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Everything posted by Strut10

  1. Been fighting lower back issues since very early this year. I have no idea if I'll even be able to sit in a treestand. Beyond that....... I've gotten a grand total of 1 buck that is even remotely close to one I'd even consider shooting. The 2 bucks from last year that I am wanting to see.......... I've gotten no pics of either. I'm only HOPING that one or both still live. I didn't hear of either getting shot last year. But they could have been a couple miles away, too. And then there's the highway............. The split tine buck, although not really much to write home about, I know for a fact was 3.5 years last year. My guess on the bigger deer was 4.5 years, last year. Hoping one or both survived. Hoping I can even get into the woods to look for them.
  2. VERY nicely done !!!! Congrats on a good deer !!!!!!!!!
  3. Best tracking light I've ever found is a propane Coleman lantern.
  4. Talk about a target-rich environment !!!!!!!!!! SHEESH !!!!!!!
  5. CONGRATS on the backstraps !!!! Great re-cap !!!!
  6. DANG IT, Al !!!!!!!!!! You are DEFINITELY diggin' where there's taters !!!! Can't wait to see which one gets your tag hung on it. Best of luck, buddy !!!!!
  7. Running a trail cam where I intend to put an archery stand for my daughter. Wasn't expecting these........ [img][/img] [img][/img]
  8. It moved in HERE today.............40-42 degrees tonight...........38-40 degrees tomorrow night........... Next Saturday is our opener. Hoping to be in the tree with my older daughter (28 years old and this is her first year bowhunting). Hoping to be a second set of eyes and talk her through the process, should a buck show up. Did get a pic of a really pretty 2.5 year 8-pointer right where her stand will be. It would make her (or anyone) a dandy first bow buck.
  9. Some DARNED nice bucks !!!! Sheesh !!!! Best of luck, buddy !!!! Hang some tags !!!
  10. Strut10

    Rib Cage

    No way I'm passing that deer. Even though he's figured out how to survive to this only takes one stupid little road trip on his part after a hot doe and the neighbors light him up. I deal with much of the same on our property.
  11. DANG, son !!!!!!!! Those are some studs !!!! Absolutely nothing even REMOTELY close to those on cam here, yet. Probably won't be either. There's 2 bucks from last year that I think survived. One will be 4.5 Y.O. this year. The other one, I'm guessing 5.5 or 6.5 Y.O. The 4.5 will likely not be any sort of monster as he was (heavy) entirely inside his ears last year. But had some neat character. The other one............. IF he survived and is still in our neighborhood could be a real contender. Best of luck to you, this season, buddy !!! Can't wait to see a tag or two hanging on those beasts !!!
  12. Strut10

    Been a while

    CONGRATS, Al !!!!!!! Good to hear from you !!!
  13. Ain't THAT the truth ??? 😟
  14. Still here, too. We're a dying breed. The turkey contest could definitely be resurrected. I just kinda figured with all the more participation in the turkey forum................. You know.
  15. Strut10

    August 1st

    PA is hit or miss anymore. Most mixed ag/woodland areas are still covered up with deer. The rub is..........most of it's posted solid and you ain't hunting ANYWHERE there. As more and more ground gets posted, the commission issues more and more tags hoping to make up for the lack of opportunity. The big woods regions of the central and northern parts of the state are pretty slim on deer. There's a couple of those units that are sold out of doe tags already. They always sell out. Total available doe tags made available state wide this year was 948,000
  16. Strut10

    August 1st

    Wow............ Get with the times. LOL !!!!!!! Our license here went on sale June 13th. Our first round resident antlerless application was opened July 11th. Second round resident opened Aug. 2nd. Third round for unsold is Aug 15th. I got e-notification that my first two antlerless tags are a done deal. Probably apply for a third. May use it if I draw. May not. There's currently 32000+ tags available in my WMU
  17. No more youths..................... Not much of ANYONE anymore, honestly................ Darned shame.
  18. Couple of real solid deer right there !!! Know what you mean about being hesitant to pass on a deer like that 14. Our property harbors some decent bucks. But it doesn't HOLD them. The best deer I had last year got shot a mile away on the gun opener. Whadda ya do with that ?? Best of luck with whatever happens this coming season. It is always nice to have a situation present an easy that 14 NOT being the first deer you see. LOL !!!
  19. Strut10


    CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Happy 4th on the 5th Martin !!!!
  21. Strut10


    Hope you're back up and running in no time. Vax or not............everyone's gonna get it. Hopefully, if you took the jab, it'll lessen the severity of the symptoms.
  22. Probably should be in the handgun room, but............ Check out Buffalo Bore ammo.
  23. My problem is that a big majority of the beards I have are just tossed into a box with no way to identify when or where. But they'll hang, nonetheless.
  24. Neat way to keep track of when...........