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Everything posted by huntaholic1

  1. Hey everyone here's some pics of my big boy I took on Nov4, with my excalibur exomag using 100 gr.Montec Cabon steel broadhead. I shot him at 28 yards, recovery was about 200 yards as I hit him a little far back in the liver. Never theless only half hour of tracking and we found this big guy. He Green scored 187 1/8" gross and netted 176 7/8" B&C. He field dressed at 232 lbs.
  2. Wow, I got the surprise of my life. He gross scored 183 1/4". He surprised everyone there.
  3. got this big fella last night at 5pm with my excalibur crossbow at 30 yards with a carbon steel montec 100 gr. fixed broadhead. getting him scored and weighed tonight. Any guesses on score? he is a 12 pointer with inside spread of 21" if that helps!
  4. gidday fellow canadians, just wanted to say the deer are moving pretty good here in my neck of the woods. I saw 4 bucks yesterday and one make a scrape, I also passed on a really nice 6 pointer at 30 yards, which i hope i wont regret. Really great potential for this deer.
  5. very nice deer , i guess 173
  6. my second biggest ever, taken this year oct 30 at 8 am at 17 yards, came out of nowhere just like a ghost.
  7. thanx, ya he was big and heavy, he field dressed at 243lbs, my taxidermist aged him at 7.5 yrs and was on his way down which explains the shorter tine length
  8. well guys and gals my season's over, but I had a heck of a good one oct30th 10 point with my crossbow 17 yards at 8 am and an 8 pointer at 100 yards with my TC omega Nov. 6th at 4:15 pm. I already can't wait for next year. Woot Woot!!!!
  9. shot this guy oct 30th at 17 yards with my excalibur exomag with rage 3 blade broadhead at 8 am
  10. I know and the guy is really reasonable I think price wise. That mount was $475 and turn around time of less than 11 months. I am so happy I found this taxidermist. The only problem now is that my older other mounts don't look as good as I thought they did when they're next to this big fella:hammer1:
  11. pics are in taxidermy section
  12. oh yeah, the taxidermist said the deer was 51/2 years old, for anyone that is curious
  13. got my last year deer back and he is awesome, I am so happy with him, the attention to detail by this taxidermist is unreal. Check him out guys and gals
  14. any minute now my buck from last year should be arriving hand delivered by the taxidermist himself. This is the longest evening of my life!!!!!
  15. funny thing is the deer was only a four point, and it wasn't a small tree. Maybe our Canadian deer are just bigger:clap:
  16. sitting in my stand tonite and had a little buck come right up to my tree I was sitting in and rubbed it and he rubbed it frickin hard, I litterally had to hold on to my seat. I wonder if he smelled me or what? He hung around the base of my tree for about 3 mins.
  17. well the other day I found a really good set of sheds from last year in an area that doesn't look hunted at all. maybe 50 yards from where I found the sheds I found an unbelievable bedding area, alot of beds some pretty big too. Long story short,I set up a stand in the bedding area. Was this a mistake or has anyone had success hunting a bedding area? Also i ve been told that a big mature buck wont bed with other deer, is this true? Any feedback or past experiences would be appreciated. Thanx
  18. found 3 sheds yesterday, my first matching set as well. main beam length of 26",hope he survived the winter
  19. you know what's funny about all this, is that a new hunter could see pics like that and 1) be turned off of hunting or 2) not feel the need to practice a lot before going in to the field because with a hole like that you could hit them anywhere!!!!:hammer1: It is what it is I guess. Oh and I'm still going to use my G5 Montecs.
  20. If you ask me its about time they drop the # of antlerless and multiple tags especially in wmu 65. I remember 5 years ago there used to be crazy amounts of deer including big bucks, now your lucky if you see a buck or does for that matter as well. Poor management in my opinion!!!!!!!!!:nono:
  21. I own an Omega and was sold Butch's Bore butter, and personally do not like it at all. After cleaning the barrel as prescribed by TC's manual with bore butter, the barrel a week later was so dirty looking it was unbelievable. When I put the gun away it was spotless. so I spoke to a gunsmith and he recommended Remington oil. No problems eversince, and I can clean the rest of my gun with the same product.
  22. man that is a great mount, awesome idea for a mount as well. keep up the great work
  23. have had really close encounters with deer on the ground while using Scent Away by HS. Great stuff, I think I will buy some today!