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Everything posted by terminator

  1. I had this rifle a few years back. It was a beautiful rifle, but I couldn't ever get a decent group out of it. After floating the barrel and replacing the trigger, I still did not get good accuracy even for a 44. I also tried several different loads without any better results.It may have been a 1 out of a million rifle that was bad, but mine was. I have several Ruger rifles that I love, but this one got traded. Good luck!!!
  2. Been loading now for 17 years and wouldn't shoot anything else! RCBS products are great, but Lee makes good dies at a much smaller cost.
  3. I got a limbsaver on my 338 Win Mag and have 0 complaints.
  4. Re: Them junky Glocks........... I love my Glocks! I have the model 20 and the model 22. They aren't the prettiest guns in the world, but man do they ever perform!!!
  5. Re: Nikon BDC Reticle I haven't tried the Nikon, but the similar reticles found in the Burris scopes I use work very well with calculating where to hold at 200+.
  6. Re: O.K. Now hypothetically........... I carry a 10mm for self defense and would hate to see the outcome if I ever had to use it in a just situation. The bad guys seem to be more protected by the law than decent hard working people. When all is said, I had rather face a court room alive ridding the world of some scum than to be dead.
  7. Re: PLease suggest concealed carry gun. Try out the Baby Glock! Not the prettiest, but they get the job done!
  8. Re: Any one Interested In swaping a Hunt Interested in hunting Georgia? If so send a pm.
  9. Re: New Ruger .308 =) Very good gun! I have a 30-06 and a 300 Win Mag with the same old style stock. The .308 is a great choice!!!
  10. Re: What Bullets do you....? 10mm & 40 S&W- 180gr Hornady XTP's 45 ACP- 230gr Hydra-shok's 44 Mag- 240gr Hornady XTP's or 210gr silvertips 357 Mag- 158gr Hornady XTP's
  11. terminator


    Re: PETA [ QUOTE ] They could have at least used someone good looking [/ QUOTE ] I agree!!!
  12. Re: It\'s great to be a democrat!!! Things just keep getting better, huh!? Democrats live in an imaginary world...
  13. Re: Snake Boots In South Georgia where I hunt, I run into them quite often. It is mostly the timber rattlers and cottonmouths. In North Georgia I run into the copperheads alot in bow season, but rarely ever see the rattlesnakes.
  14. Re: Reloading Supplers Midway is very hard to beat! Cabelas also has reloading equipment and good prices in their "Shooting Catalogue".
  15. Re: how much??? [ QUOTE ] Here's a NEF Handi Rifle in .204 for $230. That sounds like it might well be down your alley. [/ QUOTE ] These are great rifles for younger shooters! My 8 year old son has one in the 22-250 caliber. Don't worry Strut 10- he will be shooting the MAGNUMS before you know it!
  16. Re: Gun Range My front deck! They do not make a more convenient place than opening the front door and being able to take 400 yard shots!
  17. Re: Glock 20? Thanks for the help guys! I am going to load me a couple of hundred rounds with the 180gr Hornady XTP's! I am going with Midway on the brass and bullets.
  18. Re: National Anthem being sung in Spanish If it was intended to be spoke in Spanish; it would have been written in Spanish!
  19. Re: Whats Up With This!!! GUN BAN ILLINIOS!!! We all need to focus our efforts in supporting organizations like the NRA to help in the fight for our second admendment right to bear arms. We also need to exercise our rights by voting against these narrow minded candidates that are trying to pass these laws. It falls on our shoulders as hunters/gun owners to stand up and do something to protect our freedom in owning firearms!
  20. I recently bought a Glock 20 in the 10mm and noticed that as much as I love this gun, it is hard to find ammo for it! I handload most everything that I shoot, so I looked to good old Midway Shooting Supply for some brass and they do not even have much of a selection! HELP!
  21. Re: winchester did i miss something I will miss the model 70 and 1300. Both were very reliable models.
  22. Re: Looking for my first... Good luck on the new handgun!!!
  23. Re: Tru-Glo products Great news to hear that they are still companies that will back their products!
  24. Re: Newby here. Welcome!