Team #13 -- Big Buck Crew

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Hey guys just checking in, nothing new to report. I missed a nice 6 pointer new years day. I dont know what happend just went over his back. It was a good sit I had three bucks and a doe under the tree the bucks where small the 6 had a nice body for florida so i tried but clean miss. I better practice some more perhaps my sights moved from being on the 4 wheeler. i noticed that the screws where starting to loosen.

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Well... this has been THE worst season for me to hunt. I have spent endless hours in the woods. and to come up empty handed so far really hurts. Seems every weekend the winds were just insane, or the deer were locked down.

There is a small ray of hope. I may get to go to a friends place in West Texas for a doe / spike hunt for extended season. I will keep you guys updated.

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Tuff luck there Ken. Maybe that late season hunt will come together.

Well, I ended my season on a positive note. I shot another management buck Saturday morning. He was 3.5 and should have been an 8 point, but didn't grow a browtine on either side. Also shot a doe for the freezer Saturday afternoon. My group totaled 3 management bucks, 2 does, 4 hogs, 1 coyote and 1 bobcat for the weekend. There were also several LONG range shots taken at hogs and yotes that didn't connect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Snipe, sorry to hear you were ill; that's never any fun. As far as hunting, you gave it a fine effort. Now we all start making plans for next season.

I'll echo what other teammates have already said - it was a pleasure hunting with all you guys and gals and we done good. We all seem to be passionate hunters, as evidenced by our frequent reports here and an amazingly high success rate, the highest of any team I think. No disrepect, Snipe;):D.

It would be cool to keep the team intact for next year, although I guess that's not how it works. However, we can probably be an unofficial mystery team lurking in the shadows, known only to us.:D

It's been a hoot, gang.

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I'm glad you brought up the turkey contest. I've got a question and need some input.

The last couple of years I haven't entered the turkey contest, and here's my reasoning. I'm not a real avid turkey hunter. I usually go once, on opening weekend, just for the heck of it. But other than that I spend most of my springtime weekends fishing. Now some years I still manage to get a bird, mainly because there are so darn many of them, but if the fishing happens to be extra hot, or if my tournament schedule gets hectic, I might not even go turkey hunting. So do you guys think it's fair to my teammates for me to enter the contest when I know that at best, I'll probably spend no more than a couple of days in the woods?

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tex i think it is ok, perhaps it will give you some more incentive to hit the woods for some of those long beards! I have never taken a turkey and havnt entered into the turkey contest either, but i think I will this year. I have seen many oceola gobblers here and even passed on a nice bird here a couple weeks back because I was deer hunting, we have season going right now for turkey. So I will give it a try if you do!;)

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It's been just the last few years that we have had an open season for turkeys here; population in WA state has increased exponentially and they've expanded their range north of the border.

As much as I'd like to get in on the turkey contest, my shoulder still won't be up to any hunting in the spring. So I'll just have to content myself with watching you guys gittin' 'er done.;)

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