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Everything posted by Bowmadness2186

  1. Just picked up a new E35 and getting it ready for the 3D season. Getting cabin fever bad and cant wait to start shooting outside again. Anyone else pick up a new bow in the off season?
  2. Well its all over here in NY. Only saw a few small bucks and does this year. Was a slow season for everyone in camp this year, with no bucks taken and only a few big does.
  3. havent been out since the 16th, but heading to camp tonight after work. got 12 inches of fresh snow. Only 3 weekends left here in NY
  4. Was off all last week. The beginning of the week was slow but toward the end of the week the young ones started to get up and move more. Bow season ends here Friday and rifle opens Saturday. cold weather is moving in for the weekend so hopefully this gets the big boys up and moving.
  5. It has been super slow this year. Calling for a high of 32 this Sat and cold all next week. I start my 9 day vacation to the treestand starting this Sat. Can't wait to be back in the woods.
  6. starting to pick up just before dark here. starting to see does in the fields and a few smaller bucks moving.
  7. Yea i feel your pain. My oldest has soccer tomorrow at 2, but after that i will be heading to camp for the rest of the long weekend.
  8. Congrats MUDRUNNER. Saturday was a wash here literally. it rained so hard all day. made it hard to sit more then 2 hours in the morning and evening. will be back at it this sunday.
  9. Gongrats to the 3 of you. Very nice deer.
  10. well not much action yesterday besides a little doe that played around my stand for almost an hour. temps are supposed to drop another 10 degrees for this weekend. will be back at it saturday.
  11. Well Christmas Eve is finally here. Dont think i will be getting any sleep tonight. will be in the stand all day tomorrow. Good Luck to all those who are in the woods.
  12. 5 Days. Not that i am counting down or anything.
  13. 8 Days till i will be sitting in my stand.
  14. Well i decided to take a mental health day yesterday for my own sanity. Got up took the kids to school and decided to drive 2 hours to camp to check my cameras and move some treestands around. So after moving 3 stands i started to pull SD cards. The first couple only had a few doe and small bucks, and by small i mean the ears were bigger then the antlers. Deff not shooters. So i was pretty bummed at this point, but that all changed as i got to the last two cameras and started to see some decent bucks for this part of new york and one real nice big buck. So all in all i had a productive day getting ready for the season opener and now am excited to get in the stand.
  15. Checking in. My season starts Sep 27th. havent been seeing much action on the cameras this year. had a hard winter and lost alot of deer this year.
  16. Missed that part not a big deal. Still taking my son out this weekend to see if we can get another one.
  17. Going to the one in Mass May 31/June 1. what one are you going to?
  18. Thanks Guys. Still got one more tag and one more day to get out. so still hope for a bigger thunder chicken to better my score.
  20. Team 1 17 May 14 22Lbs 3 Ounces 7/8 Inch Spurs 8 1/4 Inch Beard [ATTACH=CONFIG]14265[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]14266[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]14267[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]14268[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]14269[/ATTACH]
  21. well i got it done Sat morning. [ATTACH=CONFIG]14263[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]14264[/ATTACH] will get pics loaded tonight for score. 22LBS 8 Inch beard and both spurs were 7/8th of an inch.
  22. Heading out in the morning hoping to find that lone gobbler. Got out last Sat for a couple hours but it was raining so hard most of the time i couldnt even here myself think, let alone a turkey if there was one. this will be the last time i get out this spring unless i take time off work. Good Luck to everyone still hunting.