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Everything posted by RTF

  1. I go back longer then 11 years, so I must be an old fart now :yes:
  2. RTF

    Anyone Ice Fish?

    Thought I'd share this very cool Ice Fishing App if you do. http://icefishingdigest.com/
  3. Awesome story. Very hard to find a woman of that caliber in today's society
  4. From time to time I am asked to reconstruct antlers. This particular set was missing the entire right side. The hunter wanted a matched repair job. Here is the latest set I repaired. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.635257683204228.1073741828.159566954106639&type=3
  5. Did this one for my wife's nephew a few weeks ago. [ATTACH=CONFIG]14069[/ATTACH]
  6. RTF

    Kansas Buck

    Thanks guys. Been real busy and I'm just seeing the replies now.
  7. If the squirrels. chipmunks and field mice find your skull, you wont have any antlers left.
  8. RTF

    Red Camo Dip

    What did they charge you for that?
  9. RTF

    Kansas Buck

    [ATTACH=CONFIG]temp_13636_1425630278267_429[/ATTACH] Had the cape and antlers come back with one of my clients who went on a trip last winter. Finished it up last month.
  10. There are a few Sheriffs in NY who are dead against the SAFE Act. They have gone as far as to publicly announce they will not enforce it. We need to be sure these Sheriffs are re-elected and remain in office.
  11. I live in NY. I just walked into Dicks Sporting goods a few weeks ago and asked for .22's . Guy said yep pulled out a box of 50 rounds and I believe before tax it was under $3.00 a box. Where the heck in NY are seeing $10 a box??? Same Dicks store, I walked in last Friday and didnt even have to ask for a box of 30-06. They are just sitting on the shelf and the price is the same I have been paying for the last few years here in NY. Before tax they were marked $20
  12. RTF

    What Do You Think

    One thing I love to do in my spare time is to make common creative videos. If you don't know what common creatives are, you will have to Google it. Youtube makes it easy for anyone to put together a common creative video from within their video manager page. I think they call it Remix. Anyhow I did this video a few months ago and wanted some feedback on it. Dont Give Up America! - YouTube
  13. RTF

    Sons First Bow Kill

    Thanks everyone for the replies. He came home from school that day and headed to the stand at around 3:45 PM. At around 6 he heard a deer off in the distance running down the hill. The kid grunted a few times and waited. He heard the deer get closer but would not commit and couldn't see it. He then used his bleat call and the deer came running in even closer but from behind him. He saw antlers through the trees (the canopy below him was still somewhat filled in back behind the stand) At 36 yards the deer stopped and he could see he had a vital kill shot through an opening and took it. it was his first time ever shooting a bow from the tree stand at a live target. Yes it was a Rage broadhead. The next night he got cocky and took a 50 yard shot at a big doe, where he learned that deer actually do jump the string (clean miss) LOL. Wyatt practices at 40 to 60 yards all summer long so making that shot was not going to be a problem for him. Some of you old timers on here might remember Wyatt from years ago when I posted a picture of him shooting a kids long bow when he was around 5 or 6 years old out in the back yard. He was dressed in hunting clothes with a face mask on and I had no idea he was shooting at my target when I peaked out the window to check on him. Oh btw the kid is 17 years old and all the archery equipment you see in the pic he worked for and paid for on his own. He has one heck of summer job working for a big company in Cooperstown NY who brings people from all over the world in each and every summer to play baseball. Google Cooperstown Dreams Park.
  14. Along with his first ever buck kill. Opening day in NY [ATTACH=CONFIG]13841[/ATTACH]
  15. RTF

    Little Ones

    Yep and they are flapping their wings already. Are birds are here in march nesting
  16. Your sure getting a collection. Congrats Ruth
  17. Thanks! Just about every form you mount on must be altered one way or another. You cannot just slap a cape onto a form expecting it to fit like a glove. It doesn't work that way.
  18. RTF

    I Have Been Busy

    Tom those bucks look real nice. Love the mounts.
  19. Here is a picture gallery of an alteration I had to do last year. The form in question only came with a right or left look. The supplier did not manufacture a straight full sneak look. So we must improvise. Within the gallery, click on the picture to get a full description of whats going on. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.531181790278485.1073741826.159566954106639&type=3
  20. RTF

    I Have Been Busy

    The deer forms we use all come like that but in all honest truth that muscle is there in a live deer that is in full rut. The next time you get a chance to skin out a northern rut deer look at the neck muscle structure. Deer necks are not round or tubed like, as some suspect.
  21. RTF

    I Have Been Busy

    More to go [ATTACH=CONFIG]13400[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]13401[/ATTACH]
  22. RTF

    Little Ones

    Saw my first group of goslings yesterday for the season.
  23. RTF

    Can't wait!

    Show some pics Ruth