Scent-lok, Scent Sheild, etc. thoughts...


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First let me say that is not a bash on anyone, or any company, just my opinion and my curiosity about others opinions. Personally, I do not own a single piece of Scent-lok (or something of the same like material). I have always been a skeptic of how much advantage it really gives you, especially for the added cost of the material. I have always felt like if I keep my hunting clothes washed in a scent-free detergent (by the way I use ALL Free and Clear that I buy from the grocery store) and keep them away from domestic odors, the deer won't "bust" you. I've killed a handful of deer at very clost range (5-15 yards) never having worn a "Scent-Free" outfit. I don't even use the numerous sprays out there on the market. So I'm just curious, how many of you are like me, and how many actually think it gives you an advantage? And how many wear it just because it's the latest and greatest and it gives you confidence like your favorite rifle or bow? When I was up at the Milk River a couple weeks ago, the guides were funny talking about how silly it was that the RT crew were head to toe in Scent-Lok and spraying down before they went on stand, when the guides had been killing deer for years with blue jeans and flannel jackets. :D So that just got me to thinking about the whole issue. So, what say you?

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If it builds your confidence so be it .. and the reason the RT guys do all that is because thats how they get paid ... thats a no brainer ... if they dont wear Scent Lock then they dont get the sponsorship dollars ... if they dont use the spray they dont get the dollars ... its all about money ... personally I think it works ... do you need it to kill deer absolutely not ... does it help ... yes I think in some cases it does.


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I'll wash all of my clothes in Carbon Clean Detergent, spray them with Scent Killer, put them in an air tight container and sometimes throw some maple/oak leaves in with them.

When I get to my destination I really try focusing on keeping my boots scent free and just load up on scent killer on my boots.

No Scent-lok or anything here...

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I do own a pair of scent lock pants, a scent lock long sleeve shirt, scent lock socks, a scent lock hat, and my cabelas pinnacle snake boots have a scent lock lining. Most of that stuff was purchased last year and bought with deals where it really was not much more expensive than the normal stuff. I have gone with and without the scent lock stuff and for me it has made absolutely NO noticeable difference in how close deer get, or in how many deer I see or whether or not they come in from down wind. As has happened time and time again I had a deer(buck) this year walk within a foot from the bottom of my ladder stand with me in the stand and he never knew I was there. The only article of scent lock clothing I had on on that particular morning was my scent lock boots. I have had deer come through down wind of me many occasions with no scent lock stuff.

I really think if you do the best you can with other scent care precautions you really do not need the carbon clothes. But with all that said, if it boosts your confidence and you can afford it and want it, then by all means that is your choice, me I will not buy anything with carbon linings in the future unless it is a product that is priced comparably to the regular non carbon articles.

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This debate will last forever. If you think it helps, then great, use it. I own a few pieces of it but it's not mandatory that i wear it.

In my opinion if you are clean, sweat free and play the wind to your maximum advantage then are doing just about all you can do.

Now we have silver spray, silver clothing and so on. As long as hunters are looking for an advantage there will be companys trying to fill the void.

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I use Hunter Specialties scent free products. I haven't gotten busted yet. I still play the wind accordinally.


I have a dream season suit and have had better luck with the Hunter Specialties products. $12 a year for soap and "Worm dirt spray" (as my wife calls it) Is a lot more effective than $300 worth of "Scent Lock"

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The Realtree gang technically wears the Scent Blocker line, not Scent Lok! :D

The Lakosky's wear Scent Lok as do the Kisky's.

Does it help....I think if it can give you that very slight advantage, then why not.

When your trying to harvest animals at 20-30 yards on film and the wind does not always cooperate, you have to have every advantage you can get.

I wear a Scent Lok Full Season suit and I have seen more deer even in bad winds then when I did not wear it.

Simple test.

Put a piece of clothing of "non" scent lok clothing in a zip loc bag and seal it up.

Then put a scent lok piece of clothing in a zip loc bag and close it up.

Let both sit for 24 hours. Then open each bag and smell inside. Simple test and you can see that carbon clothing DOES have advantages.

Edited by AdvantageTimberLou
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I was in my stand tonight on a ridge @13' off the ground. I had 3 doe come from dead down wind and they came stright to me and one even stood directly under me for about a minute or two.

That was using hs products. My dream season suit may give me a slight advantage, but I don't think it's worth it.

Given the chance to go back in time I would not have bought the suit.

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If you think it helps use it. I use the silver base (under) layers by Xstatic, XScent, etc. over the UA antimicrobial and then spray down with Scent Killer 99%. I do use a Scentlok face mask or hood because that is where it does the most good...IMO

Deer and wind are at times as anyone who spends time in the deer woods knows. There are times when the wind is blowing right to them and they come right in. Other times they are 80 yards upwind and getting all nervous as they scent check it.

Realize: leather belt, wallet, watchband, and your grip sling all carry scent as well...

Edited by ruttinbuc
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Yes, I have scent blocker suits but.....

If you do your homework and are in the right spot the critters will come (eventually). I have been in a tree stand and a ground blind smoking a cigarette and have had deer come in from downwind without any problem (yep, big bucks too). And I'm not saying smoking is a good idea but that's been my experiance.

But the one thing I've found that will get you busted almost everytime is movement. If that beard gets to long and starts flappin in the breeze yer busted....:D

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I was seriously going to ask my gf to get me a scent blocker for Christmas, but over time while wearing the H.S. Scent Free products I came to love this stuff. I am now going to ask for warmer layers of clothing, I have enough confidence in the HS products that I don't need the suits. Play the wind right and your have a great success in the field.

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I tried a scent elimination system for a season out of curiousity and noticed no difference. I've got 43 seasons under my belt and shot a couple of whitetails too. Most "clients" have an urban or small town unbringing and mentality and are very susceptable to advertising. I was born and raised in the woods and we observed wildlife daily, for real. Not on a video. Remember, if you tell a lie long enough and loud enough people will believe it. I find it hard to imagine that guides would be amused by the behavior of their clients!! How unprofessional!!:D:D:D:D

One fellow that hunted with me this year ruined his hunt by watching elk hunting videos. He got in good enough shape to do what the "pros" on the video did and insisted on hunting as they did. He never saw an elk. He knows better now. Most of the videos are for our entertainment. No more no less.


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If you play the wind right, you won't need any scent free products, I use H.S. cause its cheap and because I have used it in the past with awesome results. This season I had a button buck almost come into our blind, he was a mere 3 yards from our blind, came a little closer and put his head into the blind, still didn't smell us, we had took a shower before the morning hunt and then sprayed down the blind and ourselves with H.S. products.

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I do not wear any Scent lok type clothing. I do as others here do, keep my clothing clean in scent free bags, most importantly, play the wind.

What I think is incredible- are the hunters who think Scent Lok is the magic bullet.

Last weekend I was going pheasant hunting & there was a guy at the gas station filling p with gas, in his Scent Lok suit & rubber boots. I made a comment to him & his reply was, "No Problem, it's Scent Lok.."

I think a majority of the people who try for scent control, do not go far enough & the best way to control scent is with the wind.

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I don't think it gives me an advantage, I know it does. I've also made believers out of non believers before.

The thing about it though is it's an all or nothing thing. IMHO the most important piece is the head net/cover and you must breath through the materail to filter your breath.

On 1 occasion in Illinois on a guided hunt a friend of mine was in a stand wearing scent loc and called me telling me he had deer coming in down wind of him and they were all smelling him. The 1st thing I said to him is you're not wearing and breathing through your face mask..right. He admitted he wasn't. From that moment on during that afternoon hunt he did and he was amazed how many deer (he said over 30) came in from down wind, including bucks with does that never knew he was there.

On another occasion I was in another state with a friend of mine. I had hung a stand in a bottom for him to hunt while he was hunting another stand (I was just there videoing). I hung another one for me to get in out of sight above him so I could walk him in the next morning and then walk back up to my stand up the ridge above him and just out of sight. About 30 minutes after daylight I was watching a mature buck walking in the bottom from his downwind side. When the buck was about 100 yards or so from him it was obvious he had detected my friends scent. After doing the nose up sniffing the air deal the buck did a 180 and went back where he came from. I called my friend and told him "you're not wearing your face mask are you". He was astonished that I even knew to ask him that. After a short explaination about why I asked he put it on and ended up having one of his best hunts ever with deer coming in from all directions. He ended up missing a big 8 point later that day. He stayed in the stand all day long.

I've done a lot of my own test situations before in a stand just to see the difference and I'm convinced it makes a big difference. I probably spend about 60 days each year in a treestand too. Ya'll believe what you want to believe but I'll keep using mine, that is all 4 sets with extra facemask when I'm on the road and don't have access to reactivate my suits. BTW...I prefer to wear a fresh head cover/face mask every day which is why I have extras when I hit the road. ;)

Gotta go huntin now for another 4 days stretch.

Edited by Rhino
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I own both and believe that the Scent Blocker works a bit better. Deer will smell you no matter what you do if they get down wind of you. If you don't believe that, you have not spent enough time in the woods... JMHO

Play the wind and do everything you can to cover your scent...;)

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in most of the places i hunt, i try to play the wind. but the deer can come from any direction so having a product or garment that helps with scent elimination helps in my opinion.

ive had times when does come in down wind and bust me right off. and i have had times when they have come in downwind and had no idea i was there. does it really work? who knows for sure, but are you willing to take that chance.

even if it fools just 1 deer that i get a shot at, in my book thats good enough. i use Scent lock gear and all the HS products and sprays. plus the new Scent lock jacket and pants in Realtree camo are super soft and just bowhunter friendly in a lot of ways.

i will continue to use them until someone pays me not to wear them..:D


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When I hunted deer that were acclimated to humans it seemed to work sometimes. I think they just ignored my presence because they were not afraid of people. I had 3 scent trail me to the tree I was in, where I shot them of course. One was a mature 7 point. When I hunted wild deer it didn't work at all.


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I had 12 does and 1 button buck under me last week. I was 15' feet up and they got within 8 feet of the bottom of my ladder stand.

I think it is a nice concept but bow hunting and rifle hunting for decades I am not had situations where I believe they winded me.

Movement? Yep, been busted that way. Scent? I'll take my chances.

We also need to see what the outcome is on the class action suit on carbon clothing gear's efficacy.

I'll stick to my tried and true proven ways:D;)

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