what time does your day start?


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kind of curious thread is all.... to get to know some folks a little better...

It is 6 am here and on my second pot... for me the days normally starts 0330-400 in the am.. if i want to get any work done... the company we get our tech support and equipment from is in TX and 3 hours ahead us on the clock... my duties as operations manager ( chief cook and bottle washer) say that i get all the fix-it duties... normally run as late as 7-8pm too.( in bed most nights 930pm) and work currently 6 days+ a week...

fortunately i usually have several computers up and running so get time to read posts and go through the day...things will get really hectic here in the next three months as the days get longer for us...spring sets in and we forget to look at the clocks...

so ... what kind of odd ball schedules do we have ??? ( at least i get to work in my robe part of the day:cell:)

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Alarm is set for 4:59am.

Wake up 4:05 - 4:10 am.

not sure why I even set an alarm anymore.

SSS and out the door by 5:15.

Sitting at my desk 5:30.

Leave work between 5:30-6:00pm.



In bed by 9 - 9:30pm, watching the Wether channel.

Yes, people call me an old man. This is not the norm for everyday 26 year olds....

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Usually my day starts at 7am when I get up and then I'm out the door at 7:45am. I've got to be at work by 8am. I work until anywhere from 5-6 pm and at times later if a project needs to get done. During the weekends my days usually start at a little before sunrise and carry on through until dark, because I'm usually outside.

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I guess I'm the opposite of everyone so far. When I was working, I used to be up around 6:30 a.m. and at work by 7:30. My work day was supposed to be 8 hours, but I'd typically put in a 9 to 10 hour day most days.

I retired last fall, so I took full advantage of the new found freedom and would sleep into noon some days. Now I know some of you are thinking that there's no where in this little green acre that you'd ever sleep in that late on a regular basis. Well you know what, I sleep into that hour, mostly because I can. Don't have to punch a time clock anymore. Don't have to worry about anything running downhill anymore, well except from my live-in boss.

I took on a small contract with an engineering firm last month though. It's just for two months and I can work at home on the computer. Can still get up at noon if I want, but most days now I try to crawl out'ta bed at 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. I put in an 8 to 10 hour day, but in shifts of 2 or 3 hours at a time. Between shifts I head to the coffee shop, visit family and friends, head to the shooting range or go hunting.

I don't get to bed until after midnight though, sometimes 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. I've always been a nightime person. I'm still testing out this here retirement thing, but early reviews would seem to indicate I'd highly recommend it!

TBow (yawwwwwnnnnn!)

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LOL tbow....

My folks did the retire thing in 04... lasted about 6 weeks

well.... they moved to King man AZ from AK were living in the motor home while the house went up.. and realized that 6 weeks was the most time they spent together in 40 years dad took a real estate job there... and like you works from home part time... but bails to the office when mom figures he's been sitting around to much:pacman:

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The only wake ups for me that is set in stone is the 6:00 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for my 8:00 class. Class starts at 2 on Monday and Wednesday, so it just depends on what kind of work or tests I have or how much sleep I need to catch up on. However, starting next week I'll be up around 5 to turkey hunt on those days.

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My schedule sucks....PERIOD....Mondays i have to be at work at 11:30 a.m. off at 7:30 p.m., Tuesdays at work at 1:30 p.m. off at 9:30 p.m., Wednesdays 8-4, Thursdays 8-4 fridays sometimes 11:30-7:30, other times, 2:30 -10:30. Saturdays 10:30-5:30, and sometimes 7:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Off most sundays until summer.

Depending on what i have to do and what i want to do will dictate what time i get up in the mornings or what time i go to bed at night. I hate the hours of this job, actually i hate everything about this job with the exception of the benefits. Even this town sucks....I might need to go start a different thread...:bang:

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Man i guess I'm lazy LOL. I'm homeschooled so i don't have to get up at no 5-6 AM lol. i get up about 10 am LOL. then don't go to bed till 1 or 2 in the morning haha. I feel bad now lol. In the daytime i first off get my school done, then go outside and do something fun, get on the computer lol. Man i feel so lazy now LOL.

LOL my day normally starts around 11-1130 or evan noon but i get most of my school work done in the evenings and after i get of realtree for the night so im normally free during the day!!!!!

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The only alarm set on my phone is for Tuesday and Thursdays when i have class. Get up at 7, make some coffee, check all my stuff on the computer, shower, and head to school for class from 9:40-3:30 solid. I only work Tuesday and Friday evening 5-9 and Sunday 10-6 so Tuesday is my only busy day. Every other day is just school, homework, and whatever else.

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I set my alarm Monday-Thurs for 5:50am. Get up, shower, and head to work by 6:30 and there till usually 5:30, 7 at the latest. But here lately I've been working some overtime, so I go in Fridays and Saturdays. Worked 12 hours of OT last Saturday. Definitely will look nice on the check, so I might have to keep doing it :D.

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During the summer, I start whenever I darn well feel like starting. :D

NOT!!! During the summer you're Mr. Mom Chris so you start when the 1st child feels like starting. :p:D

I sort of retired back in January of 2007 so outside of open hunting seasons I'm up anywhere from 5:30 to 7:30 in the morning. No alarms set outside of hunting season but I'm a morning person. I'm usually in bed by 9:30 or 10:00.

During any open hunting season I'm up about 2 to 2 1/2 hours before legal shooting time. Gotta have time to kick back and relax with my coffee on the porch. Then I need a little time to get the morning business, my preparation routine, etc. out the way before I leave to hit the woods. Depending on how tired I am I could be in bed from 8:00 to 9:30. That is unless it's early bow season when it seems difficult to be able to hit the bed before 10:30.

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