.270 Weatherby Mag.


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What can you guys tell me about the 270 Weatherby Mag? I have a Rem. 7600 carbine in 30.06 and for this coming bear season I would like a rifle that I feel will give me a little more accuracy and a little more punch at longer ranges. My grandfater has a 270 Wby. Mag. that he said I could borrow if I wanted to. It is already sighted in and would just need a couple shots to verify that it is still on. I will be hunting in a clearcut that shots out to 300 yards and further could be quite common. Any other sugguestions that would be suitable, let me know?


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Guest Rolngthun

Re: .270 Weatherby Mag.

I had one several years ago. Back then I couldn't get shells locale. A box costed big dollars.

It made a ton of noise. It is fast and shoots flat. I shot one doe with it. Head shot. Decided then it was way too much for deer. Very ugly.

I sold it to my bud who goes out west alot, so he gets good use out of it.

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