what are you getting your other half?


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Re: what are you getting your other half?

Once I bought my wife some nail polishes, Emery boards, a foot scrubber (you know, all that girly scrubbing stuff). I put it in her stocking and she loved it. It blew away the other stuff I bought her.

As far as what to get her as a main gift.... You're on own. I am a horrible shopper. It doesn't matter how hard I try, I suck it up.....

In fact, if anyone has good ideas Ill take a few suggestions too.. grin.gif

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Re: what are you getting your other half?

I am getting him a range finder and game camera for the big present. His birthday is just before christmas too, so I have already given him a cat quiver he wanted as an early present for his PA bow hunting trip and think I will pick up a Red Sox championship hat, tee shirt and hooded sweatshirt (don't know how long it will be before we can buy that sort of stuff again! LOL). Other than that it will be some hunting socks, new camo pants and some other little stuff.

As for ideas when buying for your female other halfs, why don't you just ask??? I can only pray they aren't like my mother who always comes back with "If you really knew me, you would know what I like!" .

Good luck and when all else fails get gift certificates!

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Re: what are you getting your other half?

I try to pay attention to things that she looks at and does NOT buy herself and then I also just ask her. Sometimes it is difficult to get a list from her but eventually I find out at least a couple of things.

One thing that I did for our anniversary a few months back was to make her a greeting card myself on my computer. Now I will admit that I pulled "some" of the text from another greeting card but the personal touch and effort was definitely appreciated.

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Re: what are you getting your other half?

a pair of hand made winter mits & moccasins.my freinds mother lives way up north & makes them out of moose hide & beaver fur.She does all the tanning,beed work,sewing,etc by herself.My buddy has a pair & they are awsome.She also has a list on the fridge that I got heck for not even looking @ yet last night!

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Re: what are you getting your other half?


We don't get anything for each other. We both get things for each other or for ourselves throughout the year that we need or want.

My wife and I both agree that the commercialism of Christmas is over-rated, but giving to the needy is good.

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Buckee that's no fun!!

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: what are you getting your other half?

I gave her the llbeen catlog and let her pick it apart. one week latter I grab her list, and call on the phone. the nice thing about it is she picks out a lot of thingsthen I get to chose what I want to order, then I distrubet the rest to family and frends.

on the other hand I do the same for her but mine comes from Cabalas smile.gif

oh you could check out this...... http://store.yahoo.com/vtbear/index.html

I got the miss a spa bear and then went to he local spa and picked up a gift slip and added it to the bear.

hope this helps.


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Re: what are you getting your other half?





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I was waiting for that!

Besides the house.......

A washer and Dryer (no nore laudr-o-mat!!!! grin.gif)

A super duper foot spa massagee thingee....

Discman to use when walking.....

Camo Undies and lingerie! wink.gif

some other stuff - yet to be decided....

I love Christmas shopping - but the longer we are together - the harder she is to buy for!

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Re: what are you getting your other half?


what are you getting your other half?

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She's starting to slack off around here on the meals. So I'm going to get her a new cook book...LOL grin.gif

Dang cloths are starting to get to baggy... grin.gif

Could this be sign... confused.gifLOL... grin.gifgrin.gifj/k

I haven't really decided on what to get her. So I'll have to play it by ear for now.... grin.gif

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Re: what are you getting your other half?


NOTHING,,,,,we agreed to load up on the kids...

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ROFLMBO...Seems a little harsh but What kind of ammo are you going to use....just kidding grin.gif

We have an agreement.....I went hunting in West Virginia over ThanksGiving week....She's going to Florida on Vacation.

I WIN...I WIN...I WIN...I WIN grin.gif

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