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Everything posted by Ozarkgal

  1. No one count their chickens before they hatch...everyone still has until the end of the month so one team still has the chance to beat us.....Great Buck Dosse...That was a beautiful buck...
  2. Cheaters and talkin loud while sittin in tree stand.
  3. Ozarkgal


    Thanks everyone for the advice. I needed it. God bless
  4. Matthews and hoyt makes some real nice womens bows also bass pro carries some cheaper starter bows
  5. Ozarkgal


    Thanks steve, but i do believe he will never admit to it. Im so ready to move on with my life with someone who loves me for me and put up with all my hunting and fishing, someone who wont cheat and lie to me. Karma will get him in the end. Now all i need to do is hand all of this over to GOD and let him handle it.
  6. Ozarkgal

    Trout Season

    Wahoo. Got me a new pair of waders for trout season. March 1st is opening day. Cant wait gonna be a blast...
  7. Ozarkgal


    Dont feel bad ruth my bday was on feb 1st and i didnt get one either.lol
  8. 1996 F150 4x4 and a 2000 Nissan Xterra 4x4, F150 Has 235k and Xterra has 131k.
  9. Ozarkgal


    Well some of these people on here I know, for one thing. The other thing there is never two sides to this story, he cheated I didnt. I dont believe in cheating or I would have already done it back to him but im not that kind of girl.....I told him that I could not trust him anymore and he said he can live with me not trusting him. Its just not that simple to just get a divorce, we dont have kids but he is threating me on some things thats why I just cant up and leave. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your opinion. I will make my decision based on how I feel. No one is going to influence me into doing anything I dont want to I just wanted some advice from my realtree friends.
  10. Ozarkgal


    That is so true ben, I told him if he wanted someone else just say so that way I can move on with my life and be happy with someone else.
  11. Ozarkgal


    Thank you so much...Im just tired of everything etc...lying cheating telling me I cant go hunting or fishing just because he dont. He tells me he didnt do anything but I have the proof in my hand...Its just so complicated. And yes I think its wrong once or 100 times...I told him I would forgive him if he would just own up and tell me the truth, but just more lies. I should have listened to my momma and not got married and found me a good ol country boy....
  12. Ozarkgal


    Yes he does need to man up. Its just not that simple to leave. There are other things involved. I wish i could just leave, because there is no trust at all, he broke that long time ago, only 2 months after being married. I wish i could go back 7 months ago and this wouldnt have happened. But thanks everyone for your opinion.
  13. Ozarkgal


    Thanks ben but its just not that easy and you know why.....
  14. Ozarkgal


    As far as i know, there is no word for a "mischoice", because, as adults, we all know we have a choice, and our choice was to be faithful. Thanks dan, you are so right.
  15. Never mind just gonna be me and daddy this year....Hope everyone has a very safe year hunting.
  16. Ozarkgal

    Sticky Idea

    Sending Lots and Lots of Prayers
  17. Ozarkgal


    Thanks, its very hard because there is no trust anymore and I cant get past that. I think I deserve better. I keep thinking its my fault somehow. Maybe Im just being stupid for staying.
  18. Ozarkgal


    I want everyone's opinion, do you think if a spouse cheats that they will do it again? Also how do you forgive someone who keeps telling lie's and how do you trust someone again?
  19. I love it from my phone. Have had it for a couple weeks.
  20. We have only got maybe 1 to 2 in of snow this year and they are calling for 1 to 3 tomorrow. Think its time to move out of missouri to the north some more. Love the snow....
  21. Wish it wasnt over either. I didnt kill anything this year but i had a blast the days i did get to go....Cant wait until spring turkey now.
  22. The first Bow I had, and wish I had it back was a matthews mustang. That was the best bow I have ever had.