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Everything posted by fly

  1. I've read enough on the politics forum to know this is not a thread where differing opinions are welcomed. However since a lot of people are wondering how Obama could have won I'll present you with this: I'm not a youth, I'm 37 years old. I'm a white male who supports the NRA. I love to hunt. Ronald Reagan is my hero and I have a great deal of respect and admiration for McCain. I very upset with some of the decisions my states Democratic Governor has made and will not vote to keep him in office. I'm also pro-life and have served our country in the US Army National Guard for 8 years. I own a 300 Rem. ultra mag and I've voted for a republican president every year except this one. So why did I vote for Obama? I researched all the smear campaigns against Obama and they don't hold up as far as I'm conerned. In the past I've voted republican because of the abortion issue. Well, after 8 years of George W. abortions are still legal. I will not vote for a candidate based on one issue any more. McCain is a fine man, but I disagree with his plan to save our economy. I'm not sure what to do regarding foreign policy. The right thing would have never went to war with Iraq. McCain doesn't talk about that much, whereas Obama has been against it all along. Sorry Palin supporters, but Sarah might be a great mom, hunter, and person, but not a potential president. I lost respect for McCain when he picked her. I saw it as a vote earning move, not a best candidate to serve our country move. Everyone at the office yesterday was saying well we know who you voted for today. A lot of jaws dropped when I told them. Anyway, if Obama could gain my support, it's not difficult to see how he won.
  2. Congrats to the hunter. That picture looks like a senior class picture.
  3. I doubt the bucks are in lock down. Perhaps the doe mother was shot or hit by a car. I saw 2 doe mothers with their fawns eating beans in the morning this past Saturday. No bucks were following much to my despair.
  4. Welcome and I agree with you about this being a tough season. It has! I too have seen very little deer activity. We hunt in the same general area (I'm in Greene county) hunting farms of people I know. In years past I typically see 10-15 deer an evening. This year I'm luck to see one. Let's hope November will be better than October!
  5. I bought a rather cheap one from Cabela's for this year. I've used several times, but can't get a deer to come in with enough light, or they come too fast and I can't get it turned on and in position. It kinda stinks setting up all that stuff in the dark for morning hunts. I've gotten to where I just film on evening hunts. Mine is the pine ridge for about 35 bucks. It works fine for my needs.
  6. Very nice IL buck. Were you hunting with an outfitter, leasing land, or just someone you know? Looks like you put that 400.00 buck tag to good use! Congratulations!
  7. I'm seeing more scrapes finally! I'm still only seeing deer right at last light. Bucks are responding to grunting. Called a decent one in last night.
  8. 1st deer in October goes to the butcher for sausage. Any deer after that I grind into burger and cut into roasts/steaks myself. Any deer I kill after the shotgun season in mid-Nov. I do myself. Butchers take several months to get the meat back because of all the deer brought in and the meat is not that great and sometimes flat out bad.
  9. Started using mine last week (not as a growl, just light grunts and pops). It brought in a 1&1/2 year old 4-pointer that was very interested in finding the deer that made the sound. Hung around for 20 minutes. A few days later I used it and there was a doe about 70 yards from me in thick cover (I didn't know she was there). It had no effect on her. I then rattled just before getting down (around 10am) and she blew and ran off. I like it and plan to use it heavily in another week. I'll wait 2 weeks before I rattle.
  10. fly

    PA Buck down!

    Nice deer, congratulations. Welcome to the forums it's a great place to be during the hunting season and the off season.
  11. Trail cameras are great as long as no one steals them which is a possibility where I hunt. I like to use mapquest or Google and study the maps. Find a few pinch points or field corners. Then scout for some deer sign and trials then find a tree that will get you elevated enough to see well. Use binoculars and start looking for deer movement. If you picked wrong move to where the deer are.
  12. Congrats Lou! I suppose those are your excited looking daughters in their PJ's. I know my kids (except my 13 year old step-daughter) get upset if they don't get to see the deer. The 13 year old just started saying it was "gross" last year when the peer pressure set in. I too make sure to thank "The Man Upstairs" for each deer I'm fortunate to harvest.
  13. The Summit climbers are my favorite. I have an add for the Summit Ultra Viper on sale for 199.00 at Cabela's starting the 30th.
  14. fly


    Alpha Burley's are great! Bought some for this season and will buy this boot from now on. Pretty good deal at: Got an add today that Cabela's will place these on sale on the 30th. >Frank
  15. Great story Gary. Another thing about the picture of me and the deer is it was the first picture my son ever took. I think he might have a future in photography.
  16. Good luck in Kansas Saturday Tim. I'll make sure there are a few big boys for you to choose from here in IL as well. >Frank
  17. Good choice waiting rather than risking an ify shot. Gotta love deer meat! Looking foward to seeing your harvests this year Tim. >Frank
  18. Thanks, I have some great pics of my son with the deer, but I feel a little uneasy posting pics of my kids. Maybe I'm just an over-protective father. Anyway he's only 6 so I can still say he's adorable can't I? If you ever get the chance to take your little ones on the tracking job do so. It adds so much to the hunt.
  19. Shot this doe at last light on 10/27/08. Harvested her the next morning with the help of my son who was more than willing to miss a couple hours of school. Mom said it was ok. She came in directly down wind of me. With 20mph winds I guess being 22 feet in a tree helped keep my scent up and over her. She walked right under me for a 12 yard shot.
  20. First deer of the seasonIllinois 10/28/08Fred Bear TRX with Rocky Mountain Gator XP's.
  21. 5 points for team Predator (#7)Doe harvested on 10/28/08 by flyerla.
  22. Add 5 more!It has been a tough year for me so far. It took me 13 hunts to get my first deer of the season. I just haven't seen that many deer in October as I have in the past. I'm glad to get some meat for the freezer before gun season. Once gun season hits it can take 2-3 months before getting the deer meat back and it's just not as good. If I harvest any additional deer I'll be grinding them into burger myself. This doe was the only deer I saw Monday night. She came out right before last light and worked her way towards me giving me a 12 yard broadside shot. The shot was a little back so I'm glad I gave her overnight. I went back early in the morning with my 1st grader Frank Jr. He helped me track and find it. It was the first time for him to do this and he had a ball. He especially liked the fact that he missed a couple hours of school.
  23. I always hunt in 15-25 mph winds. It makes it easier to decide which stand to hunt. Go to a low area (valley or draw). Hunt the edge of a field that is sheltered by large trees. I do avoid longer shots in winds above 25 mph and I make sure the tree is big enough to prevent too much swaying.