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Everything posted by puffy

  1. Re: Zone 10 in Sask. Awesome buck...Congrats. What a quick hunt that turned out to be and a welcome buck as well. First day and done. Wtg!
  2. Re: just wonderin..... Been watching for Mr big this year and he hasn't materialized. Seen him last two seasons out of bow range but not this year. Seen lots of does and smaller bucks. Missed two, and had lots of fun watching the wildlife. Seen some real funny things.
  3. Re: I Put The Smack Down On One...(Pics) Congrats to you Griz on a fine buck. Wtg and no tracking, what a bonus.
  4. Re: Crash\'s 06 Whitetail Wtg Crash..Congrats a fine Sask. buck. thanks for sharing there Sasksheds
  5. Re: HEAVY SNOW HUNTING!! I shot a nice little buck in a whiteout one year and have been sold on hunting in the snow storms ever since if at all possible. I was still hunting like others have suggested and it definately pays off if you take your time and watch. Good luck.
  6. Re: long season is over!! Great Buck..Congrats. Definately a keeper.
  7. puffy

    What a night

    Re: What a night Awesome story Horst and great ending. Congrats on the doe.
  8. Re: HE\'S BAAAAACK! Nice mount, looks great and very quick turnaround.
  9. puffy


    Re: SNOW Don't pass up the opportunity as we have been getting lots of snow here and I've been out cold or not and have been seeing deer each time out. They'll be moving. Good luck on the hunt.
  10. Re: Doe with my bow this year!!!!!!!! Wtg cole! Congrats on a nice doe.
  11. puffy

    Snowed In

    Re: Snowed In Nice Pics-It sure dumped some serious snow on you didn't it. How about studding your tires so you can get around.
  12. Re: busted poachers!! Nice to hear that your camo and tree stand sight works for even poachers to be harvested. Well done!
  13. Re: Heard the Snort Wheeze Tonight Sounds like a great show. It sure makes a hunt even more enjoyable when you get to see things you only have seen on tv or video or renew the things you have seen and maybe learn a trick or two while your having fun.
  14. puffy

    Last Minute Buck!

    Re: Last Minute Buck! Wtg! Congrats on a fine looking buck and an memorable hunt.
  15. Re: seasons changing Congrats! I hear ya on the judging distance bit. I shoot instictive and have gotten pretty good at judging distance but still have trouble sometimes. The key is to keep shooting at undetermined distances and get use to figuring it out. Eventually you develope a pretty good feel for it, but practice is still gonna keep you sharp even if you know the yardage. There is no substitute for practice.
  16. puffy

    Big Doe Down!

    Re: Big Doe Down! Wtg! Congrats on putting one in the freezer. Its sure nice to get a big mature doe to help with the eats.
  17. Re: Not sure if he was love sick or stupid!! He's gonna think himself quite the stud when he actually finds the real thing and its not as difficult. LOL
  18. Re: Team 17 Wtg team! I was out last night and seen some deer after legal time but nothing coming to the horns or calling last night. Saw a nice buck roaming a fence line just off the highway, and he sure was a welcome sight. Hope to be out tonight when the snow is flying and see what happens. Good luck to all.
  19. Re: Team 17 Finally got my computer back today fellas and caught up on your posts. Sounds like we got some action happening and I must say our team banner looks great. I hope to be out hunting tommorrow evening if all goes well at the bonecrackers in the morning. So far I've had a few chances at some does but no bucks in the sights yet. Rut should be coming on very soon as the deer are moving and making fresh scrapes and the weather is gett'n chilly. Congrats to all who connected on some fine deer and good luck to all on the buck of a lifetime....may your arrow hit the mark.
  20. Re: Team 17 HEY FELLOW TEAM MEMBERS! Sorry I have not been on but my computer is being rebuilt and I am at a friends house right now to say hello to you all and good luck. Season here is a little slow but, chances are looking good at bagging a good buck and a doe for the freezer. Will try to keep in touch as soon as I get my computer back. Good Luck to all!
  21. Re: 06-07 RT Forum Deer Contest - SIGN-UP Puffy...43 years young.......Sept.1-Dec 9-06
  22. Re: check out my first videos very cool videos! thanks for sharing
  23. Re: Got a new toy! A deer cam! I just started using one this year also and one thing that makes a real difference is the height that u set it at. Hope u get some good pics-good luck!
  24. Re: Happy Birthday Superguide! Hey Happy B-day there Superguide! I hope your day is one filled with suprises and good company.
  25. Re: help me with the drama Put your foot down! When the bickering and drama starts step up and intervine. Let them know how it makes you feel and ask them to tone it down and respect themselves and you by being civil. I've had problems like everyone else at times but make sure everyone gets heard without the theatrics. Non compliance is dealt with fairly.LOL