My wife proved me wrong...


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For the past few weeks my wife has been complaining about my snoring getting really bad. I played it off for the first couple of weeks, but apparently this week is the worst. It's been keeping her up throughout the night and her waking up, wakes me up. So for the last three nights when she wakes up I just get up, get my pillow and a blanket and go crash in my recliner or the couch. Up until this morning I've thought that she's been over reacting. I got up and she walked in the room with my video camera and said "Listen to this.......believe me know?"

Man was I sawing some logs. :sleep1: :D

Is there anything out there that actually helps reduce snoring? :helpsmilie: The recliner and couch are getting a little uncomfy!!

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I'm in the same boat bud. I tell you I dont even think I am asleep yet when she's already punching me to get me to roll over. She says I stop breathing a lot and wants me to go to the doc. I really dont want to go down the road of sleep studies and CPAP machines.

THE best advice I can give you, if your like me and could stand to lose 20lbs is to drop the weight. Mine almost entirely disappears when I get the weight off. Other than that I really can't say. Those breathe rites do help a tiny bit though. I've still got my tonsils, and that probably doesnt help my airway any, my wife says they're fat tonsils.... :eek:

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Have you ever been checked for sleep apnea, if not that could be a problem. If you do have it you can sleep with a c-pap machine which gives a constant pressure causing you to sleep much better and totaly stop snoring, I know about this because I sleep with one and it has really made a difference for me

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Yup, my husband snores loud.. so I just use earplugs.. and even then, I can still hear him snore, but not so loud that I can't sleep. I have one ear that's almost deaf (nerve damage since birth and hereditary hearing loss), so that but ladies, please don't anyone try to lose your hearing just so you won't hear your husband snore.:eek:

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