Have we become complacent ??


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I've noticed no one has posted anything about the GAS prices that have risen from $2.19 to $2.50 a gallon here in Vermont, I'm sure it has to have risen else where as well....

What gets me is that not even the Media has written a whole lot on the subject. Local and federal governments as well haven't even offered any explantions as to the rising prices, that I have noticed.... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

It's just crazy that it took over 22 weeks for gas to fall from $2.50+ per gallon to $2.19 the last time it got this high, but it only took less than 7 days to rise over .30 cents a gallon, and I haven't heard a peep in here about the inrease... crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif


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Re: Have we become complacent ??

With the nicer weather arriving more people are traveling which has increased demand and all the refineries damaged by the hurricanes are still not up and running completely--thus increase prices. At least this is what our local news channel said was the cause for the increase.

I paid 2.29 yesterday.


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Re: Have we become complacent ??

WOW, Todd you only paid $2.29... is that what you have been paying along ??

That's quite a price difference from what we are paying here in the Northeast.... Most if not all of the stations here are at $2.50...

And that Hurricane damge story doesn't hold water, if you consider, most of the country was paying $2.29 or less for gas just a bit ago.... To me there's no way they can justify a .30 cent increase in less than 7 days... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

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Re: Have we become complacent ??

I gassed up last night on my way home from NYC. I go over the GWB and thru Jersey and gas up there, and back into NY. I paid $2.28/gal...not bad considering in NY prices are like 40-50cents more per gallon. It pays for me to take the gas cans and fill up for my guzzling Silverado while I'm filling up my saturn.

I do believe we have become used to paying high prices for fuel. It has been a while now since gas has gone over $2, most of the grumbling has gone away. People, as you say, have become complacent .

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Re: Have we become complacent ??

I haven't accepted it yet. I still whine and snivel everytime I fill my tank, but it's not the guys at the service stations fault.

Who do you complain to, and who will listen ??? frown.gif

I'm going to have to raise my painting quotes to unclude the fuel costs now though, and I hate doing that. There is no way I'm going to work, just to pay for the fuel it cost me to get there though. crazy.gif

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Re: Have we become complacent ??

This time of year is when all the highschools/colleges have their spring breaks. That means, theres tons of people out traveling long distances, which takes a lot of gas. There is more demand, so they raise the prices. It's very sad I know, but thats the only explanation I can think of for prices raising right now.

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Re: Have we become complacent ??

Im in the same boat as buckee, with the closest lumber yard for me to get material at being around 35 miles round trip and having to go there almost daily Im gonna have to start charging a little more crazy.gifHate to do it but Im at a loss as to a better idea.

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Re: Have we become complacent ??


There is no way I'm going to work, just to pay for the fuel it cost me to get there though.

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That's exactly my thought Steve..... I'm sure there's a ton of people out there that have already exceeded that point.... frown.gif

When it starts to cost me my whole paycheck to get back and forth to work..... What's the next step ??.... crazy.gifcrazy.gif.... Because there's NO way I'm working for FREE.... mad.gifcrazy.gif

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Re: Have we become complacent ??

it was 2.40 here yesterday but what can a guy do? if its 4.00 a gal ill still have to pay it theres nothing i can do about it and they know that i figure it they got us right where they want us, which is very saddening

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Re: Have we become complacent ??

The real sad part of all this is that not only are we taking a beating at the pumps,,,, frown.gifcrazy.gif

Remember that everytime gas goe's up the price of everything you buy at the retail and grocery store doe's as well,,, most of the haulers have to start increasing their gas/desiel surecharges.... frown.gif in order to get the products to thier destinations....

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Re: Have we become complacent ??

The last jump in prices that were blamed on Katrina were only done to see if we'd pay.........we did, and now they can jump prices whenever they want and we're stuck.

Congress needs to say to heck with the rest of the world and use the 1/3 of the worlds oil that we supply and use it for ourselves.

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Re: Have we become complacent ??

As long as the CEO's, company executives and stockholders (mostly millionaires already) are paid the ridiculously high salaries, bonuses and dividends, the rest of us will continue to pay more than the supply and demand theory would suggest. The percentage of profit from most large companies, no matter the product, that goes to line the pockets of a small percentage of upper level "management", would surprise you. This greed is strangling our economy. What can we do about it? Unless we quit buying fuel, not much. If we push for the enactment of laws restricting the amount of money people can make maybe we would be better off. Imagine if baseball players only made $250,000.00 a year, maybe we could afford to take the family to a ballgame. If the big oil companies were limited to a million dollar profit instead of making billions, well maybe gas or diesel would only be 99 cents a gallon. Not likely to happen though. The billionaires will just push the millionaires out and the rest of us will support them both.

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Re: Have we become complacent ??


Steve, please put that in American terms. I know, I should know that by now crazy.gif


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Its about $3.37 US/gal

Overall it does not matter if we are complacent or not, they are going to charge us what they can get. It does not matter if everyone complains about it. As long as the gas stations are still selling XXX amount, they don't care if we gripe and groan, as long as we pay up.

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