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Everything posted by Hoosierbuck

  1. As we celebrate the birthday of Christ, please remember that the whole reason He was born was so that He could die in our place. Show a little of that kind of love to your fellow man, it's what Jesus did, and what he reminds us to do-"Whatsoever you do to the least of these, my brothers, you do unto me." Peace HB
  2. Atta boy, Ross. Great to see you getting some well-deserved recognition. Hope that translates into fame and/or fortune! Remember us little people when you are a hot shot! HB
  3. Finally had a touch of winter here. It didn't help me kill anything, but at least I felt like I was hunting. Saw a couple does and a young buck, no shots. One of the best no-kill hunts of the year, though. Late archery is the last straw now that ML is over. HB
  4. Rugers always come with rings. Don't try to make that part of your sales pitch, you'll lose credibility, which is important when selling. I think if you want top dollar, you might get it for $450. Much higher than that, and I think guys will be able to find new. Gunbroker is ridiculous, try Gunsamerica. HB
  5. Don't want to get caught by the DNR eh? You'd have to have a fuel tanker follow you around! HB
  6. Hoosierbuck

    20 Years

    Congratulations on a good start! HB
  7. Sorry to hear that Flint. Just lost my dad to smoking related illness in March, 2011. Hard to bury your old man when you know it was avoidable. I appreciate your message and where you are coming from. Allow me to reemphasize it- STOP SMOKING NOW.My kids miss their grandpa, and I sure would have liked to call my dad and tell him the story of this year's buck. HB
  8. Like the buck, but love the smile. Congrats, Miss! HB
  9. Thanks for checking in, man. Welcome back! HB
  10. Cool beans. That's a piece of good shooting, right there. HB
  11. Wow, that's a mouth full bud. Could be at that close a range, you shot under her due in part to the discrepancy between the bore of the gun and the scope. Did that to a coyote, TWICE, right under my stand one time. Real close-aim a little high. Welcome to the forums, and good luck in Louisiana. HB
  12. Holy cow, wouldya look at the neck on that beast! He's ginormous, Ashley. Congrats! HB
  13. Awwww. Happy anniversary you two! HB
  14. Eegad! What a brute! If he got any bigger they would promote him to "elk." Congrats on a whopper! HB
  15. Rotten guy ran downhill and away from the truck! That'll teach you to shoot a nice one like that! HB
  16. Thanks for all the kind words. As you know, he had more to do with it than I actually did. HB
  17. Congrats on the doe. If you stop feeling something when you take a life, it's time to stop hunting. I think most all of us have a mix of feelings about that aspect of it. HB
  18. Thrilled to have this guy join the wall boys. Great mass, short tines, lots of junk. I'm tickled pink. HB
  19. Looks cool Randy...you are running in some pretty high faluting company there! I'll make sure to catch it! HB
  20. Down in the detective bureau they have a whole dry erase board of funny quotes and made up words by one of the guys. Great stuff! Linkletter put out a book or two, also. One of them was called, "A Child's Garden of Misinformation." Too funny. HB
  21. Enough that I think we should call some coyotes come January. Have gun, will travel. HB
  22. Fact: When I was in AK last (granted, its been a while) you could hang a higher priced tag on a lower priced animal. Moose NR tag = $450; Caribou NR tag = $250; wolf NR tag = $35. You could legally hang your moose tag on a caribou or wolf, for example. If he shot a wolf and tagged it with a moose or bear tag = legal. Just by way of explanation. I have never been anywhere else that did that but I don't get around much. HB
  23. Wow, bro, I can't imagine. I can sure believe that you are numb. We are a poor proxy, but know that there are folks around here to lend an ear. HB