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Everything posted by woolybear

  1. Yup- keep your mind open and you just may take a liken' to what you hear. Have fun at the show.
  2. MAKE IT STOP!:poke: Gotta couple weeks yet before I can even think about chewing on some fresh flesh again. Till then it's all cow for now:eat: Welcome aboard Terry. Never get tired of some good campfire cookins'.
  3. You're a ballsy chick Ruth, not sure I could have done that. Carefull on how long your blade is. If I remember correctly in NY you are only allowed to carry 4"er on your personal buggy before it becomes carry of an illegal weapon:death:. In that case you may as well had taken the .22 if a trooper's having a bad day and rolls up on ya in the act. Heck I got hassled one time for having a tire iron on the back seat as a dispatch tool.:nono: Who woulda thunk something that comes with the truck is considered an illegal weapon if not in it's propper spot. Just sayin'.
  4. lil fella looks a wee bit hungry and cranky to me.:baby: Probably time for a nice warm bottle, a 'charming lullabye' and some snugglin' before he takes a nap. Cool pics!
  5. woolybear

    Could you?

    Heck I'd be happy with a $100 gift card about now. There's no way I could blow that much on outdoor gear alone without getting a few more important things in line 1'st.
  6. I'll second that. Never had a problem with either of mine. Shot both for about 8 years or so. Aimpoint red dots are very user friendly scopes. We played around with where the dot was in the scope and it really didn't show any noticeable differences in 3 shot groups at 75yds.
  7. Just might have to slide the thermostat to the right tonight here. Meant to last night but didn't want to get out from under the blanket. We got frost here a few weeks ago already.
  8. Nice ride.....for a second there, I thought you got your old buggy a new pair of sneakers.:clown:
  9. 1st of all, glad your familie's ok as can be expected. Secondly, I've been in that situation before. Expect the old bittys insurance company to put partial blame on your wife for following too closely to the car in front of her. Expect the same from the driver of the car she got pushed into. Battling insurance companies is like being a piece of sheetrock trying to fend off a team of drywallers....eventually they find a way to screw ya. Good luck and keep your attourney on speed dial.
  10. Great job Rem.. good shootin'.
  11. I hear ya Red. Home alone again tonight so maybe I'll just order a pizza instead. No scence torturing myself.:sleep1:
  12. Ummmm, yup. They make a REAL good couple.
  13. And there's a good example of not ethical, lol
  14. So who got the bed :sleep1:and who was on the couch Thurday night.:clown:
  15. Always enjoy reading these kinda stories. Congrats to you on the bowkill. Felt your excitement all the way here at my house.
  16. WTG Randy. You made that look easy enough to start your own "how to" video collection volume 1 and 2.
  17. No problem with a forty here far as being ethical. Heck I've had deer inside 20 that reacted to the shot more than some further out. Guess it don't matter how many you can put in the vitals out of 100 shots. Chances are only your first one will count so if you feel good about it, so do I.
  18. Great buck Leo. Especially by SC standards.
  19. Heck yeah Stevo. You can't make something like that up,lol
  20. Alls I was reffering to was anyone that has to push a big drill bit through wet lumber. Nails go in easy. Your contractor is most likely not doing you plumbing, electrical, or heating so what does he care. BTW those muddy paw prints on the foundation wall cracked me up!
  21. Get all your wood under cover. Wet wood is a tradesmans nightmare. You don't wanna PO them guys. Good progress pics. I hope things start to go your way soon weather wise.
  22. I put my sunglasses on everyday even when the sun aint shining. Some folks laugh at the sight. I keep the hope that it will come out but it never seems to. I work on my issues to solve lifes problems to no avail or simply fail misserably. What more can one ask for from another? I'm missing something obviously.
  23. A guy with the handle of redneck or buckee:kiss: lol:clown:
  24. You know what Redneck...it's guys like you that keep me believing in myself. You're one of the folk I was speaking of.