2006 Deer Harvest Information
The IDNR is reporting that Fulton County Harvested 278 antlerless deer during the 2007 Three Day Late Winter Antlerless Only Deer Gun Seasons! This is an increase of 130 deer from the 148 deer taken during 2006 Late Winter Season.
Fulton County ranked fourth in harvested deer during the late winter season. Pike County lead with (559) followed by Jefferson with (328), Randolph with (287), Fulton (278) and Wayne with (271). The totals for the State during the 2006/2007 Late Season were 9,075 deer. this was up almost 4,000 deer from the 2005/2006 late winter season harvest of 5,128 deer. It will be interesting to see what the impact this harvest will have on the 2007/2008 state estimated deer herd numbers.
Fulton County Archery Deer Hunters harvested 1,566 deer during the 2006/2007 archery season. This was one deer shy of the 2005/2006 archery season total of 1,577 deer. Overall Fulton County finished second in the state almost 3,000 deer behind Pike's record breaking harvest of 4,248 deer during the 2006/2007 archery season. This is the second straight year that Pike county archers have taken over 4,000 deer. This is also the second straight year that Pike county bowhunters have harvested more deer than the gun hunters in Pike County. During the 2006/2007 gun season Pike county gun hunters harvested 3,795 deer. It truly is an amazing statistic when you consider that bowhunting accounted for the most harvested deer in the top deer county in Illinois!
The top counties for the 2006/2007 archery season were: Pike (4,248), Fulton (1,556), Jefferson (1,513), Adams (1,481) and Peoria (1,391). Congratulations to all of the Illinois deer hunters on a fine season.