My buddies Sask Mule Deer


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Well my buddy is new to the Lloyd area and he drew a Mulie buck tag for the Saskatchewan side. So I told him I would take him out and get him a big one (never dreaming that we would). We were just looking for a decent buck because the sask season ends on nnovember 12 and we were out on the 11th. Well long story short about 45 minutes into our hunt this buck comes up out of a coulee bottom about 200 hundred yards away and I immediately tell him theres his buck. I hadn't got a good look at him because he was going away from us. My buddy jammed a shell into his rifle and I told him to hang on so I could get a better look at him. I grunted and the buck turned his head and I could see he had deep forks and knew right away he was a shooter. The first shot my buddy hit him in the butt and I saw this so I told him to keep shooting. He missed his second shot and then on third he dropped him with a shot to the neck. I knew it was a good buck and my buddy was extremely happy. When we were gutting him we had a coyote come out of the bush about 100 yards away and stood there broadside, so my buddy takes a poke at him and wouldn't yah know it, he misses the coyote standing broadside. When we got home we green scored this buck at just over 189. Definetely a great buck. Sorry bout the tongue sticking out, we didn't realize it was until we got him into the truck and were on our way home, oh well.

As for my year, I didn't see any whitetails that met my standards, quite a few in the 130 to 140 range, and one absolute hawg that would score 180, but it was 20 min before legal time, and by the time it was legal to shoot, he was gone. oh well, I guess I will just have to shoot lots of coyotes to make up for it.



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