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Went to a bar for a beer and hot wings (what we do after climbing) and had to wear a mask to order then take off while at the table. I could see that mask wearing being tough for your son. Good luck with the weight loss!
Looks like a couple shooters and a cull buck anyway. I think the cull buck had been shot or suffered an injury near the abdomen.
The numbers of positive cases are up in my area. Restaurants are open (dine in) and most businesses. It is nice not being seated right next to other people - the 6 foot rule is in effect and wish it would continue. Schools will start this fall and kids will be required to wear masks. I am back at the climbing gym - it's not easy climbing a rock wall with a mask on but it is what it is for now.
It may be an employment mandate like the flu vaccine is for me. If I want to work I am required to take the flu vaccine. I would not be surprised to see the same with COVID.
I'm sure the financial difference between this option and a redneck are considerable.
The IL Governor (also known as fat tax boy) extended the stay at home order even after admitting that the numbers of COVID deaths were inaccurate as to the actual cause of death. Oh, he also sent his wife to Florida on vacation! The county officials (where I live) voted to go against fat boy and started opening businesses on Wednesday in a 4 phase approach as advised by the county health department. Will be interesting to see how fat boy responds.
Not much to report except a lot of people are accusing the IL governor of embellishing the COVID numbers to gain more federal money. I would not doubt it. The problem is he extended the stay at home mandate which keeps many people out of work. Hope this is about to end. On another note: I have a closing date for my new house on June 8th and a closing date for my current house on June 12th. Great timing!
Well, the Governor in IL extended the stay at home order with a few changes. non-essential surgeries get the green light which means Beth will not have to work the COVID floor. so far the COVID cases peaked on April 24th and is gradually declining the past few days. My house was listed yesterday evening and I've got a contingent contract on a new house. Had a showing this AM. Hoping for a quick sale.
Here in IL the numbers of new cases have been about the same for the past couple weeks. I expect to see a decline over the next week or two. I've been keeping busy working from home (teaching online) and getting my house ready to sell. We put it on the market Friday and will send an offer on a new house this AM. A friend of mine (nurse) traveled to New York to get the big money and work with COVID patients. I believe he gets close to 10K for 3 weeks work work. Tough work though - he works something like 20 of the 21 days.
Death Toll in IL is lower than projected. IL is expected to lift the stay at home order on April 30th.
Not much to update on. Finding toilet paper is a little easier now. The Department of Natural Resources sent a memo that all hunting in the closed parks is prohibited and that those with park specific permits will not be issued a refund and that the permits can not be transferred. Taking this time to fix up my house and get it ready for the market. Planning to move to a larger house soon. Not sure how severe of an impact this virus will have on selling my house.
Update: I have learned that a major hospital in St Louis is dedicating several patient floors for COVID-19 positive patients. There currently are about 70 positive patients. Another floor is being dedicated for more positive patients coming in. The number will be at 100 soon. Once admitted with the virus visitors are not allowed.
Good news! My girlfriend's cough was gone this AM and her headache. No fever and no symptoms. Guess it was just a cold or something. Anyway, IL numbers: Positive tests: 1,865 and 19 deaths.
Today's Update: My girlfriend (recently moved in with me) is an OR nurse but they re-assigned her to screening people for the virus and then to work on the floor where COVID-19 positive patients are being cared for. She came home yesterday with a cough, headache, and general tiredness (no fever). We felt it best to isolate her in the spare back room for now. She is not allowed back in the hospital until cleared by HR. She has not been tested as the symptoms developed right after she left work yesterday. I had to make repairs to her condo (necessary to pass inspections) as she closes in early April. I went to Home Depot and they have instituted a 100 person at a time limit. There is a line of people waiting to get in. I ran by the grocery store and still no toilet paper but they had bread (limit 2 packages per person). Plexiglass was up to protect the cashiers.
That sucks - if this virus was more lethal it would be a lot worse.
Update: Been busy moving my girlfriend (Beth) in since her condo sold. We close April 10th but cant get inspectors out to follow up with the new fuse box they wanted installed. Beth has been reassigned from working the Operating Room to screening people for the virus. The state park I was issued a turkey tag for (Pere Marquette) is closed. I have a second tag for my property so maybe I'll get lucky. The Governor issued a stay at home order that started yesterday at 5pm. If I need to go to my office at the university I have to get cleared by campus police first. A close friends wife is symptomatic and was tested. Takes 4-5 days. A doctor she works with tested positive.
Safe travels Lewis!
Today's Update: The township I live in has closed all parks until further notice. Three people in the hospital my girlfriend works at have tested positive. Little to nothing is being done to safeguard health care workers. I know one nurse that just completed chemo and is having radiation (immunocompromised) that must work or take sick time to get paid as they no longer allow any staff to take vacation.
Today's update: I read that the earliest a vaccine will be available will be spring 2021. The county I live in reported the first case of the virus. The state of IL is reporting one death so far. I went to the store and milk was back on the shelves, some bread, and some meat. Not a lot, but better than previously.
This topic is to communicate the impact the COVD-19 virus is having in your area and on you (if you choose to share). You probably all know me by now - I'm Frank and I live on the Illinois side of St Louis Missouri. I work as a professor at a public university. The following are the impacts in my area linked to the virus. 1. Most stores are being cleared out of meat, milk, toilet paper, and Tylenol. 2. The public universities and grade schools / high schools have extended spring break to online learning environments (likely until the end of the spring term). Grade school kids are now being home schooled (so much for common core) LOL 3. Restaurants and most bars are closed (for inside dinning). 4. Meetings at the university I work at are being conducted via an online platform or via phone. 5. The IL National Guard has been activated. 6. My girlfriend is a nurse at a St Louis Hospital and has received notification that she may be called in at any time and is being asked not travel more than 40 minutes away from the hospital. 7. Physicians and other clinicians working for hospitals in the St Louis area have been asked or told (Not sure of the mandate) to cancel spring break trips and stay in the area. 8. So far no one I know has contracted the virus. Hopefully it stays that way. I read the death toll in Italy has been rising quite high. It seems this bug is a bit worse than influenza and hopefully a vaccine may be available soon. The YMCA of the Rockies has cancelled all reservations until mid-April and maybe longer. This was to be our summer vacation destination.
Thanks William for running the show.