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Everything posted by natethebowhunter

  1. [ATTACH=CONFIG]13261[/ATTACH] 2010 buck is on far left. 2012 buck is the big 8 in the middle. How does it look???
  2. Thanks, I am limited on time this year being away at college. But i am gonna go home and take a long hike this weekend. Ill try to "think like a deer" and definitely focus on the edges more so than the middle of the timber. Hopefully i'll be posting pics of what i find!
  3. I've read countless times to search in the bedding and feeding areas to find sheds. Unfortunately i can not get access to the feeding areas near my land. So this leaves the bedding areas. Ive found all my sheds in the hardwoods near the feeding areas mostly along trails as i follow them. But judging by my trail camera i have A LOT of bucks on the property yet i dont find their sheds come spring. So i guess my question is how to find the bedding areas used by the bucks. I find a lot of groups of beds in the harwoods (assuming doe groups?) and never find sheds while thoroughly searching that area. All around the hardwoods is a thick wet swamp. Now im thinking the bucks must stay in that marsh to bed down and most likely their sheds will be in there as well. But how do you even go about searching that? Just walk the trails through the marsh grass? It is a big area and i just dont know how to attack it. The times i have walked through i came out empty handed. Any tips at all? thanks
  4. What do you think is the cause for ALL those dead deer!? I have found carcasses in the past but never that many in one year. wolves?
  5. Family friend shot this near platteville WI, and I wanted to share it for him! definitly the buck of a lifetime for him!
  6. Shot this guy saturday night at 30 yards. gut shot, but the thunderhead did its job! 100 yards worth or tracking. Took him to the txi already, any guesses on score? he is 18 wide, didnt measure the other stuff
  7. Score???
  8. Sorry you have to click on the link
  9. anybody in wisconsin have a rut report?? idk where the rut is this year, or if it came and went without me knowing?? every year i see the seek phase, then the chase, then the lull where i suspect they r breeding. this year i have barely noticed a seek phase, havent seen any chasing... and it already nov 13th.. whats up in youre areas????
  10. here in southern wisconsin its been raining and the forecast for the next 7 days shows the winds being 15+ mph each day. the next 7 days are also supposed to be the "best" days for the rut this year... will this rain and the future winds have a dramatic affect on the rut this year? or will all be the same only our trees will be swaying while we're out there?
  11. certainly had a foul odor to him, went home and washed my hunting clothes again just to be sure i got it off me lol. ive only seen solo coyotes so far, and its only the days i physicall saw one that my hunting was really bad. just gotta hope they stay away for alittle while for me
  12. up until this year (from talking to my dad and grandpa), there has not been a single coyote seen while hunting our property in the last 35 years... well this year a slightly different story. About a month ago i was out hunting and noticed a strong decrease in deer sightings from the previous week, sure enough 2 hours into the hunt i spot a coyote running through my woods. Went out the next week and saw deer like usual. then yesterday expecting some good rutting behavior and to see lots of deer, i didnt see a single deer for 3 hours(unusual), then came the lone coyote.. he ran past and didnt give me a shot, so i took out the turkey call and squealed into it like a dying rabbit, sure enough the coyote came running back 100 mph, i stopped him at 50 yards and let him have the rage. One less coyote out there now. Has anybody else noticed a dramatic decline in deer sighting because of coyotes? i would think the deer wouldnt be that scared of a 40 pound dog? to the point they disappear? i just find it weird
  13. i laid all my hunting clothes out and used my trail cam to take an infrared pic of them, only the clothes that are "water proof" and "water resistant" appeared to be white. they have all been washed in the UV free detergent. and on my waterproof boots the sole and outside of the boot did not appear white, but the bulk of the boot did appear white. im not sure what it is but i think it has to do with waterproof coating.
  14. went shining around the area tonight, saw a lot of bucks on their feet, few young buck were pushing does in fields, did see a 160+ buck but he was not with a doe, just cruising, plan to go hunting in the morning and see if anythings heating up in the timber yet
  15. Shot this doe this morning at 20 yards, couldn't let a big ol doe like her walk past Put my diamond black ice flx to work, been waiting to shoot it at a deer for too long
  16. I have the diamond black ice flx, which is the 2010 model. and i also have the QAD rest. i havent noticed any problems with it on my bow. paper tuned it and had plenty of room for adjustment. i dont have the hd model QAD though, i have the cheaper (around $60) model of the rest. im not sure if that would really make a difference. but i guess thats possible
  17. does anyobdy else use the deer attractant called "deer cane"? ive been using it for 3 years now and i couldnt be happier with the results. my camera is always over my deer cane spot and im getting a thousand pictures a week. even the big boys come to it.
  18. Any guesses on score or age?? pretty sure this is him last year
  19. i live near fond du lac wisconsin, are there any spots fairly close by i could go to catch some catfish or even good spots for carp?? im just lookin for somethin to do in my free time from shore to catch some fish that put up a good fight
  20. welcome to the forums and great sheds you have there! look forward to seeing more!
  21. i was searching the internet for a new rest to take the place of my whisker bisquit and i came across this new rest from trophy ridge. It looks like an ingenious idea to me. just wondering if anybody has tried it or has any input. its called revolution
  22. Last week we had our antlerless only hunt here in wisconsin, we shot three deer but only 2 were does, the third was a buck that had already shed its antlers . the wounds were scabbed over already. Now today while riding the snowmobile around, i spot a buck with just one side... is it unusual for these deer to be shed out already halfway through december???