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Everything posted by texastrophies

  1. 2009-2010 RT Forum Deer Contest - ENTRY This is the thread for entering your deer in the contest. Some states will have their season started before teams are drawn. If you have signed-up and are in a state that starts early, you may go ahead and enter your deer with the required photos/info and when teams are drawn the points will get awarded properly. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENTERING A DEER To submit an entry a participant must include in the 2009-2010 RT Forum Deer Contest - ENTRY thread... Your screen name. If applicable, the number of tines that are longer than 1 inch (main beam counts). Your team number and name to help me out. A photo of participant with the deer, photo should show at least show the entire front half of the deer or more - this is to avoid any possible accusations concerning people entering mounts. NOTE 1: This picture HAS to show both the deer AND THE HUNTER, pics of only the deer will not be counted. NOTE 2: Picture of just the caped out head, skull plate, or skull mount will not be counted. NOTE 3: Photo(s) that all scorable tines can be seen in. If 1" tine is questionable supply a photo with a measurement against the tine for verification.[ NOTE 4: A photo of legal tag.This is a MUST, no deer will be entered without a pic of the tag. The tag pic has been the #1 reason for entries not being counted in the contest - DON'T FORGET YOUR TAG PIC FOR PARTICIPANTS IN STATES THAT DO NOT HAVE A TAGGING SYSTEM write the following information down on a piece of paper, your forum name, date deer was taken, state deer was taken in, print and sign your name - scan or take a pic of that info and supply it instead of the tag pic. PLEASE READ - TAG PICTURES FOR CONTEST The main reason for the tag picture is for me to discern a date. That means I have to be able to read the info on the tag. If there is info on the tag that you don't want public such as your address, phone # etc then cover it up or block it out in the photo. What I NEED to see on the tag is your name and a date. SCORING 5 points for a deer. Buck or Doe. 1 additional point will be added for every point on a rack of 1 inch or more. Participant score will consist of 1 deer. If you are allowed to shoot more than 1 deer you may upgrade your score by submitting the new deer, this will cancel out your previous deer. Thanks
  2. Team #21 is: Monsterbucks 1 Mirage Muff whitetailtrax the one IN_hunter Iowadeerhunter Tominator
  3. Team #20 is: KentuckyTurkey njbowhunter27 pointingdogsrule Michiganbowhunter_SQ2 Buckee dodgeman1 Iabow bulldawg
  4. Team #19 is: Cinch314 elkoholic deer slayer08 fenderhunt4 Shawn texastrophies Jeramie Coorsdrifter
  5. Team #18 is: Randy PotashRLS pendog ruttinbuc Redryder The_Kat Storiale stcif
  6. Team #17 is: BucknRut Maryland Bowhunter Griz Crazylegz70 Chrud Slash VABuckSlayer Ambuscher
  7. Team #16 is: NiteRunner flyrod64 ny_gun LLBUX youngbuck30230 Shaun_300 Rhino Buckhunter76
  8. Team #15 is: rhine16 Tom2008 Bowhntr kidd arrow32 Mossyhorn Kels CampRags
  9. Team #14 is: Struttinhoyt Stone Cold USAFbowhunter Mathews XT Man Redkneck dogdoc Fullfan JJL
  10. Team #13 is: sskybnd fly turkeygirl Mike jm23494 DSGB Buckslayer Bighoytman
  11. Team #12 is: hunter109 KirkV MCH coles brad dryden CTBowMan jkapp01 JackedUpZ71
  12. Team #11 is: Lay on the Smackdown slaw Straight Shooter HoytnMuzzyboy Huntaholic1 Canuck2 ADjam5 JimT
  13. Team #10 is: toddyboman cutter10x hoosierhunter Squirrelhunter91 (Y) elkhntnfool Tedicast 4Blade Smitteken
  14. Team #9 is: Spnaky72 Hunt or be Hunted (Y) backwoods07 Gus Strut10 nysbuckmaster Rem308 whiskeyswamp
  15. Team #8 is: Ohiobucks Wiwhitetailhunter slughunter mo_hunter clrj3514 (Y) csualumni21000 Mach1 Tetro
  16. Team #7 is: HUNTINGMAN bluelund79 LifeNRA Dakota Blayze Bowjoe oldksnarc ShaneB (Y)
  17. Team #6 is: Wimpy WaCoyote Hammer (Y) maddhunter need2hunt AdvantageTimberLou Cybertech hound819 muzzy916
  18. Team #5 is: The_Dawg Bowtech_archer07 Nswhitetail NY_Bowhunter14 MallardPrincess Casey aujack (Y) MichiganHunter
  19. Team #4 is: ohiobuckhunter HunterLuke (Y) elnor SuperMn106 mrswtnhunt Mudrunner Tony Wilfinator
  20. Team #3 is: Texan Til I Die BLH Washi RangerClay lilmisswtnhunt (Y) deerhunter10 AaronS Parkergirl
  21. Team Sweet String Music is: snake3113 c_lou Snipe unioncountyslayer HunterBLake (Y) woolybear mike13candace deerslayer06
  22. Team #1 is: RackBlaster 8ptbuckpa Deerslayer2295 Mathews4life Craig Mack sureshot Shedhunternick (Y) swohiodave
  23. The rules are set for this year, they will not change. You have until tomorrow to get signed up if you are eligible under the rules. If you have a problem with the rules, or do not agree with them, then it is pretty simple, DON'T SIGN UP. To take this a step further, I just checked on the 500 post count issue. If that was the limit, we would delete over a third of the people who signed up, including 7 youths. Then you take out the people that haven't been here for a year on top of that, (which I don't have the number on) and you will end up with just a handfull of teams or a bunch of teams with just a couple of members on each. I honestly believe the way it is setup now, while it may not be perfect, I think it is a pretty good system. I understand people want team members that participate, but, you don't always get what you want.
  24. http://www.realtree.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88400 The rules are at that link.
  25. Looks to me like the hotdogs will be done in about 15 minutes when the water starts to boil.:bat::bat::bat: