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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Re: Looking for a good sight I just got a Toxonics Top Gun S50 with .029 pins.It is definately a quality hunting sight at a good price.Built good and all aluminum.The Viper sights do look pretty cool though.
  2. Re: RTF Racing Man,Deldeer is on fire!So far Bobby Labonte is killing me with Joe Gibbs.I thought Jason Leffler would be my thorn,but he hasn't been to terrible.Bobby will get it turned around pretty quick I hope.
  3. Re: Baptism/godparenting questions... Well,here is my take on it.I think it's great that they are baptizing their child.I am Lutheran and have been my whole life.I don't go to church every week,but usually go about every other week.My child was baptized Lutheran,and just because we don't go to church every week doesn't mean that she will not be raised in a Christian manner.When she was baptized I was not a member of that church.On another note,I am a godparent to my cousins child that was baptized Catholic,even though I am Lutheran.I think it used to be that both godparents had to be Catholic,but I don't think it's like that today.It sounds like you know your duties as a godparent and i think that would be a great gift to give.Congrats on being a godparent!

    18th Anniversary

    Re: 18th Anniversary Congrats Finn!That time sure flies by doesn't it?
  5. Re: Height of tree stand????? For my loc-on stands i use 16' climbing stick,and i like to get a little higher with my climber,around 20 or 22'.I like to limit my shots to under 30 yards and if you go any higher your angles on shots get to steep,especially if the deer are in close.
  6. Re: Recieved A Deer Hunting servey in the mail One spot i hunt is definatelt A,but me and my cousin are the only ones that have hunted the property for a few years.It is nice to see deer every time you go out though.Another spot i hunt about an hour away would be B.Our #'s have went down the past three years,and you really got to hunt hard to even see does,but when we see bucks they are usually pretty nice.This spot has way to much hunting pressure during our firearm season.
  7. Re: Fisrt Attempt Update Them babies look sweet!Good job VH.
  8. Re: Kyle Busch He did good,but i hate to say i don't think he should be driving in the cup series yet.If it wasn't for his older brother i don't think he would have that ride right now.Time will tell though.I don't like Kurt so i will probably not turn into a big Kyle fan.
  9. Re: jimmie johnson pulls it off at vegas Johnson is going to be the man to beat this year.

    Blonde Joke

    Re: Blonde Joke That's a classic!

    API T-Screw?

    Re: API T-Screw? The t-screw on the lock on stands is pretty nice for hanging them.Basically you just climd up your ladder and screw in the t-screw where you want to hang the stand on the tree.Then you pull the stand up with a rope and slide the stand over the t-screw.This holds it in place until you get the strap around the tree.
  12. Re: Happy B-Day Heather AKA Waterfowler_Gal Happy birthday Waterfowl_gal!Don't get to rowdy tonite.A 21'st birthday on a friday night sure sounds like a good time.
  13. Re: Ever Have A Song.... Oh yea.I hate it.The problem now is that most of the songs that get stuck in my head are ones that my one year olds toys play.
  14. Re: What Should I Make? I'm gonna dig deep on this one and go with cheeseburgers.Maybee with some fries and pork and beans.
  15. Re: happy birthday huntin\'sonovagun! Happy birthday!Why don't you take it easy today!
  16. Re: How many deer have you MISSED w/ your bow? I missed 5 before i got my first one.Then last year i missed about a 130" 8 pointer.So my total is 6 with the bow.I only bagged 3 so far.Hopefully i'll improve that pecentage next season.
  17. Re: GW\'s Crashed Truck Pic\'s Wow GW that thing is pretty torn up.Glad to here you weren't hurt any worse than you were.
  18. Re: how did you come up with your username?? I used to race muddin' trucks for a few years after high school.Hence the name MUDRUNNER.When i got married that kinda put a kink in racin' every weekend.

    My daughters

    Re: My daughters That's cool!It's always great to see the kids excited about the outdoors.
  20. Re: Sad day for country music! I didn't here that yet.That's a shame.I sure like his good ole' boy style of country music.
  21. Re: Gun Safety (must see) [ QUOTE ] But after seeing that, my nephew doesn't want to have anything to do with guns. [/ QUOTE ] That's not good either.You shouldn't be scared of guns,but you should always respect them.At least he didn't shoot anyone else.
  22. Re: Talladega, HERE I COME!!! You lucky dog!That's sweet!Should be a great race.
  23. Re: A place to call my own for hunting season!!! Sure looks like a nice set-up.It's great that you are keeping it in the family!
  24. Re: new to the forums Welcome der!I'm sure you'll have a good time in here.
  25. Re: Keep GW in your prayers if you would.... Best wishes GW.Hope you have a speedy recovery.