Main Duck Tank


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This is my new English Lab Tank: he is 4 1/2 months old and this is the first time in the water and his first retrieve.


Aug 25, Tank in my yard at 5 months and holding a hefty 55lbs...


Tank has been a dream to work with and the way he is working, I just hope that I can live up to his work on shooting ducks and geese...

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When I first got home early this month, I started him about 100 yds from the boys shooting .22 rifles, Mommy had him on the leed and before I knew it, he was right there looking at what we was shooting at. with in a week, he would come out to ware we shoot clays (in my back yard) and was walking arond us shooting them and looking at the birds going down range.

As for the birds, I am trying to get my hands on some pidgens but no luck. I have to go south next week so may stop and pick up some pheasents to work with. He dose love the pheasent wings I got from Sprotsmans warehouse.

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awesome .. sounds like you have a great dog there and having a lot of fun training him also ... are you following a book on training or just going it yourself? I personally didnt have the patience to train my dog so I had a pro do it and from what I can tell it was definately the right choice for me ... although I would have rather of had the satifaction of training her myself.


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  • 3 weeks later...

He is doing great, I may see about posting some more pic's soon. We hit a wall 2 weeks ago and had to go back on some traing I thought we had set good but everything is going a lot smother now. This dog is doing more to train me in how to do it then I think I am training him.

I am using to help me with his training, they are more into slow, li'l or no punishment training then the E-Coller and force fetch but they also help you use this metheads if needed.

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