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Everything posted by Nut

  1. Nut

    Not good news

    Re: Not good news Wish the best for you and will say a prayer.
  2. Re: Camo! what\'s your perfered choice? Realtree Hardwoods and Advantage Timber are the top 2 in my closet But I will be getting some new clothes in the Max4 camo and the wife is making me some shirts and pants with some Xtra Brown material we have
  3. Nut

    Another post

    Re: Another post heck I am still trying to get to 900 Congrats on 4000
  4. Re: Best time of day? I'll say mornings also(we close at noon also)
  5. Re: Bow or Gun? If I manage to get a bird using the shotgun I will go for a second one using either a crossbow or my compound.
  6. Re: Camo I usually use Hardwoods mixed with Advantage Timber double A I think I have a hat like the one in your pic
  7. Nut

    Hunting partner

    Re: Hunting partner Great pic and a proud dad!
  8. Re: I miss you, Dad... Thanks for sharing your memory and love for your Dad.
  9. Re: Question about the next years spring season So true Strut so true. That is one reason people get a favorite spot. If tthere is no change in the food source and habitat the turkeys will return to same general area each year at the same time period. Same way with fall
  10. Re: Fall Turkey Hunting Doing it like Strut posted is the main way of fall hunting. I also would scout until you know the travel routes of the turks. Then you can also ambush em like a deer.
  11. Nut

    If I could

    I was able to take my Dad out for a dove hunt last weekend. We didnt see any doves but we shared some time in the outdoors. I also had my 3 sons with me which made it even more special. My Dad had a heart transplant 3 years ago and I am grateful to God for the xtra time we have to talk and enjoy each others company.
  12. Re: New to turkey hunting, so many questions In my experiences turkeys will change roost sites if pressured somewhat. Always have more than one place to set up on turkeys. If they get used to people coming to them from one direction they will leave in the oppposite direction. They also will shut up per se. So do not bank on one area or roost site.
  13. Re: Turkey or Deer, which is more exciting to hunt For me it is Turkey hunting without a doubt.
  14. Nut


    Hey TR will we be allowed to use signatures?