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Everything posted by Valkrie1357

  1. Re: Football over Bring on NASCAR Hey Hillbilly Harvick is straight to the point and if you don't like it, you can kiss his bumper. A hard nosed driver and a good ole country boy! Harvick is straight to the point ????? and a couple times he got away with cheating!!!! Unless you don't count messing with your fuel cell for qualifying cheating!!! (to make it look full when it wasn't) He lost points & his crew chief had to sit out 4 Races. Quote "March 15, 2005 in Race talk 29 CAR CHEATING I'm sure by now everyone has heard about the 29 car getting caught for cheating. After qualifying the 29 car failed post inspection and had to start in the back. If you want more details on exactly what happened go to THATSRACIN.COM, they do a better job of explaining it. I want to talk about the way Todd Berrier, the crew cheif, handled the situation. He told the media that if they hadn't have run such a good lap that NASCAR would have never known about there cheated up fuel cell. Isn't the reason you cheat so that you can make a better run. I guess if your that far behind the field you have to do something to catch up. There is one thing I liked about the whole situation, and the way it was handled. Todd Berrier didn't beat around the bush or make any excuses about what happened. He basically admitted to the cheated up fuel cell and let it go." end of quote Do you want catsup with that crow? You out to know by now you can say anything you want to here, but it better be correct. Or some one here will let you know that it's not. I think ALL Race Teams Cheat at Something. Most just don't get caught. Don't get me wrong, it would be boring if we all cheered for the Same Team. Glad to see your enthusiasm for Harvick. Harvick has deffinetly turned the corner to being one of the more seasoned drivers in NASCAR. But remember, Just as Sargent Joe Friday always said "Just the Facts mam" Like they said above, Can't wait for the Racin' to begin!!!!! Stephen
  2. Re: Football over Bring on NASCAR Bud Shoot is this Saturday. Let's go racin'
  3. Re: Iran found to be supply Iraqi militias This is a no win situation for either side!
  4. Re: What\'s Your Birthverse? Here's Mine 1 Peter 1:3 NIV Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Stephen
  5. Re: And So It Starts!!! Here Comes The Gun Bans!!! As I Have said in the Past. If they outlaw Guns, only outlaws will have Guns. Guess I'll Be An Outlaw!!!! And the only way that they will take my gun, is that they'll have to pry the gun from my cold dead fingers. Not Joking Here!
  6. Re: bear test 14/15 for me missed #15
  7. Re: Martin Truex Jr. arrested [ QUOTE ] What a moron I Agree
  8. Re: NASCAR Increases Points for Winning by +5 Weather we like it or not, NASCAR Does what it Likes. I don't remember them saying they would re address thing in 3 years either. Nascar answers to no one for some reason??
  9. Re: GO COLTS!!!! Glad to see the Colts get the WIN! But Am I The Only one that noticed?? With the Pats Offense on the Field with less than 2 Min togo. Manning is Sitting on the Bench with his head down Feeling SORRY FOR HIMSELF??? Instead of Cheering for his TEAM. (Couldn't bear to Look)MA I'm gonna Miss another SB. Instead of STANDING on the Side line CHEERING on the (his)DEFENSE, They are the ones WHO REALLY Won the game for the COLTS. Then, After the Defensive Interception, he Runs out on the Field, Like Aren't You Proud of ME??? NOPE!!!! I'm Not Hope the Super Bowl is as good a scoring game as the 2nd half of the AFC Championship. Sorry I posted this under the Bellichick is post. should have been here. I don't care either way, which team wins. Hoping for a good game though.
  10. Re: We were too quick to judge Vick.... NFL is to Blame. $$$$$$$$$$$$ is the botom Line. If the NFL would Stop Putting up with it. In a year or two all the user would be out of the NFL Once again $$$$$$$ is the Bottom Line.
  11. Re: Belichick is.... Off Topic Glad to see the Colts get the WIN! But Am I The Only one that noticed?? With the Pats Offense on the Field with less than 2 Min togo. Manning is Sitting on the Bench with his head down Feeling SORRY FOR HIMSELF??? (Couldn't bear to Look)MA I'm gonna Miss another SB. Instead of STANDING on the Side line CHEERING on the (his)DEFENSE, They are the ones WHO REALLY Won the game for the COLTS. Then, After the Defensive Interception, he Runs out on the Field, Like Aren't You Proud of ME??? NOPE!!!! I'm Not Hope the Super Bowl is as good a scoring game as the 2nd half of the AFC Championship.
  12. FYI NASCAR Increases Points for Winning by +5 If you win 185 Lead the most laps +5 Lead a Lap +5 195 Points Eliminated the $1,000,000.00 for 11th Place. 400-point cutoff eliminated Increased the Field for the Chase to 12. + All Chase Drivers start the Chase with 5000 points. the tie Breaker is # of Wins (10 Points Per Win), if Drivers are still tied, the one with the most 2nd Place Finishes is the next tie breaker. etc.... Possible the bottom 3-5 guys could all have 5000 if none of them have won a race. instead of the current 5 point increments 10th place 5000 9th place 5005 8th place 5010 etc... 26 days Until Daytona
  13. Re: Some completed mounts I\'ve done. What are their scores????
  14. Re: got my 2005 bear back Nice Bear! I can't wait until I can go again in 2008.
  15. Re: red dot or scope 3 X 9 variable X 32 on a Rem 870 With side mount / look under, so I can use the open sights if I want to. Had that set up in the past (I needed it because I couldn't see my sights & the target.) Had Lasix eye Surgery last year, so I may take my scope off, But for now I can still use both.
  16. Re: What size Turkey loads do you use? Federal 1 1/2 oz #4's
  17. Re: 2006 Bow Buck Mount Where did you get your back board? Home made or Bought? Looks Very Professional Stephen
  18. Re: Could Junior leave DEI? I'd BET Jr. Leaves DEI Before Hendrick Motor Sports gets out of NASCAR!!!! Besides, Who would the Jr. Fans BOO if there were NO Hendrick Cars!!!!!!!! Stephen
  19. Re: RT and I need your Opinion Quote: The idea sounds fine to me. My ideas for categories are: Photography (35mm, Digital, APS) Videography (VHS, VHS-C, 8mm, Hi8, Mini DV, DVD and Digital 8) Trail Cameras (Homebrew & Commercial) Members Pictures (General Photo Discussion) I have to agree with that. Stephen
  20. Re: dog name (lab) Angus is a good one I like. I have had several labs. Bear / Black Buddy / Yellow Tanner / Yellow current Jack / Yellow, Jack the Golden Bear Stephen
  21. Re: Could Junior leave DEI? 1. Who Cares (personally I don't think he will Leave) Money has taken the Loyality Out of All $port$, not just NASCAR A Few Points 2. If we all Agreed on everything, there would be no need for this Forum or any other. 3. Please respect the comments/opinions of everyone else in this forum. (it gets ugly in a hurry here sometimes) Some days I wonder if the TOP BRASS OF REAL TREE ARE LOOKING AT SOME OF THE PETTY BICKERING GOING ON IN THIS RT FORUM & SAY. "DOES RT NEED TO BE A PART OF THIS?" I hope they (RT) aren't thinking that. but we should all keep that in mind. I enjoy Most of the discussions here & hope to keep contributing in the future. Some times it's hard to contain ourselves, Don't I know it. Think if this were the Jerry Springer Show & People are Arguing all the time. I'm going to find something else to do/watch! I have better things to do, as I'm sure you all do too, Than Listen to people fight, argue & slam others. Enough from me, As I said above, I Hope RT Continues this forum for years to come. Stephen
  22. Re: This is a buncha bull He should of Shot the Owner. (Just Kidding) He'd be in less Trouble, it sounds Like!!!!
  23. Re: had a bad day yesterday Prayers sent....
  24. Re: Dale JR to retire in 2007 WOW, Anyone got a Match???? Can't Wait For FEBRUARY. Football Superbowl the 4th Bud Shootout the 10th Daytona Qual 11th NASCAR Superbowl the 18th So, Pull up a Chair, It's just about to get Exciting!!!! Here We Go Again. Good Answers Luke. It's Way Tooooo Early to Swallow the Hook!!!!!!! Stephen Go Hendrick Drivers Go #24
  25. Re: NASCAR, if anybody cares I wish him well. I wonder what the other drivers think? I don't know if I'd want an 70+ year old racing with me at Daytona. Think of your dads or Grandpas(or even yourselves) Sure he has done it in the Past. I'd be leary if I was one of the other Drivers. I feel the Mind is willing, it's the Body, that I'd worry about?!?!!