't see any deer, does or bucks. JMO, but I'm going to hold off on it for a couple more weeks.
  11. never tried that, I mostly use my doe decoy out in bean fields, as a confidence booster.
  12. Re: Week 6 Matchups Cleveland KC Atlanta NY Jets Denver Pittsburgh St. Louis
  13. Re: muzzleloader scope suggestions thanks guys, good info
  14. I'm thinking of buying a muzzleloader this year, I don't really know that much about them. I was wondering if I should use a scope or shoot open sights. If a scope is a good idea, what strength would you guys suggest.
  15. Re: The Offical Realtree Pittsburgh Steelers Thread!!! did someone say Browns, in all seriousness, I have alot of respect for Steelers fans. It takes a real man to find those Pittspuke woman attractive. Just kidding fellas, I know those are fightin' words, it's all in good hearted fun. Please let me have it.