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Everything posted by Valkrie1357

  1. J Johnson Increaces Lead over Kenseth, Only 5 drivers have a shot at the CUP. 4th just not enough for Jeff Gordon misses chance for Cup By 11 Points, GO Jimmy Johnson!!!!
  2. Re: Really irritated The only bright side to this is it seems that when he finally does get around to doing it, he is supposed to be one of the best taxidermist in the area. [/ QUOTE ] With a Story Like that, I wouldn't call Him a taxidermist. My Taxidermist Demands a $50.00 Deposit When You Drop Off Your Head. Pay the $300 balance when you pick it up. Drop off by Mid December & He has them all (75 -100) Done Before Spring Turkey Season Starts. Everyone Picks there Mount up the same Day at an open House With Door Prizes & Awards, + Every Head is scorded by an official P&Y or BC Scorer.
  3. Re: Steve\'s European Mount is done! Looks Good Did You Stain the Antlers, or are they Natural?
  4. Re: \"Its the sudden stop that hurts\" Relax, & don't push it!!!
  5. Re: Phoenix Bud Pole!!!! It's the Least They Could DO!!!!
  6. Jeff Gordon Hope He Can Pull It Off This Weekend. Go Hendrick Drivers!!!
  7. Re: Rainbow of Fire That's a Lotto Winner!!! Very Cool!!!
  8. Re: NFL picks--Week 10 New England Philadelphia Atlanta Kansas City Baltimore Seattle New Orleans Denver NY Giants Monday Night: Carolina over 37
  9. Re: go #8 [ QUOTE ] hope jr. catches some momentum this weekend and at least beat jimmie johnson!!! Anyone beats JJ will be great! I mean ANYONE!!!!! [/ QUOTE ] That's the same way I feel about the #8 Anyone beats Jr will be great! And I Mean ANYONE!!!! You just don't get it, do ya? Do I have to paint ya a Picture! Go Hendrick Drivers
  10. Re: SUPER Jr. !! Jr. Still hasn't delivered the mail, He may be doing a good job of carrying it. But he still has to deliver it?!?!? Still for me, I'm backing the Hedrick Drivers.
  11. Re: SUPER Jr. !! It's still at a point, who can have the least trouble these last two races. Good Clean racing, JJ wins if there are alot of Nascar Debris (jr) Cautions Jr has a good chance.
  12. Re: Take this test 11 of 11 right for Me.
  13. Re: Whos winning the chase for the cup this year?? [ QUOTE ] He has to so NASCAR can take in more millions!!! [/ QUOTE ] We finally agree on something OJR. Maybe next year they can change the Name from Nextel Cup to JR.NASCAR JR.CAR 8CAR Something of the Likes And even have Jr. Cautions, that way the Crowd wouldn't have to wonder what the Cautions are For. They would know from the git go.
  14. Re: Wisconsin Border Patrol The Sign must be photo shopped . I have the same Picture with no sign in it.
  15. Re: Whos winning the chase for the cup this year?? Still to wide open to tell?!?!?
  16. Re: Deer in need of a manicure! [ QUOTE ] wow...i have seen this before only on a horse [/ QUOTE ] Same for me . As a Kid I saw a hores & you'd of sworn it had on the Wooden Dutch shoes 10 - 12 inches long.
  17. Re: NFL Picks..Week 9 Kansas City New Orleans Dallas Chicago Cincinnati Denver San Diego Indianapolis Jacksonville Monday Night: Seattle under 38.5
  18. Re: How did you get your username? Came from My days of Running a Paintball Field. I ran a Small Field, only about 50 rental guns. 30 rentals was a good day. Norse Mythology Valkyries, - maidens who served Odin as Choosers of the Slain War Heros, who were taken to reside in Valhalla. The Valkyries, were warrior maidens (Valkrie - Male) who attended Odin, Ruler of the Gods. The Valkyries rode through the air in brilliant armor, directed battles, distributed death lots among the warriors, and conducted the Souls of Slain War Heroes to Valhalla, the Great Hall of Odin. Freya traveled on a golden-bristled boar or in a chariot drawn by cats. She resided in the celestial realm of Folkvang, where it was her privilege to receive half of all the Slain War Heros from battle; The God Odin, received the other half at Valhalla. My good Friend has the Nicknamed Odin. As we started every Paintball game, our last words to each other were always "See You In Valhalla" As far as the 1357, That's my Birthday 01/03/57 so that's How I came up with my Name. Valkrie1357
  19. Re: Week 8 NFL Picks.... Cincinnati Green Bay Kansas City New Orleans NY Giants Philadelphia Indianapolis Pittsburgh Carolina Monday Night: New England (over/ 39)
  20. Re: Stingray jumps in boat, stabs man in chest!! We we're in the Caymans a few years back & went swiming with the Stingrays. The guides were holdong them & rubbing them on peoples backs?!?!?!? (not the stinger side) but the stinger would have been towards the guides! CRAZY!!!!
  21. Re: Need Directions Google Earth
  22. Re: 12 pointer How do you get those antlers so Brown? Around here they are almost white. Weird?!?!? Congrats none the less!!!
  23. Re: What percentage of your monthly income..... 15%, Still Too Much
  24. Re: Oh the wheels are turning upstairs Get The Degree 1st then let your heart take you for a ride. Remember The More You Learn. The More You Earn!!! I missed Out on some Good Jobs simply because I have NO DEGREE!!!!!!! I was already doing the work.
  25. Re: Pet Peeves? Rude People, People who don't respect other peoples Opinions & Property Slow People in the Left Lane.