Dog talk!


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Thought i would start a thread for people to talk about there dogs. I didnt know how many people on here have hunting dogs and i do so i thought i would start a thread for training tips and dog chit chat for everyone. So here goes i have an 11 week old mix breed between a AKC Black Labrador Retriever and my CKC Registered Golden Retriever my dog bred the neighbors dog before he passed away so i got a pup so id still have a part of my dog, shes Solid black with long hair, has 3 little white spots on both back feet between her toes and a little spot on her chest, she is micro-chipped and been wormed and up to date on shots. Already knows alot of basic commands and some difficult ones. She knows sit,stay,shake,speak,up,lay,kennel up, and working on fetching she will run and get the dummie duck but has a issue with not bringing it back she kinda sits and chews on it but were working on that i mean shes still young and i believe shes ahead of the game for her age. So post what type dog you have and a little about them or tricks and tips on dog performance training! thanks yall


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Ive got a 7 month old Yellow Lab male. Pure bred and registered. Retrieved his first duck at a week shy of 4 months old! Took him out on opening day of waterfowl season and we shot a duck. Our older lab retreived it since my pup, Jaeger, wasnt tall enough to see over the grass yet and couldnt see where the duck fell. But after our other dog retrieved it, I brought him to the water and threw the duck about 15 yards out in the water and he plowed right throught he water and brought it back to me! I couldnt believe it. He is the smartest dog i have seen in a long time. Knows sit, lay, shake, kennel up, and load up. Havent had time to get him out bird hunting since then but he is a fetching fool with dummies and tennis balls.

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ive only got one dog right now and thats Daisy my Golden Retriever/Black Labrador Mix shes super hyper all the time and the biggest goose toy fetchinist dog ive ever seen. we got her a plush canadian goose toy that squeeks and she loves it you throw it no matter where and she jets off after it!!! Shes only 11 wks old but is well on her way to being a great hunting companion!!!

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Ive got a 5 year old male black lab named Gage...he is the funniest dog i have ever owned or even had the opportunity to meet...He was born in October of 04, and i had him swimming in January of 05. his first duck retrieve was over 300 yds on the Mississippi River after my buddy sailed a wood duck.

He can do anything he wants and most of the time does, especially if i don't want him to.

he was really good at wandering out of the yard and taking himself on midnight walks, or swims in the Rock River until i bought one of those invisible fences last June...he has only decided to gamble with the shock twice since then.

He pretty much sleeps wherever he wants, and once in a while i will bust him catching Z's on the kitchen table (he did that as a puppy so he could watch for us coming home from class in college).

He smiles, as you can see in my avatar...everyday i come home from work, he greets me at the door with that huge grin.

He is a heck of a retriever, and will not quit on a downed bird to save his life...he's is somewhat hard headed.

For some reason, he is not like most labs in that he will absolutely not drink beer.

he eats cat food, but not cats.

All around, he's the best dang dog i have ever owned, and wouldn't trade him for the world.

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  • 2 years later...

Two-year old Chocolate lab. Hard headed, bud love him so. They always told me chocolates were stubborn. He is, but that's ok. They also told me labs chew. My Boomer doesn't. He tried when he was little but I was around him pretty quick to make him stop. Loves to run for sure, BUT, for some reason he hates water. I mean he throws a fit when I turn on the hose. I'll hold it still long enough for him to come take a drink, but the moment I move my hand, he's gone! Wow! Never figured a lab to hate water. Oh well.

Boomer 03-12-11.jpg


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My lab and another dog jumped on the neighbor's chihuahua Saturday. I had to pay her 193 bucks for the vet to put the dog down. I would have gladly killed her dog and spared her the expense.

They are both back in the back yard and elect fence is on again. They just get into a frenzy when the kids are on the four wheeler.

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I have a 4 year old female yellow lab named Kaboose. She is just a great family pet. For a retriever she does not get it. She will retrieve a ball in water all day but not on land. She will shake a paw, sit, stay and speak. She loves to go to the dog park and play with the other dogs. She is just happy all the time.

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Not a hunting dog per se.

Meet George the Rat Terrier. George is a girl.

At 14 she's slowing down a bit but still gives chase to anything in the yard.

In her day she was a natural born killer.

I never had much interest in a little dog but then I did some remodeling for a woman who had a Rat Terrier. When George finally goes to the happy hunting ground I'll probably get another one just like her.

She is a great pal.


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As a working cow hand and full time guide I prefer working breads to hunting breeds, eventhough growing up I always had hounds for hunting cats. Anyway my last dog ( 3 years ago) was Duke and tri color 100 percent pure boarder cawlie. My son named him. I normally wouldn't own a pure bred, but this guy took to herdin cattle and horses almost completely on his own, at 5 months he was as trusted a hand as I've ever had. The outfit I was working on at the time runs about 1500 head of cattle and about 200 horses. I was the only hand on the place, so a good dog saves me and my horse alot of work. By the time all the local brandings were over, everyone wanted pups. He would have made me a good supplemental income. This dude would sit in the back of my truck in town and never bark at other dogs and loved playin with my kids. even potty trained my boy. We couldn't get Loren (my son) to poop in a toilet, one day when I came home for lunch, Loren had to show me he finally went somewhere other then his pants. Apperantly he seen ol duke have a movement and dropped trowl to join in. Uptight wife was mortified, but I seen progress, atleast it wasn't his pants. I went guiding hunters in the fall and my now x had him cut. We lived on a creek which is also a travel route for montanas wildlife. Duke took a grizzly sow and two cubs, that came within 500 yards of the yard where my kids play. Gave his protecting my kids. Cann't put that in words. I went to the fish and game and got no satisfaction at all. Those bears haven't been around anyore that anyone has seen. where that happen is only about 5 miles from a little montana town where other kids live. Anyway ts finally time to get another dog. Never thought I would, but yah, thanks for the posts.

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I've got a 13 year old beagle. I used him for rabbit hunting when he was younger, but lost my spot quite a while ago. He is definately hard headed, but really I couldn't ask for a better dog. He's perfect with the kids, and even at 13 still has the energy to chase them around the yard. He pretty well listens to me, but pretends he's deaf when my wife tries giving him comands. ( Sometimes I do that too though lol.) It will be a sad day when he finally calls it quits.

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