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Everything posted by hoss

  1. UBB9-ML-1175951-ML-
  2. 2006 Deer Harvest Information The IDNR is reporting that Fulton County Harvested 278 antlerless deer during the 2007 Three Day Late Winter Antlerless Only Deer Gun Seasons! This is an increase of 130 deer from the 148 deer taken during 2006 Late Winter Season. Fulton County ranked fourth in harvested deer during the late winter season. Pike County lead with (559) followed by Jefferson with (328), Randolph with (287), Fulton (278) and Wayne with (271). The totals for the State during the 2006/2007 Late Season were 9,075 deer. this was up almost 4,000 deer from the 2005/2006 late winter season harvest of 5,128 deer. It will be interesting to see what the impact this harvest will have on the 2007/2008 state estimated deer herd numbers. Fulton County Archery Deer Hunters harvested 1,566 deer during the 2006/2007 archery season. This was one deer shy of the 2005/2006 archery season total of 1,577 deer. Overall Fulton County finished second in the state almost 3,000 deer behind Pike's record breaking harvest of 4,248 deer during the 2006/2007 archery season. This is the second straight year that Pike county archers have taken over 4,000 deer. This is also the second straight year that Pike county bowhunters have harvested more deer than the gun hunters in Pike County. During the 2006/2007 gun season Pike county gun hunters harvested 3,795 deer. It truly is an amazing statistic when you consider that bowhunting accounted for the most harvested deer in the top deer county in Illinois! The top counties for the 2006/2007 archery season were: Pike (4,248), Fulton (1,556), Jefferson (1,513), Adams (1,481) and Peoria (1,391). Congratulations to all of the Illinois deer hunters on a fine season.
  3. hoss

    Another Pitt Bull Kill

    Re: Another Pitt Bull Kill Strut10 Your right but at a glance most people would class hem as a pitt puppy.
  4. hoss

    Another Pitt Bull Kill

    Re: Another Pitt Bull Kill It is a bad what happened and the man shoulded of killed the pitt. He had every right to do so. I dont blame the dogs in most of these cases but the owner and the way the dogs were raised. Dogs are almost like kids in most cases its all how there raised on how they turn out. Dogs and kids are not born bad they are made that way most of the time. Ive had pittbulls never had any problems with them. My kids were little then. The dogs wrer very good with them very protective of them and my house.I had to put them down becouse due to age and health not for being mean. A lot of people lump all bull dogs into the pitt bull breed but most of them are not pitts. Heres my new dog sure looks like a pitt bull puppy. You experts tell me what he is . When you get it rite Ill tell you what he is for sure.
  5. Re: Getting colder! -3 here without wind chill. for the last 14 yrs ive worked with 2300- 2900 degree steel and molten iron. so i realy hate cold weather today. my body just dont take it real well.
  6. hoss

    Wish me Luck

    Re: Wish me Luck good luck hope it works out
  7. hoss

    What do you do?

    Re: What do you do? i work 2nd shift. so i take a shower then play on the comp. for a bit then go to bed
  8. Re: Ten Year Survivor congrats. hope you have many more yrs
  9. Re: Daddy\'s gonna eat your fingers! lol
  10. Re: Gonna send in my name to be head coach of.... 8. Grades has to be C+ average. Our school has rules about, if you have two F's you are gone...off the team cannot play or practice, but if you Dint have a C+ average you will not play for me. This really pees me off when kids think they can coast because they play sports. Playing sports is a privilege and honor, not a right. Also I will check in with the teachers and if a player gets in deep crap during school, they will own me lines, just because they are in school and not on the court, their not out of the barn just yet. that is what my mother requsted of me to play sports. and i the same of my kids. we send kids to school to learn not play sports. lf you want to play in my house you earn it.
  11. Re: North Carolina Mountain Man...LMBO... lol..might be more truth to that then you know
  12. > Do you remember February 1993 when a young 3 yr. Old > was taken from a > Shopping mall in Liverpool, NY by two 10-year-old > boys? Jamie Bulger walked > away from his mother for only a second and Jon > Venables took his hand and > led him out of the mall with his friend Robert > Thompson. They took Jamie on > a walk for over 2 and a half miles, along the way > stopping every now and > again to torture the poor little boy who was crying > constantly for his > mommy. Finally they stopped at a railway track where > they brutally kicked > him, threw stones at him, rubbed paint in his eyes > and pushed > Batteries up his anus. It was actually worse than > this... > > What these two boys did was so horrendous that > Jamie's mother was forbidden > to identify his body. They then left his beaten > small body on the tracks so > a train could run him over to hide the mess they had > created. These two > boys, even being boys, understood what they did was > wrong, hence trying to > make it look like an accident. This week Lady > Justice Butler-Sloss has > awarded the two boys anonymity for the rest of their > lives when they leave > custody with new identities. We cannot let this > happen. They will also leave > early this year only serving just over half of > their sentence. One paper > even stated that Robert may go on to a University. > They are getting away > with their crime. > > They disgustingly and violently took Jamie's life > away - in return they get > a new life. > . If Robert and Jon could be so evil > at 10 years old, imagine > what they could do as adults! > I do rember it happening never knew the outcome.
  13. Re: ILLINOIS residents....Someone told me its illegal [ QUOTE ] does this mean you cant even plant corn fields!?!? [/ QUOTE ] The DNR is worred about deer congragating in one spot shuch as feeders or food piles. Tring to keep the spread of CWD down. So yes you can still plant fields and food plots. Dont make sences does it? Just my take on it.
  14. hoss


    Re: CHAT NIGHT i work 2nd. cant make it.you will probbly be debating the bears game anyway
  15. hoss

    Free Downloads

    Re: Free Downloads this site has every thing from books to programs. you just have to look for what you want. http://katz.ws/
  16. hoss

    ex. 101st airdorn ?

    Re: ex. 101st airdorn ? thanks every one a man is sending a set in the morning.
  17. I have a fovor to ask of x 101st members. Here it is my father was with in the late 60. He pasted a few yrs. ago. I just got his flag back from his old girlfriend. I put it in a display case with all his ribbons and medals but its missing something. Im tring to find a unit patch with the airborn tab for the dress green. He was proud of beening part of the 101st. He had one of the pretyest tattoos of the unit patch Iwill always rember that tattoo. So this is what im looking for if anyone has an xtra please let me know. heres a pic.
  18. This is the last weekend to hunt deer .Ive got two tags left. But with all the frezzing rain we got last nite I stayed home today. Maybe thes afternoon.I dont realy need another deer the boys and I have taking 4 yhis yr all together.If I was to get another I would just give it away.
  19. hoss

    Who claims the buck

    Re: Who claims the buck [ QUOTE ] Personally, I think you did the right thing. Just smile and say your welcome. You'll be a better man for it. Of course you could put in a little gentleman's dig every once in a while, and remind him he owes you one [/ QUOTE ] me to
  20. hoss


    Re: Reflex i boght an ezcursion in 04 . they are nice bows for the$. i think it was $270.00 bare bow. the excersion was there lower end bow then . there not a real speed demon. i shoot 64lb- at 28 in draw and get 250ftps. the excersion then was the same bow as the hoyt mt sport not sure about now soposed to be all new desing. for the $ you cant go wrng with reflex.
  21. Re: Exercise for older members!!! thats good
  22. Re: Layoffs Coming [ QUOTE ] Good luck Dustin, work on your education because no one can take that away from you and it will only help you in the future. [/ QUOTE ] thats true im with this answer
  23. hoss

    Who claims the buck

    Re: Who claims the buck you did the best thing in my eyes. i have put many wounded deer down. if nobody comes through tracking in a few hrs. ill tag the deer.but in your case you knew they were looking for this deer. yes your shot killed the deer . but i would have let them have the deer also.not worth loosing a friend or a place to hunt over. seen alot friendships end over less.
  24. Re: What a waste... you see that every where its a shame. i give 3-4 deer away every yr. to older couples and people having a hard time making ends meet.i cant eat them all
  25. Re: Sign up to send Gus a card wayne (hoss)