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Everything posted by huntaholic1

  1. good point about practicing on your own not your customers. A mount is something you want to be proud of for many many years. I know personally I look at my mounts everyday, and wouldn't be happy if there was one that was poorly done. Sounds like you got the drive, I'd say that's the first step in the right direction. Good luck.
  2. awesome! The color rocks, I think I would hang that pic of you right by the mount:)
  3. I'm not usually a fan of euro mounts, but I really like yours and the shoulder mount is really well done too. Great job!
  4. was at sports action today in st. laurent, they have a whole bunch of new big deer mounts hangin with some pretty awesome plaques hand carved. anyone in ottawa should go check it out.
  5. been super busy with work and clearing out my new food plot for this fall. I m really excited about my new spot, just need to figure out what to plant. 5 months to go!!!
  6. great mount, he is a big six! Local taxidermist???
  7. love the muscle toning in his neck and **** ya great tines. Very nice!!!
  8. Montec G5 100 grains with my crossbow. Excellent strong broadhead and don't have to worry about it opening like a certain spitfire mechanical that cost me a 150" deer.
  9. ya I as well have a 3x9x40 Bushnell on my TC Omega and love it. Definitely no issues with holding zero, and I've sent well over 250 shots through that gun in less than a year. Also I find the recoil less than a 30-06 as well even shooting max load of 150 grains.
  10. First off that's a great buck! I have much smaller ones mounted and hung with pride in my house. To me I have them mounted as each of them have a special story behind them or are a first of some sort and I feel they deserve the respect of being displayed. They're not always about the biggest rack, but don't get me wrong I do love a big rack:)
  11. Looks awesome, I love the leaves, really realistic looking. I cant wait to get mine back!
  12. hey everyone, well I think I'm gonna buy a boat and I'm not quite sure what to buy. I'll mostly be using it for fishing but want it big enough and comfortable enough to have the family out on it and feel safe. Family being 4 of us. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'm thinking between a 16 and 18 footer.
  13. i got 11, pretty sure it was the 11 I guessed on:D
  14. thats sick!! Great deer. Good luck topping that one:)
  15. my rides: 2008 ram,2008 jeep patriot,1987 mustang and 2006 Grizzly. Patriots my wifes but I pay for it. Lol
  16. looks like you have quite the lease. Congrats on all the nice deer and welcome to an awesome website.
  17. Okay okay so how long r u gonna make us wait for the real score? By the way I think I scored him a little light as well. Looking at him again I think I started to get Buck Fever:D:eek:
  18. 390 cdn for a shoulder mount and the attention to detail is second to none. I'm so glad I found this guy.
  19. I'd say 158, that's a really nice buck:)
  20. Ever thought of big Canadian whitetails?
  21. well if that doesn't get the kid pumped for next years season, nothing will. Great find!