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Everything posted by Rhino

  1. Re: shot at one hit or miss???? She's hit and sounds like she's hit good too. You should recover her today.
  2. Re: Did I do the right thing...??? The way I look at it you were doing them a favor and they should have respected your wishes. Like others have said, I would have done the same thing only sooner. I sort of have the fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me attitude.
  3. Re: Oklahoma Primative Deer Congrats Okbwhtr, nice buck.
  4. Re: First Oklahoma Bow harvest for 2004 Congrats Okbwhtr, you had one heck of a weekend.
  5. Rhino

    Umm, Yeah....

    Re: Umm, Yeah.... LMBO I wonder if he's thinking white strip on back will fight you back now and still go for the other cats.
  6. Rhino


    Re: Newbie Welcome Tim
  7. Rhino


    Re: Fencelines [ QUOTE ] I told him Im hunting the state side and he told me thats fine. [/ QUOTE ] Sounds like you already covered your bases with the farmer so there shouldn't be a problem. LOL Chris and say hello to the farmer the next time you see him. Maybe even give him some meat when you bag a deer from that stand. Who knows, that might lead to you getting permission to hunt the other side of the fence too.
  8. Re: What would you do? [ QUOTE ] This is a no brainer! Let her shoot the lesser buck! I'm a dad with a 5 year old daughter myself and any father knows that there is no other feeling in this world that is more satisfying than sharing special moments with your kids! That small buck would mean more to both of you than you shooting that big buck ever will. [/ QUOTE ] Well said Scrub Hunter. Having gone through this with my own son, I totally agree with you. Don't forget to take the camera. It's a moment you'll want to save for the rest of your lives.
  9. Re: Question about shoulder shots with a bow Like most have said its not the ideal aim point but occasionally you will hit some deer in the shoulder blade when you're trying to shoot right behind it. I have too and some went only a short distance and dropped (one I recall within sight of my stand) and I also recall only one that I never recovered by hitting the shoulder blade. The one I didn't recover was hit with an expandable and that caused me to switch back to fixed blade broadheads. I've never had a problem getting penetration into the vitals with a fixed blade broadhead even with an accidental shoulder shot. Ideally like most, I prefer a slightly quartering away shot and aim for the off shoulder rather than just a broadside shot or a hard quartering away shot. As most of you know you don't always get your preferred angled shot opportunity. No matter how good a shot you are on the range, you will hit some deer in the shoulder from time to time. I prefer playing the odds and use a broadhead that maximizes penetration. In doing so I better my chances of getting penetration into the vitals even when I hit bone. BTW, most of the deer that I recall hitting through the shoulder either broke or bent the arrow. Better placed shots give me the chance to kill another deer with that arrow again.
  10. Re: Buck down!! *Pics are in* Congrats buckbuster11. Nice buck!
  11. Re: Should I shoot her, or let her walk? The fawns are plenty old enough to take care of themselves. Wack the doe if you want to but I always pass up fawns. Give them a chance to grow up.
  12. Rhino

    Just a note....

    Re: Just a note.... Just a note..........ditto.
  13. Rhino


    Re: SNOW,SNOW,SNOW Snow, what's that? We only get it about once every 3 years or so down here. I sure would be nice right now. They are predicting it will get into the 90's tomorrow.
  14. Re: I am so mad....this is unreal TG now that the shorts are gone your stand should be fine. Go ahead and hunt it if the wind is right and don't worry about it. The devil in me would do something like buying the largest pair of womens underware that I could find, soil them with a little mud and hang them near the culprits stand. I can be a little stinker sometimes.
  15. Re: Oh Man What Pain...Now That Hurts!!!!!!!! griz I'm sort of in the same boat as you are. I'm trying to get my right knee to last through next spring's turkey season. I've come close to hitting the floor a few times but I found something to get a hold of and get my good leg under me. My best friend went through knee surgery on both knees this past summer. He wished he had done it sooner. Piece of cake according to him. He was walking in no time and was essentially back to normal in about a month. His knees are better now than they've been in years. He's an old fart like us too.
  16. Re: My First Bow Kill (pic) Congrats HarvDog on what I hope is the 1st of many more for you. Nothing like that kind of feeling when you draw your bow on a deer huh? Looks like an Arkansas heart shot. Great recovery and congrats again.
  17. Rhino


    Re: Pray Sure thing Chris.
  18. Rhino

    I'm home!!

    Re: I\'m home!! Welcome home even if it's just for a short time. Hope the pain your were dealing with was taken care of and your surgery goes well next Wednesday. You're still in my prayers.
  19. Re: Average Price of an acre of land It depends on the location and whether or not it has marketable timber. Cutover will range from $1,200 to $1,500 per acre as long as its in a rural area. Land with marketable timber will go between $2,000 and $3,000 per acre provided its also in a rural area. Don't ask how much it is when you get close to a city. That's scary. Hunting leases range from a low of $7/ac. to over $30/ac. depending on location. We pay around $12/ac. for our hunting lease so $7.50/ac. in your neck of the woods sounds like a good deal to me.
  20. Re: My buddys 151\" bow kill Very nice buck! Congrats to your buddy Troy.
  21. Re: Whould you shoot a deer while waling to your stand As far as I'm concerned, I'm hunting from the time I head to my stand until I leave provided it's legal shooting hours. I can't think of a reason why you shouldn't switch your brain over to spot and stalk tactics when you aren't in a stand.
  22. Re: Youngest and oldest regulars on this forum? [ QUOTE ] [/ QUOTE ] And I thought the tooth brush was invented in Mississippi. Ya know for just the one you have left. Buckee you'd fit in down here as long as you used sign language. I'm feeling young again at 50.
  23. Re: 2004-05 R.T. Forum Deer Contest - Entry Thread Team Wack Um & Stack Um (Team 10) Rhino doe killed 10/14/04
  24. Re: **Big 9 point Swamp buck is dead to D-mans arrow** Congrats big guy on a great buck. Great to talk to you too. Thanks for calling. Yep looks like he'll go in the mid 120's to me. I love it when a plan comes together.
  25. Re: I am a LOSER..... I haven't done that yet Todd. I did forget my release one afternoon so I was a fingers shooter. No problem there though. Just wait on them to get a little closer. We might have to have a debate over the President of the Moron Club.