Giant Alberta Muley


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Re: Giant Alberta Muley

OMG BCBOY!! I bet that boy would even get your blood pumpin , I know it would mine!! It looks liek a younger deer with the white face and longer snout, and not to thick, it does not have a great typ score but will add up with the non typ crap, has to be 80-90" of crap on that monster! Any idea what it will score?? Has to be 260 plus I would say!! Any more info on the moster woudl be greatly appreciated!! I have seen quite a few in the 220 range over the years but never even close to that guy, man I think I would have a heart attack right after I started to cry lol!! Thanks for the pic, anyone with info please let me know, thanks!!

WOW still lol!!

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Re: Giant Alberta Muley

Saw 407" on one site. Thinking that is a typo. Looks like a 300+ incher to me. Don't see any 300 inchers killed nowadays. I'm thinking it should at least slide into the #2 position in the Alberta Record Book.

It's been an incredible year for Monster Muleys. 295 Arizona NT. 290 Wyoming NT. Several P&Y record breakers. Several State Record contenders. Even looks like the BC typical record has fallen too.

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Re: Giant Alberta Muley

Been doing some digging myself and apparently it is a fake. I guess this guy has a World Record whitetail too. I guess the guy has way to much time on his hands. No Doubt!!!

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Re: Giant Alberta Muley

BCBOY did you see the pic of the world record archery taken in Arizona I believe in august[typ] I seen it in beginning of sept when i was serchign for the record couse I was huntign a deer that I thought was contender and another one in the 190 rancge, well the one I thoguht was 190 was shot with rifle in nov, it ended up netting 202 with a fishhook on the left antler,The bigger one was way bigger!BTW I will show the bigger one to you next sept! Ya right lol!! I believe the recrd was shot on a reservation,All I know it was a awsoem specimin!!

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Re: Giant Alberta Muley


Are you talking about Greg Krogh's Nevada typical? It was featured in the last issue of Muley Crazy. After the 60 day drying period, it netted higher than the current P&Y velvet world record. It is one amazing buck!!! I guess there was one taken in CO that nets very similiar to the Nevada typical too.

A friend of mine's 13 yr old kid shot a 209 gross, 207 net typical with a crossbow here in BC. Still has to wait the 60 day, but good chance it will be the new Provincial Record. The current record is 204 7/8.

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Re: Giant Alberta Muley

BCBOY could be was a while ago i seen a pic of it, All I know the one runnign south of me this fall was way bigger than the one that scored 202, they were bedded on a hillside 200 yards away one night in late august, the big guy was at least 35" wide V's were at least 2 earlenth, he was 3 earlenght high, abotu 4" brows and when he turned sideways looked liek one antler,he had super mass, I am sure he woudl go world record, He is bigger than the one in the pics for sure, The only thing that worries me is we did not have a warden all fall and summer and I seen him from a road the last tiem I seen him,i huted for nearly 100 hours in the area till gunshots got em away from there, There was a ton of gunshots in the area from locals poaching elk and deerr and tons of natives coming from sask and alberta "hunting" just becosue the goverment put a draw on 25 elk and everyoen found out abotu our secret population we have been watching, bugling and taking pics of for years! The one rancher said he had a huge one in a standing canolla crop last week behind his house abotu a mile away, I am heading down that was in the am [weather permitting] to hutn coyotes and hopefully see him alive for next year! Only thing if he does survive i doubt he will be as perfect of a deer as he was this year, I just wish i had a good camera, my daughter was with me the last tiem i seen him and she still talks abotu the deer that is bigger than the elk lol!!

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Guest Greener

Re: Giant Alberta Muley

Yeah, the Boone and Crockett website has it in the trophy watch section and apparently it's fake.

Too bad! I wish guys would stop doing that and then every time a huge deer surfaced, people wouldn't be so quick to yell, Fake.

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