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Everything posted by mule659

  1. mule659

    Got a 2x2

    Re: Got a 2x2 Awesome job all around!
  2. mule659


    Re: heart It all depends on how the deer acts after the hit. Some deer sprint off in an all out run others just kind of trot off. I have never had one go over 120 yards. I always go for the double lung myself just because it presents a bigger target.
  3. Re: Bushman\'s HAWG Sask. Whitetail!!! That is a huge deer!!
  4. Re: Need some input on two bows !! Thanks. Fred Bear out of the two
  5. Re: Am I a bad hunter I agree you are just a smart hunter and taking full advantage of the situation.
  6. Re: bow quality/performance/cost I bought a brand new vtec on ebay after seeing my friends and have loved it. Great bow and I saved about $150 off the pro shops price.
  7. Re: Sister-in-Law\'s First Iowa Trophy great buck!! congrats!
  8. Re: FIRST BOW KILL!!!! Congrats!!! my first bow kill was a doe and she meant as much as any buck I've ever killed
  9. Re: Sister\'s First Buck, (10 Point) Wow great deer!!! And like evryone else said good looking sister!!
  10. Re: peep sight eliminators I am looking into the hind sight. Can you use this sight with multiple pins? Thanks again.
  11. Re: My 2005 Buck for Team Kisky Wow awesome deer!! What do I have to do to hunt there lol...congrats again!!
  12. Just wondering what broadheads everyone uses. I use a muzzy 100 grain head.
  13. Re: Success in Montana great job!
  14. Re: my first bow buck Awesome job it is always a great feeling to get the first one down.
  15. Re: UNDER ARMOUR ??????? I am here in Iraq and believe it or not it gets kinda cold at night ( especially riding behind a gun on top of a hummer ) The under armour keeps me nice and warm in the middle of the night when it is windy up there and dries super fast when I get hot a sweaty. Over all a great product.
  16. Re: what bow do u shoot? Hoyt VTEC with 70 lb draw
  17. Re: couple soutwest Sask bucks awesome deer!! great job.
  18. Re: peep sight eliminators they are suppose to mount right behind your sights and provide you with a rifle type sight as near as I can tell so you dont need a peep on your string but still get a consistent anchor point. I have no clue if they work or not.
  19. Re: Montana 10pt. Pics Awesome buck!
  20. Does anyone here use any of the new peep sight eliminators out there? I have seen them advertised and dont know what to think of them.
  21. Re: tipping your guide The hunt is in the milk river, mt for 5 days the first week of sept 2006. Thanks for all the help. Anyone ever been there?
  22. I am about to go on my first guided hunt the opener of next season and am wondering how much you should tip your guide? Anyone that has any advice?
  23. I am currently in Iraq for my third time and have missed the past 4 hunting seasons due to my enlistment in the marines and being deployed 3 times. I have no regrets at all about joing. I am planning my first hunt in 4 years at the milk river sept of 2006. Has anyone here been to the miilk river? If so what can you tell me about it? I am so excited to get back in the woods and hopefully get a shot at a good buck.