been here long time. don't post much just read.seen lot of good people come and go. lot of good info passed on and some not so good.still get on few times a week just to see whats going on
garndson hiding from me.hes got to much energy wears me him to death but ready for his mom to come pick him up.after 3 days im wore out.few more yrs can get him hunting with me and boys cant wait
Stay safe over there. My son is on his 4th deployment over there Libya this time.If you where in central IL. would be honored to hunt with you. Thank you for what your doing.
sorry didnt know how old he was. stepdad didnt get his eighter for fulton county. last 3 yrs he didnt get black powder tags eighter. but we knew guys from out of state that got them.its a messed up state
i know the dates may not match . but can you buy an over the counter youth permit for hem. just a thought . that way he can have a chance to take a bird also.