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Everything posted by Nut

  1. Worked yesterday...went for ice cream with grand daughter. Took nap. Today we slept in so she missed church. Got my couple of gifts and now only thing planned is naps.
  2. Good stuff. I living through it with a 5 year old grand daughter we have custody. Plenty of funny things from her.
  3. Completed my goal. Drinking beer while son mowed the yard. Good job me.
  4. Nut

    Bucket List

    Any hunt ...anywhere. Hopefully my health will improve.
  5. Between me trying to die and forgetting my password I am still around.
  6. Only Concealed Handgun Licenses issued on or after March 23, 2015 are treated as compliant for background approval. Just thought I would add that .
  7. Great pictures and memories! Congratulations!
  8. Happy Full Retirement Steve!
  9. They grow faster than we realize. Congrats
  10. She still is ignoring it. However anything Realtree she keeps lol
  11. Best line from today. My son Martin hands his daughter Leah a Mossy Oak Camo pillow he got her. It wasn't wrapped. Leah says "I don't want this I want a gift" and throws it away.
  12. Good to see your post.
  13. Nut


    Gardening done by buckets here. That what happens when you move to a place made of clay.
  14. Only ever liked day shift. 2nd and 3rd shift for me meant I only had a life on weekends.
  15. Nut


    Yep it is good to hear from you Steve. Glad things are doing well up there.
  16. Nut

    How Did You?

    Friday night at home. Slept in Saturday morning then went to cousins place at Indian Lake. Took a ride on the lake,had a cookout then to the dirt track and watched the races. Had one driver Life flight out. Talked with cousin til 3am lol. Left Sunday around 1pm and the the rest of the weekend sick in bed.
  17. Prayers go out. My mother in law was told she had cancer (lung) on Christmas Eve.
  18. Nut


    I love venison. Never had Mulie though.
  19. Yep we pay for insurance we are afraid to use....trouble is that I end up using it anyway. I am currently making a decision on some medications. Guess I will go for the lower cost one with more possible side effects. Cost difference is $1100 a moth to $20 a month. My deductable is $3500 so I would have to come up with the cash for the one only 3 months....but what would I eat? Our plan is going up 17% so I will pay $4200 for my share.
  20. long time reader..1st time posting:D Great thread . It looks like a lot of work but very enjoyable work. Hope the results are enjoyable also. :rockon:
  21. Nut

    Bad Grandpa.

    Yea I get into more trouble for what she does than her....I have broad shoulders