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Everything posted by toddyboman

  1. great stuff!! Can i come shed hunt with you some day........simple amazing!!
  2. deershed YOU ARE THE MAN!!! Great post Thanks!!!
  3. Here is the buck that just showed up this year.... Little buck with him has been around ALL season.....but this is the first I have ever saw of the bigger buck......
  4. What is everyone's thoughts on bucks that just randomly show up. No not during the rut but NOW when it is snowy and cold. EVERY year I have good bucks show up on my property this time of year and it drives me crazy...... I run my trail cameras almost all year long. Spring/summer they are either on food plots or mineral sites. As the hunting season comes along and mineral activity stops I will move my cameras to scrapes and still on food plots. AFTER all seasons are over I start dumping corn. To help determine what deer/bucks are still around and when bucks start shedding. Our seasons have ended and I now have started feeding/dumping corn. And so far just like the last few years I have nice/good bucks start to appear. Why is it that as soon as I start dumping corn these better bucks show up but I DO NOT get a single picture of them during the previous 10 months....... Is my property their LATE winter home range? Do deer travel miles this time of year in search for food and that brings them by? Have they just avoided my cameras all year until now? But seems to happens EVERY year for the past 5 years or so........ What is everyone's thoughts on this? I know it is driving me crazy each year. ???????????????
  5. Here is the area we burnt a few years ago.... Here is the same area the following spring with regrowth. By winter this stuff was 3 to 5 ft tall easily.....
  6. we have a field of blue stem on our farm......... The deer I know travel through it there is always several nice trails going through it. But by late winter after snow and ice its all knocked down. During the summer it looks like a can't see 3 feet into it. So I am sure spring,summer, early fall the deer bed in it alot. We burnt ours off a few years ago and it came back thicker than ever. WE did have another NICE area of switch grass but we burnt if off one year in hopes it would come back thicker as other grasses (fescue was getting thick)......but for whatever reason it DID NOT!!! The deer really loved that stuff.....always bedded in it and around it. I LIKED the switch grass better.....It seemed to be grow taller and the stems didn't seem to be as big around so it didn't seem to break off as easy as the blue stem stuff does.......
  7. toddyboman MO 10 Looks like to me its going to be everyone on 1 team and deershed on his own team :D:D btw - deershed I can't wait to read about your adventures and see your massive pile of sheds!!!
  8. Here is a good deal that was pointed out to me by another forum member...... This same laptop from dell was $800. These laptops are made here in the US as is there customer service.........check em out
  9. sweet! looking forward to some pics!
  10. awesome stuff Martin!! Nice shed by the way too
  11. always great to find a set!! Congrats!
  12. rats.......missed out on this
  13. sweet place..... Does he only shoot 8 pointers??? Looks like most of those mounts are 8 pointers......
  14. I mean no offense by any of my comments...... But I find this VERY interesting.......I know and agree 100% that each piece of ammo shoots differently. But for shooting at a 8 or 10 inch area I don't 't think my target ammo shoots that much differently than my carry ammo. Now if I was trying to shoot golf balls at 50 yards or so with my handgun that would be different. But point blank to 20 yards I am happy with hitting my 5 to 10 inch square depending on my target... But as much as we (wife and I) shoot especially during the warmer months I can't imagine feeding our guns all that more expensive ammo for practicing.:2guns: Again no offense meant just found this interesting Same for me. Carry hornady critical defense.
  15. I have shot and killed prairie dogs at 700 to 800 yards with a 25-06. 200 yard targets shouldn't be a problem for you. Just figure out what ammo your gun likes the best. Or start reloading. Good luck
  16. 223 tc encore is my gun of choice.
  17. YES YOU DO! Cool and interesting stuff!
  18. I have the same rest and I agree it is super quiet!