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Everything posted by Hoosierbuck

  1. Been a pretty good year up here in Northern Indiana. A couple of nice does during early archery. A close encounter with a shooter buck, but no dice. Then gun season came along. Opening day was good! That buck was quite possibly the biggest bodied buck I have ever killed. He dressed at 225 with absolutely no fat left on him. I then was fortunate to take a couple more slickheads in two other counties. Luck? No, blessed! HB
  2. I run quite a bit as part of my regular workout routine. With the weight training and such, I keep my weight on, but I don't mind being a little heavier, as long as it's mostly muscle. I can knock off a 5K in about 23. Not too fancy, but I can run 10 miles comfortably, too. At 42 years and 235 pounds, I'm good with that. HB
  3. Hoosierbuck

    Working out

    I have been hitting it pretty solid for quite a while, and people keep asking me if I have lost weight, when in reality I have put on about 6-8 pounds. I redistributed it, and burned off some fat and replaced it with muscle. I have been playing rugby, which is really demanding. I mix in powerlifting, sprints, longer runs of 4-5 miles, plyometrics, core...you name it. HB
  4. Same as Tominator. Hope it comes through for you, buddy. HB
  5. Ugh. Sorry to hear that, bud. Praying for your family. HB
  6. I'm late to the party, but wish you a great year none the less, my friend! HB
  7. atta boy! You have made real progress. Keep after it! HB
  8. Resurrecting to post a pic of the old guy (41) making a tackle last Saturday. I hurt a little longer than I used to and there are other issues to deal with that weren't there when I was 21, but it's still fun, and a great motivator to stay in shape. Laugh with me, not at me, K? HB
  9. I have been hitting it pretty hard for a while now. Did P90X. Still use some of the CD's sometimes, but am doing a lot of other stuff, too. Running 6 miles at a good clip, lifting some moderate weights. Got in good enough shape that I am playing rugby again, after an 18 year break! First game is tomorrow, we'll see if they cart the old man off on stretcher or if I still got a little left in the tank. Keep at it! It'll add years to your life, and life to your years! HB
  10. Wow. I'm sorry for the loss of your brother, a husband and father. May the Lord bring you peace to get you through this time. Prayers for your family. HB
  11. God is good! That is great, Steve. Truly thrilled to see your recovery going so well. You must have work yet to do, brother. HB
  12. Let's call it what it is. Adultery. It's a bad thing and a big deal. It speaks volumes to the character of the perpetrator. Being tempted is not the sin, giving into temptation and crossing the line is the sin. If he is not even willing to admit and ask forgiveness, he is not even repentant. I would be done with him. Life is hard, and to stay married to someone long term and deal with all of the issues that will inevitably come down the pike, you need to have a husband and partner you can trust with your heart and even your soul, as the husband is the spiritual head of the household. You gotta do what's right for you, but I would be willing to take some small lumps in a divorce now to avoid big ones later. HB
  13. All you old guys are cracking me up! Makes me even more glad that I bathe regularly in the fountain of youth up here in Indiana. At 41, I'm gearing up to play rugby this spring. Grrr! HB
  14. The best protein, of course...is venison! :rockon: I have been working out a ton lately, and making a concerted effort to eat more protein by means of tuna, eggs, chicken, peanut butter, etc. Haven't gone the supplement route at all, so I'll watch this with interest. HB
  15. Been busy, here, too. I never was a big poster. Mostly just pop in and read a bit unless I really have something to say. Always been my m.o., but now less time on my hands means less time and posting. Cycle of life, bro. HB
  16. Dang Steve, that's grace under fire. Faith in action boys and girls, right here. Prayers for you, and especially your family, since I know you are sincere when you say whatever happens is good by you. HB
  17. Very much praying for Steve and the family. HB
  18. Hard to believe the same great mind that thought that neck tat was a good idea came up with the idea to rob a guy of heroin with a shotgun, isn't it? HB
  19. bears fruit! LaPorte man pleads guilty to shotgun slaying Props to the police for collecting the evidence and doing the legwork, and to his defense attorney for 'splaining the way things are in a language he understood. HB
  20. Great buck in any state with any weapon. Congrats. HB
  21. Leftovers...good leftovers, but nonetheless. HB
  22. Tepid response was the norm to those posts. Look at the low # of replies across the board, and don't take it to heart. Just accept that your wishes went out, as did ours. After all, buddy, its about giving! HB
  23. COD MW3; A new Craftsman 3/8" ratchet with bonus sockets; a new Wounded Warrior Project UA T shirt; Karl Marlantes book Matterhorn; and a new shoulder mount! (Be done this summer, but still counts!) OH! and a coffee mug with my kids' mugs on it, and a 64 oz. jar of jalapeno rings and 46 oz Frank's Red Hot sauce... I, my friends, am in high cotton! :yes: HB