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Everything posted by rookieee

  1. Floridas sportsman and North American whitetail
  2. happy birthday Ken hoping you have a great day
  3. originally from Syracuse,move to Miami Fl in 1974,owner of a drywall dist center,welcome to the forum
  4. good luck,thats a awesome buck hope you get him
  5. my wife love to hunt and fish ,she will be goin for her firts ILL deer this year at Samsons Ridge
  6. hope all work out for you glad the family is ok
  7. WOW thats a great looking work
  8. great pics ,beautiful mount range
  9. La Cross makes some good ones i used them for many yrs
  10. great pic ,thanks for sharing them,William you must be proud of you girls
  11. very nice home hope you and the family enjoy your new home
  12. have a great day Kyle:happybday::wine::beer:
  13. hope you all have a great time Steve
  14. they can search all they want but will never fine any,plan ahead and plan well because that day its coming
  15. i started deer hunting in (71) here in FL ,dint kill one till (78) started going out of state in (80) from then on i have (9) wall mount and kill at list (1) doe for meat every year,if you count mules i have (4)wall mount to