my dog please


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Well i was out at my grandparents house today shooting some test loads for my 22-250. Sometime during the day he got into diesel.....he didnt drink any but my Paw paw must have spilled some on the ground. I think he rolled in it because he had it all over the side of his face and neck like when a dog rolls in something dead. How can i get the diesel smell off of him? Just a normal bath with shampoo? Diesel doesnt normally bother me but im tired of catching a whiff and my hands smelling like it after i pet him.

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I'd go with a good scented dish soap too. Cut's the grease better. Wash him twice is you have to.

And if anyone you know has some purdy smelling oil of essence , you can put a few drops of that on the back of his neck, and rub in around a bit.

I can still smell the scent I put on our dog over 6 months ago. Sure beats smelly dog..LOL;)

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the evening it happened i just took a wet wash cloth and rubbed his head and neck down good. I never got around to giving him a bath and he doesnt smell anymore that ive notice. Thanks for the info guys. I still cant figure out where he got into the diesel at. My grandpa said he didnt spill any so who knows where he found it. lol

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Our dogs are bad to play under the dozer. My white come in with black all over him. I use cheap shampoo from walmart and just scrub him down then some kind of conditioner we got at the pet store that makes them smell like cotton candy. They also make spray on stuff that conditions coats and freshens the dog.

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