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Everything posted by Valkrie1357

  1. The difference between Tony Stewert and a puppy.... Diddo that!!!
  2. Oats & Canola oil in a 55 gal drum chained to a tree with a hole the size of a quater, so they have to rock it back & forth to get the oats out. along with to 55 gal drums of used KFC Grease (solid) 10" X 10" square hole on top. Both chained to the tree. Strawberry extract Flavoring on a towel hung in the tree to get the scent out there. 6 days of hunting came down to the last Hour. Hunt the Rut & You'll see fewer Bears, But usually Bigger Bears. we hunted Memorial day week.
  3. Congrats Looks like a Blast?!?!!?
  4. I thought That SONY was going to be Dale Jr's Sponsor for 2008??? thought I heard that Somewhere???
  5. Dave Blaney in the #22 Toyota I'm sure they have more in their Future. Dave will Just be remembered for being the 1st Toyota Pole Winner. Congrats to Him His second pole award.
  6. Very happy with 7th!!!!! He'll loose everything he gained this weekend to His Penality probably?!?!!?!?
  7. More here than other tracks, turning both directions. This Morning (Sat) The # 20 Car's Left Front Tire was probably 8" - 12" OFF THE TRACK in practice. Any track Downforce is important, but on the Road corses it is very critical.
  8. No more than your daddy knows your his, ROFLMAO
  9. Barnum & Bailey Circus The Geartest Show On Earth If all the guys on a Team are Clowns (Your OPINION) New Guy, Probably a Clown TOO! All in one Place NOW! Nick it seems like You can reference drivers you may not like as CLOWNS. Now Another Driver joins into the same Team & He's not a Clown!?!?!?! Oh I get, Only the Guys You Like are Good Guys! I won't waste any more of my time. Not Rocket Science Here Nick. Racin' Enjoy it or at least those of us that want to, do so. Let's See 2008 Jr is in the Hendrick Stable. Duh Move on !!!
  10. If the're Any FOOLS or CLOWNS in the Whole Circus It's Theresa Earnhardt!!! I think she's In The Fool Camp Myself. Get Over Yourself Honey. 10 of Millions+ divided by 2 Five Millions+ Nothing not Divided up is $0.00 RCR & DEI combining the engine program can only help so long.
  11. Sounds like the Clowns you are refering to, Now belong to the SAME CIRCUS!!!! Come On, You Know What I'm Talking about Now. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH IS ALL IN THE SAME PLACE!!! What's Not to Like about it???
  12. Dale Jr to the #25 Car Casey Mears to the #5 Years ago Hendrick Motor Sports Ran the #25 BUD Car & Looks like they will again. Jr Will be Very Welcome @ HMS Go # 24 Go # 48 go # 25 Go # 5 Go HMS There could quit possibly be a Record # of Suicides in the South after Jr's Announcement Today. Or a LOT of Crow Eaten. By those who said they would never Cheer for Jr. If he's HMS, I'm Cheering for Him. (Who'd of Thunk) Redneck Nation could Loose 50% of it's population Today. (Those who refuse to cheer for HMS) B B B Let's Go Racin Oh Well!! It's Racin & I'm A Fan!!!!
  13. Grandview Outfitters is right there. He has exclusive right to most of that area. Tom & Debbie Ainsworth That's the area we Bear Hunted in 2005 He does Deer & Bear Hunts Good Luck
  14. I'd rather see the gas come into play at the end of the race, instead of a "Caution for Phantom debries" Good Gas Milliage is a nice thing to hav ewith these high fuel prices!! Ask Casey Mears. LOL
  15. No More Cryin from the #11 I don't care what YOUR doing, You have SEAL the DEAL YOURSELF. Hunting, Racing, or What ever. Best car or not!! If he has the best Car out there every Week, He Better Learn How To Drive It!?!?! #11 Can cry all he wants to, Nobody out there is going to give it to him. Only Person in NASCAR that has The Right TO COMPLAIN this year IMHO is MARK MARTIN, NASCAR STOLE THE Daytona from Him by not throwing the Caution when it happened!
  16. Wow, I think that is Too Harsh!!! Sunday on Pre Race they made is sound like, Oh hum by the way???? No Big Deal at all. He didn't race with 'em, that's what Kills me.
  17. Pleased as Can Be, I Only Hope It Continues! Go #24
  18. Jeff Gordon for Me!!! Surprise!!!!!!
  19. No other Past champ can get that car #44 in on a Past Champ Provisional. It's in on Time or it's Not In! Way to go #24 I hope the ride continues!!!
  20. Too Many to Pic Just 1. Many greats already Listed. Cael Sanderson