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Everything posted by hoss

  1. ok thanks buckee. thats what iwas trying to figgure out
  2. hoss

    prom dance pic

    the boy and his girl friend. they been together 4 yr http://www.realtree.com/img/500/thumbs/prom_dance.jpg
  3. hoss


    welcome hope you enjoy it here
  4. I shot the Inovator 3 yrs ago. It was a very smoth and quite bow. Had little hand shock. Was prety fast and forgiving. There kinda ugly but over all was a nice bow. Almost bought it but it was left over stock from the yr befor and the shop owner wouldnt dicker with me. I may get one yet but I dont want last yrs or a few yrs old bow at this yrs price. Shoot one your self make your opp. Good luck
  5. hoss

    prom nite

    ya hes ready to go. i think he loves that car more then his girlfriend at times.
  6. hoss

    prom nite

    my youngest all dressed up for prom
  7. hoss


    fund these friday http://www.realtree.com/img/500/medium/roons_3.JPG http://www.realtree.com/img/500/medium/roons_1.JPG
  8. hoss


    i only go a few times. find 2 or 3 lbs just enough for two good messes . thats all i can eat.
  9. hoss


    i found these on friday the 27th.
  10. hoss

    saterday supper

    this is what im having
  11. Re: Music downloads http://katz.ws/ i use this one. can download just about anything for free. just click on what you want and fallow the instructions
  12. Re: Gonna be a Grandpa congrats. the best thing about grankids you can spoil the heck out of then and send them home. ive got 3 myself
  13. Re: How Big Of An Ole Boy Are Ya... 5-10 at 260 last time this was done we had a bunch of defencive lineman.
  14. Re: Best all around shotgun low budget I bought an 870 used 17 yrs ago. Only prob ive had is had to replace the extractor. Great gun .
  15. hoss

    im knew here

    Re: im knew here welcome, i cant spell eighter or just have fat fingers
  16. Re: New member welcome great looking bird
  17. Re: hey hey im new to welcom stick around the fun is just starting
  18. hoss

    new granduaghter

    Re: new granduaghter her mom and granma say no camo. but its still early in her life. she will be a camo clad angle befor long
  19. hoss

    new granduaghter

    She was born on Dec. 4th. Carlee and daddy Carlee new born Carlee Christmas And cant forget Carlee and granpa
  20. Re: 870 pressed in bead? [ QUOTE ] I put a dab of White Out on mine. It's been there for three or four years. Lot easier fix! [/ QUOTE ] thats what i did
  21. hoss

    BOO the Grammy's

    Re: BOO the Grammy\'s dont watch dont listen to them eighter
  22. Re: Keep your family safe!! Im sure every state has a link on there state police web site. Thank you for posting. Heres a a better link for Ill. Just go to left side of page and put in name of county or persons name you want to search. Icheck this site quite often. I was amazed at some of the people i knew or went to school or haved worked with that are on it. Just goes to show that you realy dont know people. http://www.isp.state.il.us/sor/sor.cfm
  23. 2006 Deer Harvest Information The IDNR is reporting that Fulton County Harvested 278 antlerless deer during the 2007 Three Day Late Winter Antlerless Only Deer Gun Seasons! This is an increase of 130 deer from the 148 deer taken during 2006 Late Winter Season. Fulton County ranked fourth in harvested deer during the late winter season. Pike County lead with (559) followed by Jefferson with (328), Randolph with (287), Fulton (278) and Wayne with (271). The totals for the State during the 2006/2007 Late Season were 9,075 deer. this was up almost 4,000 deer from the 2005/2006 late winter season harvest of 5,128 deer. It will be interesting to see what the impact this harvest will have on the 2007/2008 state estimated deer herd numbers. Fulton County Archery Deer Hunters harvested 1,566 deer during the 2006/2007 archery season. This was one deer shy of the 2005/2006 archery season total of 1,577 deer. Overall Fulton County finished second in the state almost 3,000 deer behind Pike's record breaking harvest of 4,248 deer during the 2006/2007 archery season. This is the second straight year that Pike county archers have taken over 4,000 deer. This is also the second straight year that Pike county bowhunters have harvested more deer than the gun hunters in Pike County. During the 2006/2007 gun season Pike county gun hunters harvested 3,795 deer. It truly is an amazing statistic when you consider that bowhunting accounted for the most harvested deer in the top deer county in Illinois! The top counties for the 2006/2007 archery season were: Pike (4,248), Fulton (1,556), Jefferson (1,513), Adams (1,481) and Peoria (1,391). Congratulations to all of the Illinois deer hunters on a fine season.