Decided to do some recycling today.


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Very Cool looking knife there Ross.

The patterns/designs that files give are beautiful.

Ross have you considered using heavy steel cable as a foundation for a blade? Like elevator cable or heavy crane steel cable?

Cable makes a great looking blade,provided it is a good steel. Not all cable has enough carbon content to get hard enough for a servicable blade. A simple test is to heat up a length of the cable to high red in color and immediately quench it in cold water. Then clamp the end in a bench vise and try to break it cleanly, if it bends any at all it does not have enough carbon content to get hard enough for a good blade. A good high carbon cable will break cleanly, it will almost look like it has been cut. Old Harley motorcycle chains make great knives too, the new ones not so much, and don't even think about using the O-ring chains.

makes buckee want to go kill a critter with

cool piece, please show a picture sequence throughout the whole process for us

Next time I will take pictures throughout the entire process, sorry I didn't this time.

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Years back I found some files from the fifties that had never been used. Still have a couple of them in a tool box in the barn that I use from time to time. (Gave a few of them away.) Always wanted to make knives out of the but didn't know how. Are they worth more as old files or knives??

If they have not been used, then they are worth more as files if they are well used then I see nothing wrong with making something else useful out of them. It doesn't have to be a knife, I know a gunsmith who takes old files and makes custom screwdriver sets for the high end guns he builds. He tries real hard to make sure at least one of the files he converts was actually used on the build of the gun. I even made a camp set (fork, knife, and spoon) for a client out of 2 old files that were his Grandfather's.

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