pretty ticked about this


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Get back from dropping the kids off at school this morning and the phone is ringing, got the baby with a dirty diaper, it is the wife on the phone. She tells me that the principal from the elementary school called her and was telling her that our kids cannot go to school there. Apparently he was very unprofessional and had her to the point by the time she called me she was pretty tore up. Our youngest had just started kindergarten Monday, and our oldest started middle school, which she is in a different district from last year due to a bunch of crap on a ruling some idiot pinheads up in Washington upheld on desegregation from back in the 70's. Long story short another school district has complained over the years and got the justice dept involved.

Well anyhoo, I had talked with the superintendents several times of the district our older daughter had been in as well as the district they were going into. Our property sits in two districts. The superintendent of the district where our house sits is nice as could be and he assured me our kids would be in the district where we started them in school on Monday. We had taken proof of residency showing districts and address in to the school office over a month ago.

The principal at the middle school had an attitude with me when I called him back and I tried nicely to explain to him that our property sits in two districts and the house sits in the district for the county. He argued with me that we are not in their district and we would have to prove otherwise or our kids would have to be removed mad.gifmad.gif. I am getting a bit hot and wishing I could reach through the phone, at this point. He tells me that he is looking at maps and we will have to prove that our kids live in their district, I repeated to him that I had talked with the superintendent and that I even had the county tax assessor come out and make sure that our house was in fact in the district for the county, that he could check with the superintendent or the assessor. He argued some more and told me that I will have to supply the elementary school office with proof. Then it dawned on me that maybe they did not make copies of the tax records for our 3 parcels and I asked him which ones he was looking at, and he says he has two, both are in the city district. I tell him that he is missing the 3rd parcel which is where the house sits and again he tells me we will have to prove it. Why they waited until after three days into school to do their homework is beyond me, but I am very irritated that this principal first copped an attitude with the wife, and second that they dropped the ball by not checking their records before now, and thirdly for getting smart with me.

After I go in this afternoon to show proof of where we live again and getting this all cleared up, I am really think I may just have to drop the superintendent a line.

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Re: pretty ticked about this

I would send a letter to the superintendent and also the school board about what happened.

Sounds like this principal is trying to make a name for himself and build his own empire! Time to clip his wings!

What a hassle! frown.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: pretty ticked about this

I wouldn't wait. Make that call to the superintendant anyway as well as write him a letter. That's totally uncalled for and sounds like this jerk is on some sort of power trip.

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Re: pretty ticked about this

Be careful of backlash.

I started my son in the school district where his grandmother lived because she took care of him before and after school. Well, the Principal changed and suddenly we were denied. They had the courtesy to tell us early in last year so we could pick up and move (our district was in shambles and their claim to fame on the school's report card was "we were pleased to not be placed on the failing list this year" kidding).

I would honestly bite my tongue and be nice and show him the documents. If he still resists, then elevate it. Be in control and be nice. The principal has a lot of pull into which teachers your child gets and can make your child's life a living ****. Keep in mind that they probably have a LOT of people trying to fake residency to get into better school districts and especially where there are winning sports teams....aka team shopping with giftted athletes (I know yours are too young for that, but it is a problem for administrators).

I wouldn't nuke him unless you are ready to have problems with him and possibly teachers throughout the career of your children. My wife's best friend married a principal who thought that running the local elementary school was paramount to running the country.....napoleanic complex supreme and a vindictive jerk on top of it!


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Re: pretty ticked about this

Yeah, I have to keep my cool, and don't want to cause any unnecessary problems. This is the best district in this area, even though it is farther from home than the district my older daughter had been in since she started school and we would have actually preferred to have had the kids go to those schools, but we are not in that district. I am just not too sure about this particular principal at this point. I guess I have to be understanding to some extent of his having a lot of chaos with the new school year starting, but that still does not in my opinion give him the right to not be polite and be argumentative to the extent he was with me, nor does it give him the right to get smart with my wife as he did, and will most definitely be getting in touch with the superintendent at some point after everything is cleared up and after things cool down a bit. Bottom line is if they had questions about the district lines, they should not have waited until after school started seeing as how we were asked to provide proof and did so over a month ago.

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Re: pretty ticked about this

To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised to have him change his tune when he gets the evidence. He probably gets a lot of people trying to cheat to get into the district and it definitely sounds like your situation is unique.

If, however, he remains problematic after you show him the proof. Nail him to the wall with the Super and explain that if he gives your children any problems, you will go to the State Education Board.


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Re: pretty ticked about this

Even if he does change his tune after you show him the evidence he was extremely unprofessional to you and your wife -- something a person in his position cannot afford to be if they want to hang on to their job. I say something to him about his attitude and behavior and I think I would report his behavior because one person can give an entire profession and school a bad name.

Good luck and please let us know how it turns out.


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Re: pretty ticked about this

Thing that kind of gets me is that I had already had several discussion with the superintendent and he assured me in one of the last conversations we had their office had checked with the tax assessors office and that everything was right. When I tried to explain to this principal and suggested him checking for himself with the superintendent, he simply would not accept that as an option, and stuck to his comment that I would have to show proof.

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Re: pretty ticked about this-(updated)

First board meeting is tomorrow night, I might just have to go. Met with the principal after picking up my 5 year old just a while ago. To his credit or discredit depending on how you look at it he seemed to me to be a bit goofy in a way, but was not rude or really at all unprofessional face to face.

Can see where he made his mistake looking at the maps and they did in fact not make a copy of tax records for the parcel where the house sits and I can understand his position in trying to deal with being prepared for the justice dept to possibly audit their records and also could see his potential for frustration dealing with those who are attempting to cheat to have their kids in this district, but at the same time still don't think that excuses his attitude. Think after showing him on his map which was tiny in comparison to mine where the lines run, he did seem to be not really apologetic, but was really thanking me for taking the time to show him.

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Re: pretty ticked about this-(updated)


Considering the consequences of rocking the boat and unless your children are perfect, I would let it go. You will do more harm by rocking the boat and appearing spiteful than by just letting it go. You got what you needed and if he is willing to be rude to your wife, who knows what kind of crap he will heap on your kids in retaliation.

Pick your battles....


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Guest HoytShooter8

Re: pretty ticked about this-(updated)

Man that is a raw deal, and I'm not trying to make light of the situation but you don't totally have to let it go brother..

Why don't you ask him to go hunting? grin.gif

Make friends after he has to eat his words due to his little man syndrome and take him hunting.... way out... lol.. deep in the woods... Drop him off at his stand... and take off leave him there and go back home. laugh.gif

See if he can find the way back to his district. mad.gif

Your children deserve better, I'd definitly be on the horn to the Superintendent, and if the principal gives your kids any trouble, go above him to the govenor, and if that doesn't work your congressman... You are clearly in the right school zone, and he owes you and your wife an apology, not the other way around. No need to fear any reprocution due to his mistake. No one man should stand against your children, these school officials work for us, it's all based on the taxes we pay, and they need to be reminded of that from time to time. Good hunting, and good luck.

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Guest wildotter

Re: pretty ticked about this-(updated)

let him have it!!! we got your back...right guys/gals!!! bad thing is the kids are the ones who will get the raw end of the deal...having him as their principal

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