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Everything posted by SaskBucks

  1. Re: mulie pic Awesome deer!!! Would love to put my tag on something like fact I only have a couple days left to put it on something!!!
  2. Re: Anyone have pics of Canadian deer yet? That is an awesome cam pic!!! I would love to see him in the woods...where in Ontario are you?
  3. Re: Anyone have pics of Canadian deer yet? Here is mine from last year and LDB's from two years ago..
  4. Re: Favorite commercial! Loved the Dairy Queen commercial with the two idiots making weird sounds while eating a blizzard...
  5. Re: The Canadians go Quiet! It is quiet here...I still have my mulie tag but might not get to use it until the second week of rifle season now...hope there are some left...Cam is right, the big boys are not yet moving...I have seen a couple young ones with does
  6. Re: Good luck everyone! No luck this weekend...but that is why they call it hunting and not shopping...I'll call you tonight Sasksheds
  7. Re: Ratteling, when does it work? On Oct. 10 weekend I rattled in two whitetail bucks and my buddy rattled in a mule deer buck...the main thing is that you have to have bucks around...pre rut they will respond but there may be a lull in the week heading into two weeks before the rut...try it out...I was just tinkling the tines together rather softly...I also heard acouple bucks in different spots making rubs at the same time, one in front and one behind...there will be a lot of times when nothing comes in, but be ready, some will come in really quick and you will have to make a snap judgment...they will almost always circle downwind to smell you first, therefore have an opening to the downwind side of you...good luck
  8. Re: Clothing help? Buy a whole whack of those warmers that Cabelas offers...and an extra large battery for your camera... and keep your spare close to your body so it doesn't freeze well as the layers, get some polypropelene underwear so that it can wick away the moisture so you don't sweat and then have the fast freeze...good luck
  9. SaskBucks


    Re: tips For mulies, use the wind to your advantage, which means going across or against...scan the hillsides with a spotting scope or good binos...get out well before sun up to get them coming back from feeding if you know where they are...good luck
  10. Re: WILD TV??? Sasktel got back to me and said they are not adding any new channels right now, but would consider Wildtv when they do...
  11. I have talked with a few hunters from the U.S. and through our discussions they have expressed their frustrations with the amount of land they are able to hunt...this is where I am so thankful to live where I do...last week my buddy and I had 2560 acres all to ourselves to hunt...and this was PUBLIC land...pretty awesome
  12. Re: If unfired, how long can you leave a charge in? Thanks Rob, where in OK are you, I had college teammates from Broken Arrow, Guthrie, Lawton, and other places
  13. Re: WILD TV??? I emailed the wildtv people and asked them when the channel may be available on the different cable networks in Canada...I'll update you when they get back to me
  14. Re: Canadian forum member get together. I think it would be a great idea to get the Saskatchewan guys together, bring some sheds, some mounts, and some good stories...
  15. Re: response to rattling Good luck on that buck Cam!
  16. I read in big buck that wild tv Canada is coming it out anywhere yet...I have been going through withdrawl ever since TNN turned to Spike and got rid of all the hunting shows...the only one I get now is Fred Trost's Practical Sportsman and Michigan Out of Doors...I can't wait to get the new channel, if Shaw goes with it
  17. Re: Read on stand? I do, it helps me to relax a little and pass the time...I will read a couple lines and glance makes staying still easier as well..
  18. If unfired, how long can you leave a charge in? There is no moisture in or on the gun and I am using pyrodex pellets...what do you guys do?
  19. I was able to rattle in two whitetail bucks this was a 5 x 5 that would go in the 130's or low 140's ( I am kicking myself for not shooting him)...and the second was a yearling forkhorn that ran in looking for a fight...
  20. Re: Canadian forum member get together. I am in Saskatoon
  21. Hey everyone...nice to see they opened something for us Canucks..."How's she goin'?" out to everybody
  22. The bucks have to be wintering in that specific area at the time of shedding. I would expand your area search and keep walking, walking, walking. Try to walk the same chunk of land in a totally different manner. Use different travel routes and directions. The key is to walk slow, and to stop once in a while and scan. Use binos as well. Good luck, I hope you find some sheds. I got a little 7 month old that I hope will become a shed hunting parnter with the two current ones I have. How old are your young ones??? How young can we start em?