we have a field of blue stem on our farm.........
The deer I know travel through it there is always several nice trails going through it. But by late winter after snow and ice its all knocked down. During the summer it looks like a jungle......you can't see 3 feet into it. So I am sure spring,summer, early fall the deer bed in it alot.
We burnt ours off a few years ago and it came back thicker than ever.
WE did have another NICE area of switch grass but we burnt if off one year in hopes it would come back thicker as other grasses (fescue was getting thick)......but for whatever reason it DID NOT!!! The deer really loved that stuff.....always bedded in it and around it.
I LIKED the switch grass better.....It seemed to be grow taller and the stems didn't seem to be as big around so it didn't seem to break off as easy as the blue stem stuff does.......