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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. I went and got an estimate for new tires on my truck. I got everything from $650-$729. I simply hate buying tires, I can only imagine what the mark-up is. What do you put off paying for until the last minute because you hate paying money for it?
  2. I hate it when OSHA comes through my lab. They are such ignorant boobs.
  3. When we had the similar pic before the election, the Obama camp said it wad a flute. Guess it wasn't. He disgusts me.
  4. RangerClay

    Guns in NY

    I believe Paul Smith's now allows their students to keep their weapons at the Public safety office. A couple years ago a student shot a deer from their dorm window with a bow. That was the final straw. I am sooooo tired of this legislation that is introduced every year. It is the New York City/Long Island politicians who don't have a clue about the rest of NY.
  5. I got rid of my WB for a QAD Ultra Rest HD. I'm never going back to a WB again. It is a great rest. Check this video out. http://www.qadinc.com/c-5-.aspx
  6. Very cool! Feel free to take me along next year!
  7. Didn't Dartonman have a youth hunt that he was accepting donations for?
  8. Do you know how to make a water bucket trap? Those things are the cats pj's.
  9. Mike, The last time I did it only about 10 people signed up so I decided not to do it this year. If there is a concensus I will be glad to do it again this winter. Who else would be interested in doing th e exchange again?
  10. Aaaaaahhhhhh! I know what buttermilk is. My on-line translator does not do southern. Thank you very much!
  11. I have a small deer cooler that I made myself. I have it well insulated and I use an AC unit to chill the deer. That Cool Bot thing looks really neat!!!!
  12. A friend of mine and a RT forums member here shot a 4.5 year old crotch horn. I guess anything is possible.
  13. RangerClay

    Supper @ work

    Feel free to adopt me Mrs. Dawg!!! I love oysters!
  14. I love it when people ask me, "Will you come over and shoot my deer?" Good luck!
  15. My wife was in labor for about 12 hours before she went c-section. The second child was also c-section.
  16. Hey John, I got a Delta. I got the "Bowhunter buck" model 2 years ago but they have renamed that model since then. It's a nice target and I don't have any complaints. It is definately not made for broadheads, they eat it up pretty fast, so I have a different target for that. I got it on sale for less than $100. Be sure to shop around after Christmas for good deals. http://www.deltatargets.net/products/3d-50400.php
  17. Congrats! He is a great first buck!
  18. There are plenty of great bows out there. I recommend trying as many as possible and purchasing which one is the most comfortable. I own a Mission X3. It was an affordable bow with all of the Mathews quality.
  19. My best friend got an 8 pointer on opening morning that had an 18 inch spread and will go about 120 inches. He took it over to Swamp Taxidermy in N. Brookfield.
  20. Heck ya I would take them and wouldn't the least bit guilty. Feel free to send one my way if you are my Christmas partner.
  21. That is a great first buck! Congratulations!!!!!