My Brother and I's Opening Weekend Bucks in Arkansas


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We have several pics of these deer in velvet and all through bow and muzzleloader. Actually videoed my brother almost shoot his opening day of muzzleloader season but couldnt get turned in the tent and both of us get ready before he walked off. He got him with rifle in the exact spot as before. I got mine off the stand I got the most pics of him from.



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We Killed these bucks in SW Arkansas by arkadelphia by lake Degray. Its a part of 62,000 acres that has a 14 inch inside spread 8 point rule and there are lots of deer out there and a bunch of them get to reach maturity. My deer was 4.5 and my brothers was 6.5 according to the taxidermist. We have 800 acres and this was our first year to hunt this property and we ran 9 game cams and got lots of pics of deer we didnt kill. I cant wait til next year. Turkey season should be great also!!!! Cant wait for that!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  PineyBrake said:
We have several pics of these deer in velvet and all through bow and muzzleloader. Actually videoed my brother almost shoot his opening day of muzzleloader season but couldnt get turned in the tent and both of us get ready before he walked off. He got him with rifle in the exact spot as before. I got mine off the stand I got the most pics of him from.

Those bucks look almost as much alike as the two guys holding them. Looks like a double-mint gum ad. Nice ones.

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